: r ¡ ' - 1
Fr. Epicr. p. 565. Grev. t. 242. Moug. exs. no. 779. Desm. exs.
no.220. Thelephora Samhuci, Eng. F I . y .p . 170.
On elder stumps. Common. [Mid. Carolina.]
Apparently papillose, bnt the papillæ arise from the inequalities of the
bark or wood on which it grows.
9 4 4 . Co z ticium auzoza. B . 4 Br. “ Rosy Cortioium.”
Very thin, effused, agglutinate, rose-coloured, turning pallid ;
circumference indeterminate.—Berh. Outl. p . 276.
On dead leaves of Carices. Batheaston.
Gen. 4 2 . CTPH EL LA, Fr.
Submembranaceous, cupshaped,
elongated behind and
frequently pendulous; hymenium
distinctly inferior, completely
confluent witb the pileus.
(Fig- 85.J
Fig. 85.
9 4 5 . C y p h e lla g z is e o -p a llid a . Fr. “ Pale-grey Cyphella.”
Submembranaceus, globose, then campanulate, sessile, pallid,
grey, floccose without; hymenium even, smootb.—F r .E p ic r .p .
567. A n n .N .H .n o .289.
On dead Carex paniculala. Spye Park.
Whole plant one-third of a line in diameter, at first granuliform, then regularly
cup-shaped, withashort stem, and attached by a few radiating, white,
strigose, short threads, a t length dependent, mostly entire, clothed with white
villous down. Hymenium even, pale reddish- grey, border slightly undulated.
—M.J . B .
9 4 6 . C y p h e lla m u s c ig e n a . Fr. “ Whitish Moss Cyphella.”
Membranaceous, soft, subsessile, dimidiate, plane, white, silky
without ; bymenium rugulose.— Fr. E picr.p. 567. Pers. M .E . t.
7 ,/. 6. Ann. N.H. no. 717. Price, f . 45.
On mosses. Hanham, near Bristol.
White, with a slight ochraceons tinge. At first flabelliform, fixed by a little
down, at length laterally confluent, downy above, often spathulate. Hymenium
slightly corrugated.^—B .A Br.
9 4 7 . C yp h e lla g a le a ta . Fr. “ Hooded Cyphella.”
Membranaceous, soft, subsessile, cup-sbaped, tben dimidiate,
helmet-sbaped, even, whitish ; margin quite entire ; hymenium
at length somewhat rufous, rugulose.—Fr. Epicr. p. 569. Fl.
D a n .t.2027, f . l . Ann. N .H . rw.718. Cantharellus loevis, Eng.
Fl. Y. p. 127.
On mosses.
Pileus 2 lines or more hroad, at first subglobose, then expanded, minutely
tomentose, somewhat lobed, very thin, dirty-white. Hymenium rather uneven.—
Eng. Fl. Differs from 0. muscigena in its dingy hue, and búllate pileus.
-M . J. B. Spores '00038 X '0003 in.
9 4 8 . C y p h e lla o ch zo leu ca . B. A Br. “ Whitish-ochre Cyphella.”
Membranaceons, cup-shaped, villous, and whitish ochre above ;
margin at length sp lit; hymenium even, pale oohre, brighter
than the pileus.—Berh. Outl. p. 277. Ann. N .H . no. 719.
On decayed bramble twigs. Batheaston.
One line or more broad, at first cup-shaped, hut mostly irregular, then
lobed or fissured, villous above, white tinged with yellow. Hymenium even,
ochraceous, brighter than the pileus.—B.tfcAr.
9 4 9 . C y p h e lla m u s c ic o la . iFr. Greyish Moss CyphelD.”
Membranaceous, subsessile, persistently cup-shaped, cinereous,
pallid-wbitish, fibrilloso-striate w ithout; margin sligbtly downy,
repand, torn ; hymenium even.—Fr. Epicr. p . 568. F l.D a n .t.
2083,/. 2. Kl. exs. no. 824.
On mosses. Apethorpe.
9 5 0 . C yp h e lla la c e z a . Fr. “ Torn Cyphella.”
Membranaceous, cup-sbaped, pendulous, then mnltifid, torn,
vertex extended, stem-shaped, striate above witb dense black
fibrils ; hymenium rugulose, wbite.—Fr. E pic r.p. 568. A. 4 S.
t . l , f .5 . B is c h .f.3351.
On dead twigs, &c. Apethorpe. [Mid. Carolina.]