iii.)). 181. Sturm, t. 8. Berh. Ann. N .H . no. W5. Wig. Ann Sc.
Nat. (1862) xvi. 1.16 ,/. 16. Bisch.f. 3692.
On decayed wood. Collyweston, Nortbs. [Mid. Carolina.]
Gen. 9 1 . OPHIOTHECA, Curr.
Peridium simple, bursting longitudinally.
Capillitium twofold, one
consisting of delicate byaline threads,
to which the spores are attached;
tbe otber of ecbinulate, thicker,
branched filaments. — Curr. Quart.
Joum .Micr.ii.p. 240. Berh. Outl.p.
310. {Fig. 131.)
1 1 7 6 . Ophiotheca chzysospezma.
Cmr. “ Currey’s Ophiotheca.”
Peridium irregular, more or less
serpentine, brownisb. Fertile threads
delicate transparent, barren threads
somewbat reticulated, minutely denticulate,
K g . 137.
bere and tbere swollen ; spores yellow, elliptic, pointed
at eacb end.— CVot. Mi'c?’. Jomto. (1854), ii. )). 240, i. ix ./. 1-5,
vol. v. p. 131.
On inner bark of a dead tree. {Fig. 137.)
Gen. 92. T R IC H IA , Hall.
Peridium simple, persistent, membranaceous,
bursting irregularly above,
Threads spiral.—Berk. Outl. p. 310,
Eng. F l. v.p. 319. {Fig. 138.;
1177. T z ic h a zu b ifo zm is. P.
“ Eeddish Trichia.”
K g . 138.
/ 2. Ohev. U 9 , / 24.
Fasciculate, peridia turbinato-
cylindrical, steel-blue; stems short,
confluent, red-brown, capillitium and
spores purplisb-red.—Fr. S.M. iii. p.
183. Hall. t. 48, f . 5. B a ts c h .f 172.
Bull. t. 5 0 2 ,/ 1 ? Pers. Disp. t. 4 , f 3,
t. I . f . 3. N e e s ,f 112. Fl.Dan.t.l3&i,
Fckl. exs. ho. 1438. Wig. Ann. Sc. Nat.
(1862), xvi. Í. 1 5 ,/1 2 . Ourr. Micr. Joiirn.iii. t.2 , f. 5 6 Trichia
Neesiana.Oorda.f 288. Ann. N.H . no. 218. B is c h .f 3664.
On dead wood. Apethorpe. [United States.]
Most usually fasciculate, iudividuals sometimes solitary. Stems often
very short, rabigmoua, when confluent unequally sulcate, attenuated un-
wards. Pendía of a beautiful steel-blue, reddish, bay, &c., shining nearlv
feriu In ’ obtuse, somewhat oircumsciteile, ero¿ Z n
ÍTtbefpoles ^^ elongated, echinnlate, bright purplish-red, ks weU
1178. T z ic h ia p y z ifo zm is. Hoffm. “ Pear-shaped
Subfasciculate, peridia turbinato-pyriform, blackish-red, stems
subelongated, tawny, capillitium saffron-tawny, as well as tbe
to 184. Hoffm. Or. 1.1 , / 1. E7ig. Fl. Y.p.
a K-Pi-ct. 1.12, f . 1, 2. Ourr. Micr. Journ. iii. t . 2 , f . 9
10. bphairocarpus fragilis. Sow.t. 219. Purt. t.2 4 f . 3 Win
Ann Sc. Nat. (1862), xvi. 1.14, f . 12, 13. Kl. exs. no. 1026,1632
Fckl. exs. no. 1437.
On rotten stumps. [United States.]
Stems racemoso-connate, often elongated, sometimes short, oecasionallv
U 7 9 . T z icM a A y z e s ii. B . & B r . “ Ayres’ Trichia.”
Crowded; pendía obovate, tawny-chestnut, shining; stems
very sh o r/ connate ; capillitium strongly ecbinulate, tawny
sattron-yellow, as well as tbe spores.—A. / Br. Ann. N .H . no.
On decayed wood. Oxfordshire.
Forming CTOwded masses. Peridia obovate, shining, of a bright tawm
chestnut. Eiaters of the capillitium thicker than in T. ' '
strongly echinnlate, tawny ; spores globose, tawny.
H 8 0 . T z icM a L o z in se z ian a . «s. “ Bibbed Trichia.
Subsolitary, stem long, dirty brown colour, flexuous, longitu-
dinaily ribbed with acute angular ridges, peridium turbinate or
ovate, even above, smooth, pallid, irregularly ruptured in an
operculate manner. Threads yellow, short, smootb ; spores
tetrahedral, yellow, diaphanous.— Oorda. Icon. i.f. 288d. Ourrev.
Quart. Jour. Micr. Y.p. 129.
r (j