t - M ,
c l
|/t; i
I ii
8 0 3 . C o itin a r iu s (M y x a c ium ) s t i l la t i t iu s .
Fr. “ Dripping
Pileus thin, convexo-plane, subumbonate, even; stem bollow,
very soft, equally attenuated, at first covered with a blue gluten;
gills emarginate, somewbat distant, broad, ferrugmous, cinnamon.—
Fr. Epicr.p. 211. Saund. 4 Sm. t. 3.
In mossy places.
Stem 2, scarcely 3 in. long. 3-4 lines thick. Pilens slightly fleshy, scarcely
2 in . broad, even, smooth, covered with a blue gluten, afterwards livid brown,
and at length greyish-white. Flesh soft, watery, hygrophanous.
S 0 4 . C o z tin a z iu s (M y x a c ium ) liv id o -o c h z a c eu s .
“ Livid ochrey Cortinarius.”
B .
Pileus plane, submembranaceous, viscid, margin not striate;
stem attenuated at either end, subsquamose, striate above the fugitive
veil, stuffed with cottony fibres; gills ciunamon, snb-adnexed,
broad in front.— Berk Outl. p. 187. Eng. Fl. v. p. 89.
In woods. King’s Cliffe. Coed Coch.
Pileus 1 in. across, quite smoctli, sliining, covered witli a thick sub-cartilaginous
skin, the margin very thin hut not striate, plane, livid-ochraceous ;
edge with a few indistinct fragments of the veil ; gills cinnamon, the extreme
margin pale, moderately distant, broad in front, appearing as if adnexed ;
stem 1 in. high, f thick in the middle, where itisswollen, attenuatedbelow,
silky, beautiful violet, ochraceous at the base ; sub-squamose, portion above
the obsolete ring striate, stuffed with cottony fibres. Inodorous.—
Suh-Gen. 3. I noloma. Fr. Epicr. p. 278.
Pileus flesby, subcompact,
perfectly dry, with no viscid
pellicle, silky witb scales, or
innate fibres, not hygrophanous
; stem bulbous.
The species are handsome
and easily distinguished.
(Fig. 43.)
5 0 5 . Co ztinazius (In o lom a ) v io la c e u s .
Fr. “ Violet Corti-
Dark vio le t; pileus fleshy, obtuse, villoso-squamose ; stem bulbous,
spongy, villous, internally cinereous violet; gills fixed, broad,
thick,distant, darker.—Fr. Epicr.p. 279. Eng. Fl. y .p . 85. Huss.
i. i. 12. S v .B o t.t. 288. Hedw.ohs.t. i . B u ilt. 250. Smith, E .M .
/ . 12. Hogg 4 Johnst. t. 6. Ferai. i. 3 8 ,/. 1-3.
In woods. Esculent. [United States.]
Plleug 4 in. or more across, obtuse, erpanded, gills when young deep
violet, almost black, stem 4 in. high, when young subtomentose.—Dries.
606. Coztinazius (In o loma ) cam p h o z a tu s.
scented Cortiuarius.”
Fr. “ Strong-
Pileus flesby, obtuse, lilao, silky, tben smootb and discoloured ;
stem bulbous, dry ; base white within, becoming bluisb as well as
tbe veil ; gills thin, crowded, bright ccerulean, then purplish.—
F r .E p .p . 280. B. 4 B r . A n n .N . H. {I860), no. 1128.
On the ground in woods. Sept. Finesbade.
Stem solid, soft, bulbous or obolavate, 3-5 inches long, 4-1 in. thick, woolly
when young, violet, white within at the base. Pileus 2-3 in. broad, at first
silky, lilao, then smooth and discoloured (whitish, yellowish, &c.), not hygrophanous
; flesh blue, gills deourrent or emarginate. Odour strong and foetid.
5 0 7 . Co z tina z iu s (Inoloma) c a llis t e u s .
Fr. “ Stout Corti-
Fig. 43.
Yellowisb tawny ; pileus fleshy, convex, then plane, ratber
smooth, even, and innato-squamulose ; margin rather silky ; flesb
yellowish-wbite ; stem elongated, bulbous, tawny fibrillose ; gills
adnate, floccose, connected behind.—Fr. Epicr.p. 281. A. validus
B. E n g .F I.y .p . 81. Saund. 4 Sm. t.3 .
In woods. Rare.
Piltius4 in.broad, fleshy, margin tbin, deep tawny inclining to ferrnginons,
at first convex, flatly hemispberioal, orsnb-campanulate, very obtuse, at length
expanded, plano-convex, clothed witb very minute reflexed scales; flesh
wbitisb, partaking very slightly of tbe colour of tbe pileus ; margin at first
eubinvolute. Gills |tb in. broad, brittle, undulate, nearly horizontal, adnate,
soon starting from the stem, and connected witb it by a few fibres, very minutely
emarginate, pale tawny, clouded witb tbe spores. Stem 4 in. bigb,
nearly 1 in. thick in tbe centre, l i at tbe base, bulbous, fibrillose from the
remains of tbe fugacious veil, which forms in tbe very young plant a slight
extremely evanescent ring, which is coloured by tbe spores, solid, tawny like
tbe pileus. At the base are a few strong roots. There is not tbe slightest
tinsre of purple or violet in any stage of growth.'—M-J.B. Spores ‘0003 X
*00022 in. (Fig. 43, reduced.)