N-A 46 I R A T I YfV .OF- - A'H'
C-H a p. wijd^tepdifg b e bkd jpaadf %% w k k $¥&
Cari.^bs^j Warow.a, and AraWakka. Indians, as. wejkgs
with, a few; r«firawa,y negroes, whohad been fytUpd at Rip
-Copenarne! imoe t^x-e E^glifh left, the colony, m
This .ijpf^ptip^egentleman’s reign, however* laf|e.d
but a fhort -Qpace, viz. till the year? 1-6S8, wkeo, .qp t^p
fame,day, both tl^ .governor ^qd: Mf •
Vefbpam, were murdered, by tbeir-own; fo).dj^$s> o^ing,
as. was, afledged, to, th^ia;^h^^g;i ^ - q ^ . - :^ ^ ^ j^ ith^.rl|^p.
to work like negroes in digging YfP
obliged^ them to fubfttt, on very ,ba$r a%4; fcbtt allowance,
wbdcb drove them tp aChef?: de^p^a|ioi| ^,0jjl qm
forry to fay this treatment is too frequently the cafe in
the fettlpments, as I fhall afterwards hayeoecadpn- to
prove. -Snob indeed was
lins, that they offered to give ip their defence, and affign
their reafons for committing t^is a ^ o f crueltyv
As the particulars of the aflafiinatipn aye qpf upjote-
refting, I fhall beg leave to trefpaft, upon the readQI'^s
patience by a brief recital of the tranftCtion.
The governor was walking under a grove q£ orange-
trees, near his own houfe, with Mr. Yerbpom, when
unexpectedly ten or twelve armed fbldiers (feemingly
drunk) accofted them, and immediately infixed; on. left
work and better fubiMence. The governor drawing his
* Somelfdyk had die character of a
tyrant; he was, under Ihe cloak of religion,
defpotic, paffionate, brutal, and.,
cruel j he even ordered an Indian chief’s
head to_be ftruck of? for fonae domeftjc
mifdemeanour, for which he coüld 'ftót
produce, elgec[ajly. in , thpfe. days,, the
fmalleft fhadow of authority.
E X PE D l l 'I t ) N TO SURINAM,
fVotd to ïldité théba back, Was: inftantähtöufly fhot
tbröügh the b!dd^*' iMMan^?!plaüêk, and died üpoïi the
fjjot) Ml fcbMpähföny' on the cfthef band, received but
orte wnliflS/knid rdïd? hot expire till the ninth day after.
This dbiiei "fee riotbr^, ’atcdnipanied by feVeral acCom-
plfcési maVcfïrèd in tritltnph to feört -Zélandia, which they-
rook without fefiftadoeyand made themffelves matters o f
the günpcdrafèir aha Vi^ïtialïii^ imgazihési- After this>
the’g*dr1kfbkhävM§; jbirted th'errt,:ihe^'f6rmed a ring, and
ehofeTOut from amOng them. aébMthdnHer in chief, and-
ßwerälbthef ofËcefè toVhom they 'all feóre to be faith-
' fjbl, as alfo to each other, to thedäft drop of their blood.
Whä't iS1 v^fy remakkäble, is,- that their iiew chief, the:
Very fathe afternoö'rij ordered the hblly ’Bf the maflacred-
goverhor/Somelfdykytobe interred in-Fort Zélandia wife
deCerifcy'ahd'military honours ; and bvem th e ’great guns-
w^éfe* fired from' the Walfe and three rounds with fm all’
arms' by the rebels*
The magiftrates and ufeef inhabitant!? of Surinam now
■&yheld: thomfelves^ in a moil tttfpiëaftnt- 'fifeatióh,* and!
■irêre oibïigbd'even to entiér'dntó a capitulation with the in-'
furgehts in the fort, the principal atffdfek of which were»,
that the latter flioüld' evacuate Fort Z'elandiay fob which’,
they were to receive ä few hundred poürids; that theyweré
then to be permitted tti-embark on board the tranfport
fhip Salamander, to quit thé cóïöny without moleftation,
and to Yet fair for what part of the World they fhould
prefer : they! accordingly, to the amount o f above one: