109. Coohe exs. no. 144. Ascochyta virgaurece, Lib. exs. no. 55.
Rahh. exs. no. 1321.
On leaves of Solidago virgaurea.
Spores ( 'I ’OB m.m.) '0035-'002 in. long.
Gen. 1 2 3 . FH Y 1 .1 .0ST IC TA , Pers.
Peritbecia few and minute, innate; pierced witb a terminal
pore, seated on discoloured spots ; nucleus gelatinous ; sporidia
ovoid or oblong, straight, minute, ejected in tendrils.
I t is doubtfnl whether any satisfactory characters have yet been indicated
to separate this genus from Septoria,
1 3 4 4 . P h y llo s t ic ta a t r ip lic is . Besm. “ Goose-foot Phyllosticta.”
Amphigenous ; spots orbicular, whitish, witb a tawny or
brownisb margin, scattered or confluent ; perithecia on tbe upper
surface, very minute, numerous, globose, innate, brownisb-blaok,
pierced at the apex ; tendrils yellowisb-wbite ; sporidia cylindrical,
obtuse, straight or curved, and somewhat torulose, witb
from three to five nucleoli.—Ann. des Sc. Nat. 1851, xvi.)». 298.
Coohe Seem. Journ. iv. p. 97. f . 22. Sphceria (Depazea) vagans,
atriplicicola,Fr. S.M. ii.p . 532. Coohe exs. no.143. Cooke L .F .
no. 71.
On leaves of Atriplex and Chenopodium.
1 3 4 4 a . P h y llo s t ic ta c i i s i i . Besm. “ Thistle Phyllosticta.”
Epipbyllous ; spots roundish or irregular, numerous, wbitisb
witb a brown margin ; perithecia innate, black ; sporidia very
minute, oblong, with two nucleoli.—Ann. Sc. Nat. 1847. viii.)».
31. Cooke Seem. Journ. iv.)». 97.
On leaves of Cirsium arvense. Sept.
1 3 4 5 . P h y llo s t ic ta v ic iæ . “Vetch Phyllosticta.”
Epipbyllous ; spots wbite, rounded, witb a purplisb margin;
perithecia minute, aggregate, black, witb a terminal pore ; tendrils
white ; sporidia ellipsoid with two, sometimes three nucleoli.
— Cooke Seem. Journ. iv ./». 97. Ascochyta vicice, Lib. exs. no.
356. Phyllosticta Ervi? West. Bull, des Brux.
On leaves of Vicia sepium. Oct.
1 3 4 6 . P h y llo s t ic ta zu s c ic o la . B .R . and Mont. “ Butcher’s
Broom Phyllosticta.”
Amphigenous ; spots pallid, witb a reddisb-brown ma rgin;
perithecia scattered over the spots, covered by the epidermis,
globose, black ; sporidia oblong,—Fl. Alg. i.p . 611. Mont. Syll.
p . 279. Desm. Ann. Sc. Nat. 1847, viii.)». 32. Desm. exs. no.
1634. West. B ull.de Brux. yH. p . 23. Cooke Seem. Joum. iY. p.
On tbe pbyllodia of Ruscus aculeatus. Autumn.
1 3 4 7 . P h y llo s t ic ta c y t is i. Besm. “ Laburnum Phyllosticta.”
Spots few, round or irregular, grey, witb a brown margin ;
peritbeoia epipbyllous, black, numerous ; sporidia ovoid-oblong,
witb two nucleoli.—A n n . Sc. Nat. 1847, viii. p . 34. Desm. exs.
no. 1861. Cooke Seem. J o u rn .iY . p. 97. Cooke e x s .n o . 150.
On fading leaves of Cytisus Laburnum. Autumn.
1 3 4 8 . P h y llo s t ic ta sam b u c i. Besm. “ Elder Phyllosticta.”
Epipbyllous; spots wbitisb, solitary, or confluent, and disposed
in a lin e ; perithecia innate, minute, few, brownisb-black,
pierced witb a terminal pore ; nucleus whitish ; sporidia ovoid-
oblong, with two nucleoli.—Ann. Sc. Nat. 1847, viii. p. 34.
Desm. exs. no. 1638. Cooke Seem. Journ. iv.)». 97, f . 28.
On fading leaves of elder. Autumn.
1 3 4 9 . P h y llo s t ic ta p iim u la e co la . Besm. “ Primrose
Spots occupying both surfaces of tbe leaves, large, blanched,
oftentimes witb a yellowish b o rd e r; peritbeoia epipbyllous,
numerous, ratbe r prominent, globose, black, sbining; sporidia
subglobose, very small.—Ann. Sc. Nat. 1847, viii. p. 130.
Desm. exs. no. 1629. Cooke Seem. J o u rn .iY . p . 97. Cookeeas.no.
On fading leaves of Primula vulgaris. Autumn. Common.
1 3 5 0 . P h y llo s t ic ta lim h a lis . Pers. “ Box-leaf Phyllosticta.”
Spots oval or oblong, ivory white, witb a discoloured margin,
generally at tbe edges of the leaves ; peritheoia rare, blackish,
scattered, sometimes confluent; spores oblong, hyaline, witb
three or four nucleoli.—Pers. Champ. Comest. Cooke Seem.
Journ.iY.p . 97. Depazea buxicola. Fr. S .M . ii. 528. Fckl. exs.