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5 2 5 . Coztinazius (T e lam o n ia ) e v e z n iu s .
Fr. “ Tufted
Pilens between flesby and membranaceous, conico-campanu-
late tlmn expanded, smooth, purplisb-bay, reddisb-white, at
length fibrillose and torn; stem stout, cylindrical, soft, violaceous
sea y from tbe remains of the white veil ; gills adnate
y e ij broad, distant, purplish-violet.—Dr. Epicr. ».294 Sow i
12o. Eng. F I .y .p . 83. ' '
In woods.
Tufted or subgregarious. Pilens 1-2 in. broad, purple brown, sliinini; with
rateto“ti, clfto’t li r lT * ® ’ the umbo generally subumbilicate ; flesh raode-
a r J®,!®“*'’?- very broad, at length subferrnginous, distant
adnate for half their breadth. Stem 2,1-4 in. high, # in thick ilndu
—A/ j 'a ® veil.
5 2 6 . Coztinazius (T e lam o n ia ) a zm iila tu s . Fr. “ Bed-zoned
Pilens fleshy, campanulate, then expanded, sooninnato-flbril-
lose and scaly, torn, bright red brown, margin th in : stem solid
elongated, bulbous, fibrillose, rufescent, circled by a red zone-’
gills fixed, very broad, distant, pallid, then dark cinnamon —
Dr. Epicr. p. 295. Bull. t. 521, f . 1. Huss. i. /. 19.
In woods.
J :™’ ji®.' remarkable for its hlood-red
zone Pileus 3-5 in broad dry, brick red, at first smooth, soon innato-
fibrillose or squamulose. Odour of radishes.
5 2 7 . Coztinazius (T e lam o n ia ) lim o n iu s .
Fr. “ Lemon
. Pilens fleshy, convexo-plane, obtuse, smooth, tawny (ocbra-
ceoiis yellow), a t len g th rivuloso-squamulose; stem solid firm,
equal ; veil floccoso-squamose, of tbe same colour; gills adnate,
emarginate, ratber distant, yellow, then tawny-cinnamon.
Dr. Epicr. p . 296. Holms, ii. t. 40. Eng. F l. Y. p . 84.
In pine woods.
t i m l l T d n J j ' s i i h s q u a r r o s e ; gills some-
times adnate, sometimes emarginate, veil rarely forming a perfect rins.
r e i - l w j ’ dull yellow, sometimes saffron-
6 2 8 . Coztinazius (T e lam o n ia ) h in n u le u s .
Fr. “ Pawn
1 between fleshy and membranacnous, conico-campanulate,
then expanded, sub-umbonate, smootb, pallid, tawny cinnamon,
at length pierced ; stem stuffed, rigid, tawny, attenuated
downwards, g irt above by tbe white silky veil ; gills sub-emargi-
nate, distant, broad, thin, quite entire, tawny-cinnamon.—Dr.
E p ic r .p .296. S o w . t . 113.
In woods. Common.
Stem sometimes short, about 1 in. sometimes 2 in. long, 2-3 lines thick,
and sometimes 3-4 in. long and flexuous. Pileus obtuse or obtusely umbonate,
pale tawny cinnamon, growing paler, shining when dry. Flesh of
the same colour. (Fig. 45, reduced.)
5 2 9 . C o z tina z iu s (T e lam o n ia ) g e n t ilis .
Fr. “ Delicate
Pileus ratber fleshy, conical, tben expanded, acutely umbonate,
even, smooth, at length cracked; stem slender, equal, squamose,
with tawny-cinnamon (yellowish) scales, and oblique; ring yellow;
gills adnate, thick, very distant, quite entire, tawny-cinnamon,
of one colour.—Fr. E p ic r.p . 291. Br.Bath. Trans. 1870,p. 72.
Fr. Mon. Hym. ii.p. 87.
In pine woods. Box. Hanham.
Gregarious, tawny-cinnamon. Stem 2 lines thick, nearly straight, usually
attenuated at the base. Pileus i-1 in., rarely more, frequently squamulose,
of the same colour as the stem, hygrophanous, when dry bright yellow and
530. Co ztinazius (T e lam o n ia ) h e lv e llo id e s .
gilled Cortinarius.”
Fr. “ Thick-
Pileus ratber fleshy, thin, sub-convex, obsoletely umbonate,
ferruginous, at length rimose. Stem fistulose, slender, undulate,
silky-fibrillose, as well as the veil yellowish, gills adnate, very
distant, violaceous-timber then cinnamon, edge whitisb-floccose.—
Fr. Epicr.p. 291. Ann. N.H . no. 929.
In woods.
Stem fistulose, 2-3 in. long, 1-2 lin. thick, equal, veil yellowish, about the
margin of the pileus silky. Pileus 4-1 iu. broad, striate, when mature rimose
and squarrose, tawny when dry. Gills adnate, very thick and distant.
531. C oztinazius (T e lam o n ia ) p e z is c e lis .
and White Cortinarius.”
Weinm. “ Lilao
Pileus campanulate, tben convex, lilac and white, silky, umbo
flesby, elsewhere membranaceous ; stem equal, fibrillose, of the
same colour ; veil woven, brownish, sub-annulate ; gills adnate,
crowded, narrow pallid, then obscurely ferruginous.—F r. Epicr.
p. 800. Ann. N .H . no. 694.
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