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G en. 3 . BOLBITIUS, Fr. Epicr. p. 253.
^ Spores coloured; pileus yellow, becoming
moist; stem bollow, confluent
with tbe bymenopbore ; gills becoming
moist, but not deliquescent, at
length losing tbeir colour and becoming
Hab. Dung or rank earth near to
towns. (Fig 40.)
A very natural but small genns, intermediate
between Agaricus and Coprinus on
one side, and Coprinus and Cortinarius on the
other ; it resembles Coprinus in its mode of
growth, and ephemeral existence. The species
have no known use.— W.G. S.
4 8 1 . B o lb itiu s B o lto n i. Fr. “ Bolton’s Bolbitius.”
Pileus somewbat fleshy, viscid, at first smootb, then tbe membranaceons
margin is sulcate ; disc darker, subdepressed ; stem
attenuated, yellowish, ring fugacious, at first flocculose ; gills
Bub-adnate, livid yellow, tben brown.—Fr. Epicr. p . 254. Bolt.
i. 149. Ag.Boltonii. Eng. F I . y .p .117.
On dung. June—Sept.
Pileus at first conical, 2 in. broad, yellow, turning pa le ; stem 3 in. high.
Spores brownish.
4 8 2 . B o lb itiu s f z a g ilis . Fr. “ Fragile Bolbitius.”
_ Pileus sub-membranaceous, viscid, pellucid, margin striate,
disc sub-umbonate ; stem attenuated, naked, smooth, yellow;
gills attenuated, adnexed, yellowisb, then pale cinnamon.—Er.
Epicr.p. 254. Bolt. t. 65. Sow. t. 96.
On dung. Common.
Pileus yellow, then whitish, more delicate and fragile than B. Boltoni.
Spores rusty brown. Stem 3 in. h.ng.
Ag. vitellinus, Kng. Fl. v. p. 311, is probably this species.
(fig. 40.)
4 8 3 . B o lb it iu s t itu b a n s . Fr. “ Wavering Bolbitius.”
Pileus membranaceous, expanded, pellucid, discoid, striate to
the middle; stem slender, straight, sbining, yellowish ; gills
slightly adnexed, pallid, tben fleshy-brown (salmon coloured.
K )—F r .E p ic r .p . 2 b l. B u ll.t. 42b, f . l . S ow .t.l2 8 . E n q .F l.
y . p . 117.
Amongst grass. May—Oct. Common.
Pileus 1 in. broad, campanulato-convex, yellow, viscid, sbining, margin
notched, plicate and striate, pale cinnamon, submembranaceous, very delicate
<ind tender, smooth, at length almost deliquescent, shining, and subochraceous;
gills narrow, slightly ventricose, very minutely adnexed, cinnamon.
Stem 4-5 in. high, line thick, striate above, pulverulento-squamu-
lose, pale yellow, fistulose, very tender and delicate.—M. J> B. Spores
salmon colour, *00032 X *00017 in.
4 8 4 , B o lb itiu s a p ic a lis . Smith. “ Two-coloured Bolbitius.”
Pileus membranaceous, brown, striate from the first, then plicate,
liable to split ; disc ochraceous, somewhat fleshy, obscurely
umbonate, the difference in colour between the two parts defined
by a distinct line ; stem hollow, striate, wbite, minutely
pruinose under a lens ; gills somewhat broad, ventricose, free, at
first pressed to the stem, brown.— W. G. Smith, in lilt.
In pastures. Early summer. Staplehurst.
Spores brown, '00035 X '00025 in. Stemabout2 in.long. Pileus f in. high.
-W .G .S .
4 8 5 . B o lb it iu s t e n e z . B . “ Delicate Bolbitius.”
Very delicate; pileus white, moist, conical, elongated; stem
white, bulbous at the base; gills attenuated behind, nearly free,
salmon coloured.—Berk. Outl. p. 183, 1. 12, f . 2. B . albipes, Fr.
Mon. Hym.
Ainong'st short grass. Apethorpe.
At first looking like a dry specimen of Ag. tener.
Gen. 4 . CO B T IN A B IU S , Fr. Epicr. p. 255.
Spores rusty-ochre, resembling in colour peroxide of iron ;
veil universal, of a different texture to the pileus, and consisting
of arachnoid threads ; a similar veil is found in Agaricus, but it
is tbere either partial, or continuous witb tbe cuticle of pileus;
stem confluent witb the hymenophore ; gills adnate, membranaceous,
persistent, cinnamon-coloured and powdery; trama
H a b . Woods and fields.
This genus, ihe most natural amongst the Agaricini, is readily distinguished
by its peculiar habit, but is badly defined by artificial characters ;
the spccii'S are variable in size and changeable in colour; when old they
present a difierent appearance to their young state, and are very different
when dry to when fresh.— W. G. S.
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