5 9 1 . L a c ta r iu s t r iv ia lis . Fr. “ Large lurid Lactarius.”
euri ^1™" '’iscid, zoneless, lurid, becoming pale,
crnw^d to! the margin; stem hollow, stout; gills tbin,
wowded, white, as well as the acrid milk.—Dr. Epicr n 337
Kromhh. t. 14, f. 17-18. Ann. N .H . no. 934. '
In pine woods. Sept.
BBOtted ^ t"® pileas. smooth, un-
¿ n i r S f i f S beoiming paUid ®ub-decurrent, 2-4 Im. broad, rather thin, whitish
5 9 2 . Lactarius circellatus. Fr. “ Dingy-zoned Lactarius.”
Pilens fleshy, convex, then plane, repand, viscid, zoned witb
ferruginous, disc from the first umbilicate, darker; stem solid,
hrm attmuated downwards ; gills crowded, whitish; milk white
acrid.—Dr. Epicr. p . 338. Batt. 1.13, H. Sow. t. 203.
In woods. Eare.
5 9 3 . L a c ta r iu s u v id u s . Fr. “Moist Laotarius.”
Pileus fleshy, thin, convex, then depressed, zoneless, viscid,
dingy; margin at first involute, naked; stem soon hollo^, viscid
ro - V to “ j : ’ when wounded becoming lilac ;
milk white, then lilac.—Dr. Epicr.p. 338. Batsch. f. 202. Enq.
B l.Y .p .2 o . Kromhh. t .5 7 , f . 14-1 6 . ^
In woods. July—Sept.
nato'dtoto vttoJ "«pressed, sometimesobsoleteiy zoned, viscid
Sect. 3. Piperati—pileus dry.
5 9 4 . Lactarius pyrogalus. Fr. “ Pear-scented Laotarius.”
depressed, subzonate, smooth, even,
ItteunntoT d ’ cinereous ; stem stuffed, then hollow, pallid,
attenuated downwards; gills thin, ratber distant, yellowishmilk
very acrid, copious, white.—Dr. Epicr.p. 339. Bull. t. 529,
/ . 1. Kromhh. t. 14,/. 1-9. Paul t. 72, / 1-2 ? Larhr. 1.18, / 3.
Eng. Fl. v. p. 29. Smith. P .M .f. 18. Ann. N .H . no. 798 *.
In woods and meadows. Aug.
Piieus 2-3 in. broad, firm, at iength dirty yeiiowish, in shady piaces ainiost
zoneiess. Milk abundant, extremely acrid. Stem I4 in. long, 3-5 lines thick,
stufifed, soon hollow, often attenuated, smooth or sorobiculate. -Fries. Spores
sparingly eohinulate, white, or with a suggestion of oohre, almost globular,
•0)026 in. diameter.— W. O. S.
5 9 5 . L a o ta r iu s p lum b e u s . Fr. “ Lead-ooloured Laotarius.”
Pileus compact, convex, at length infundibuliform, dry, unpolished,
dingy, then blackish brown ; stem solid, equal, blunt;
gills crowded, wbite then yellowish; milk acrid, W'bite, unchangeable.—
Dr. Dpfer. p. 339. Ball. t. 282, 5 5 9 , / 2. K ra p f t. 4, f
1-3. Sow. t. 24o. Eng. F I . y .p . 20. Barla. t. 21, f . 1-5.
In woods. Eare.
Pileus 3-5 in. broad, large, convex, becoming depressed, firm, never zoned
or glutinous; margin mostly involute, dark, fuliginous-grey or brown; flesh
compact, white ; gills numerous, yellowish, varying with different shades ;
stem 2-3 in. liigb, firm, thick, brownish, or dingy-olive.—(?re®.
5 9 6 . L a c ta r iu s a c r is . Fr. “ Acrid Laotarius.”
Pileus fleshy, irregular, at length infundibuliform, viscid,
dusky cinereous ; stem stuffed, then hollow, somewbat excentric,
pallid, attenuated downwards ; gills ratber crowded, pallid, yellow,
turning red; milk acrid, white, then reddish.—Fr. E p ic r .p .342.
Bolt. t. 60. Batsch. f . 68. Batt. t. 13, E. Eng. Fl. v. p . 25.
Smith. P .M . f 28.
In woods. Aug.—Nov. Rare. [S. Carolina.]
Gills d istan t; pileus almost black, extremely acrid and bitter.— W. G. S.
Pileus almost always excentric, emarginate, unequal, livid brown ; gills
rather distant; stem attenuated downwards, short, pallid; milk extremely
acrid, dirty white, then rose-coloured, then yellowish, seldom unchangeable.
—Fries. Spores echinnlate, yellow, ‘0UO26 X '00034 in.
5 9 7 . L a c ta rm s c h ry so rrh a e u s . Fr. “ Yellow-juiced Lactarius.”
Pileus rather fleshy, umbilicate, tben infundibuliform, yellowish
flesb-coloured, marked witb darker zones or sp o ts; stem
stuffed, then bollow, equal, even, white ; gills decurrent, tbin,
crowded, yellowisb ; milk wbite, tben golden yellow, very acrid.
—Fr. Epicr. p. 342. Price, f . 71. Bolt. t. 144. Kromhh. t. 12, f
7-14. Ann. N.H . no. 705. A. theiogalus, Eng. Fl. v. p. 28.
In woods. Common. [United States.]