I ; i
Kleus 1-3 in. broad, buff, sonietimes slightly tinged with tawny, at first
i e m i s n h f i r i f ‘ n.1 .3^---------------- j ______ i J ’
UU.U.,ouiueumeB Biignuy ringea witn tawnv,brst
heinisphencal, dimpled, at length depressed, more or less zoned: margin
wavy, involute, and minutely downy when young; flesh firm, crisp ; gills
I f iZ J / , ? 1 ^ connected uuuiieuiiea by oy veins, distant,aistant, by Dy no means rigid,
Y«— - - -,l'\yYYYL.Y.YlYYY.Y^-3-Y— - O i l *1
salmon-coloured, slightly forked, about as broad as the flesh of the pileus
mil^ white, rather acrid, with a peculiar taste, changing instantly on exposure
to a delicate but beautiful yellow ; sternly in. high, ^-1 in. thick, at first
nearly white obese, paler than the pileus, downy at the base, more or less
hoiiow ,~M . J. B.
5 9 8 . L a c ta r iu s p ip e x a tu s . Fr. “ Peppery Laotarius.”
White. Piieus compact, umbiiicate, tiion infnudibuiiform,
rather regniar, not zoned, even, smooth ; stem soiid, thick, very
sbort, wiiite ; giiis decurrent, arcuate, crowded, narrow, dicboto-
mous, wbite ; miik copious, acrid, white.—Fr. E p ic r.p . 340. Fl.
Dan. t. 1132. Kromhh. t. 56, f . 1-4. Bull. t. 200. Paul. t. 6 8 ,/.
3-4. Smith. P .M . f . 15. Eng. F l. v. p. 30. Barla. t. 22, f. 1-5.
Berh. exs. no. 61.
In woods. Juiy—Sept. Common. Poisonous. [United States.]
Pilens 3-7 in.broad slightly rugulose, quite smooth, white, a little clouded
With yellow or stained with umber where scratched or bruised, convex, more
or less depressed,_ often quite infundibuliform, more or less waved, fleshy,
thick, flrrn but brittle ; margin involute at first, sometimes excentric; milk
white, hot ; gills generally very narrow, ¿ in . broad, but sometimes much
broader, cream-coloured, repeatedly dicbotomous, very close “ like the teeth
ot an ivory comb,” decurrent from the shape of the pileus, when bruised
changingtoumber; stem 1-3 in. high, 1^-2 in. thick, often compressed,
minutely pruinose, solid but spongy within, the substance breaking up into
transverse eavitiea.—A/. J. B. Spores not echinnlate, generally with an api-
cnlus, '0002 X •00024 in. > j e
5 9 9 . L a c ta r iu s v e lle r e u s . Fr. “ Woolly-white Laotarius.”
Wbite. Pileus compact, umbilicate or cou'vex, tomentose,
zoneless ; margin reflexed ; stem solid, blunt, pubescent ; gills
distant, arcuate, wbitisb ; milk scanty, acrid, wbite.—Fr. Epicr.
p . 340. Kromhh. t. 57, f . 10-13. Sow. t. 204. B u ll.t. 538,/'.
G.H.N. Schæff. t. 225. Eng. F l. v. p . 31. Barla. t. 22, / 6-8.
Berh.exs. no. i22.
In woods. Common. [Cincinnati, United States.]
Kleus 4-7 in. hroad, more or less infundibuliform, the whole surface mi-
nutely but densely tomentose, white, firm, fleshy ; margin at first involute ;
milk white, acrid ; gills white, narrow (occasionally broad and brittle), distant
torked, connected by veins, at length slightly buff or yellowish, rufes-
eent alter being bruisedqstem 1 in. high, 2 in. thick, blunt, rather less
ovmQa * ® pileus, soHd.—Af. J . A. Spores hardly eohinulate, -00019 X
UUUo 4 IU ,
var. exsuccus Otto, is a very different looking plant from L.
vellereus, F r . ; it is destitute of milk, and is like a Tricholoma or
Glitocyhe, not rigid as in L . vellereus, Fr. Tbe gills are pale
lemon colour witb a sbade of green ; stem sbort ; spores covered
witb spines almost globular, '00035 in. diameter.— W. Q. S.
B. Dapetes—Stem central ; gills naked and milk aromatic, at
first acrid, tben mild ; gills becoming pallid.
6 0 0 . L a c ta r iu s d e lic io su s . Fr. “ Delicious Laotarius.”
Pileus flesby, umbilicate, viscid, zoned, smootb, rufous-orange,
growing pale ; margin smootb ; stem stuffed, tben bollow, ratber
spotted; gills and milk at first saffron-red, tben greenish.—Fr.
E p ic r.p . 341. F l. Dan. t. 1151. Schoeff.t. 11. Kromhh. t. 11.
Lenz.f. 9. Letell t. 683. Vitt. Mang. t. 42. Coohe B .F . 1.13. Sow.
t. 202. Huss. i. t. 67. Smith E .M .f . 11. Eng. Fl. y .p . 26.
Vent. t. 29, f . 3-4, t. 30, / 1. Hogg 4 Johnst. t. 5. Trans. Woolh.
Cl. 1867,/. 11. Badh.i. t. 6 , / 2-ii. /. 5 , / . 4. Barla. t. 19.
In fir woods. Sept. Oct. Esculent. [United States.]
Gregarious, sometimes subcæspitose. Pileus 4 in. or more broad, zoned,
orange rufous, dull, as if there were the remains of a minute, very closely
pressed, dirty white web ; hemispherical when young, in which state the
margin is decidedly involute and tomentose, at length expanded, depressed,
fleshy. The whole plant abonnding with orange milk, and when bruised or
old, stained with green ; gills decurrent, from the first of the same colour as
the pileus, forked at the base, rather broad and distant; stem 8 in. high,
curved, stuffed, more or less hollow, sorobiculate, strigose at the base. Odour
and taste agreeable, but slightly acrid.—M. J. A. Spores echinnlate, almost
round, '00025 in. diameter.
C Eussulares— Gills discoloured, milk at first wbite.
Sect. 1. Pileus at first viscid.
6 0 1 . L a c ta r iu s p a lU d u s. Fr. “ Pallid Lactarius.”
Pileus flesby, obtuse, depressed, smootb, viscid, zoneless, pallid ;
stem stuffed, tben bollow, prninose, wbite, tben pallid; milk
sweet, wbite.—Fr. Epicr.p. 343. Kromhh. t. 56, / 10-14. Paul.
t. 80 ? Ann. N .H . no. 705. Saund. 4 Sm. 1.16.
In woods. Bowood. [Mid. Carolina.]
Stem 2 in. and more long, f in. thick, even, smooth. Pileus 3-6 in. broad,
pallid, pinkish, pale oiay-coloured, or tan-colonred. Margin broadly, an<5 for
a long time involute. Flesh pallid. Gills suhdecurrent, arcuate, broad (I4-
2 hn.), rather thin, crowded, somewhat branched, whitish, at length of the
colour of the pileus. Spores eohinulate, almost round, diameter 'ÜOüS in.
I II v ’i