1 3 3 5 . S e p to iia g e i. Besm. “ Avens Septoria.”
Amphigenous ; spots orbicular or irregular, brown at first,
cinereous wben dry, witb a purplisb-brown margin. Perithecia
on tbe upper surface, very minute, numerous, brownisb-black,
sometimes arranged along the veins of tbe leaves, at first bemis-
pherical, becoming at length concave. Sporidia linear, flexuose.
—Ann. Sc. Nat. 1843, xix. p. 342. Goohe Seem. Journ. iv. p. 97.
Cooke exs. n o .133. Sphoeria lichenoides, var. geicola. De Cand.
F l .F r .p .149. Sphoeria (Depazea) vagans geicola. Fr. S.M.ii.
p. 532. Acrothecagei, Fuckel, Enum.p. 43.
On leaves of Geum urhanum. Autumn.
1 3 3 6 . S e p to iia ly s im a c h iæ . West. “ Moneywort Septoria.”
Epipbyllous; spots indeterminate, brown ; perithecia minute,
scattered, terminated by a pore; tendrils wbitisb; sporidia
linear, straight, with numerous nucleoli.—Bull, de Brux. 1852,
iii.)». 120. Bell. Cat. Crypt. Nam. no. 333. Cooke. Seem. Journ.
iv.)». 97. Cooke exs. no. 142. Fchl. exs.no. 513. Ascochyta lysi-
macliioe. Lih. exs. no. 253.
On leaves of Lysimachia nummularia.
1 3 3 7 . S e p to iia ca sta næ co la . Besm. “ Chestnut-leaf Septoria."
Amphigenous; spots tawny, indeterminate ; perithecia on the
under surface, brownish-black, minute, numerous, somewbat innate,
pierced with a terminal p o re ; tendrils whitish; sporidia
elongated, slender,curved.—Ann. Sc. N a t.1347, viii.)». 26. Cooke
Seem.J o u r n .iY .p .97. Cookeexs.no.129. F c k l.e x s .n o . 508. Kl.
exs. no. 1957. Cooke, L . F. no. 68.
On fading leaves of Castanea vesca. Sept. Common.
I t is very probable that this is only a condition of Sphcerella sparsa or
Sphcerella maculceformis.
1 3 3 8 . S e p to iia l ib i s . Besm. “ Currant-leaf Septoria.”
Amphigenous; spots numerous, small, irregular and angular,
of a pale brown or purple colour ; perithecia innate, very small,
blackisb-brown, convex, pierced with a large apical pore; tendrils
flesb colour, or ro sea te; sporidia elongated, linear, containing
numerous nucleoli.—Mem. Soc. des Sc. de Lille, 1842. Coohe
Seem. Journ. iv.)». 9 7 ,/. 32. Cooke exs. no. 130. Fckl. exs. no.
498. Desm. exs. no. 1179. Ascochyta ribis, Libert, exs. no. 53.
West, and Wall, exs. no. 92. Fhlceospora ribis. West. Bull, de
Brux, 1850,)». 20.
On leaves of black currrant. Common.
1 3 3 9 . S e p to iia a ln ic o la . CooTte. “ Alder Septoria.”
Spots pallid, brown or tawny, rounded, about one-fourtb of an
inch in diameter; perithecia minute, scattered over tbe spots,
semi-innate, black, pierced at the apex ; sporidia oblong, straight
or curved.— Cooke Seem. Journ. iv.)». 97, f . 23. Cooke exs. no. 203.
On living leaves of Alnus glutinosa. Autumn.
1 3 4 0 . S e p to iia la v a n d u læ . “ Lavender Septoria.”
Spots on both surfaces, numerous, bleached, rounded or irregular,
witb a purplish margin; peritbeoia on tbe upper surface,
few, very small, black, globose, pierced, cup-sbaped when dry ;
spores linear, straight or curved.—Desm. Ann. Sc. Nat. 1853,
X X . ) » . 8 6 . Cookeexs.no. 139.
On fading lavender leaves. Summer.
Spores ('025 m.m.) ’009 in. long.
1 3 4 1 . S e p to iia u itic e e . Besm. “ Nettle Septoria.”
Spots on both surfaces ; ochraceous, rounded, or irregular ;
perithecia very minute, epipbyllous, numerous, brown, pierced ;
spores elongated, slender, curved or flexuous.—Desm. Ann. Sc.
Nat. 1847, viii.)». 24. Cooke exs. no. 137.
On nettle leaves. Summer.
Spores (*0I m.m,) *0015 in long.
134:2. S epto z ia a s tz a g a li. Desm. “ Milk-vetch Septoria.”
Epipbyllous; spots irregular, greenisb-grey, then tawny; perithecia
few, globose, sligbtly prominent, black, pierced ; spores
very long, flexuous, multiseptate (?).—Desm. Ann. Sc. Nat. 1843,
xix.)». 345. Cooke exs. no. 141. Coohe L . F . no. 70.
On leaves of milk-vetcb (Astragalus). Autumn.
1 3 4 3 . S e p to iia v iig a u ie a e . Besm. “ Golden-rod Septoria.”
Epipbyllous ; spots orbicular or irregular, bleached, whitish,
and brown, variegated ; perithecia innate, minute, convex, nearly
black, mouth widely open; tendrils w bite; spores very long,linear,
nearly straight or flexuous.—Desm .An n .S c.N a t.l3 4 2 ,yiY Íi.p .