motive of procuring -food, particuhitiy on ;tho o f an-
approaching ftorm, of which' he appears perfectly ^fen^
fible. The -circumftance-, which jcjfiefly Jepti.tlea^fhevdo-
rado to our attention is^the unrivaled and dazzling ^rily
liancyLo£Vits colours in-the water, ;the whole; of its* bank
being enamelled with-Tpots, betjyeen«. azftre bfui^nd a
refledting light fe^-gr^en, on ground,-!which
appears, as t belpangled all pyer jW-ith^e v^l^and, fo?mS
a vmoft4 beautiful contrail: - to the - belly-j^hich isjj of a
whitilh call; the. fins and tail?ar^^f^g’^Mepi'd^:- the
length of,this animal is-Trom five to.lijc f^t^a,nditsJ|o|mr
tapers from the headtowjpirds rthe^tai-1,. which/is. divided#
and terminates-not unlike thedhape of ,a £E&fcen,t., .The
head is round, and preceded; by a kind pf dho^t^tljs ,jaws>
are armed with .feyeral fhar<p jeeth, an<d the pyes.^are
remarkably large.. The fcales of they!arahpvaF,e:Hnpom-
monly {mall, and it, is furnilhed with a fiiiy, which s runs
along its hack from the,thp.-pthpr.^ ^
Our progrefs .was - now. daily., rna^lcgd<,by ^ja^eafing
warm weather, which releafed me from the* confinepaput
of a . difagreeable cabin crowded' with officers,;«moffc of
whom had never been to fea, andi enahle^me; to purfue
my favourite amufements, whether of reading above deck,
or exercife in the Tigging. Thus circumftanced I, on the
iyth, had, the happinefs of rendering a moil important
fervice to one of our young officers, a Mr. du il%u$ng
who by a fudden roll of the yeffel was: a&u^hy thrown
over the gunwale *, at;;that moment happening to hand
a .■ withhUt“