f .
In fir woods and on heaths. Common. [S. Carolina.]
Stem at length hollow, 3 in. long, somewhat curved and unequal, oohra-
ceous. Pileus _ soft, depressed, 2-3 in. broad, sub-tomentose, oohraoeous-
orange. Margin involute. Gills repeatedly dicbotomous and crowded, dark-
6 4 3 . Can th a r ellu s B z ow n ii. “ Brown’s Chantarelle."
Ochraceons-white, or cream-coloured. Pileus thin, convex,
subumbonate ; stem slender, tough, stuffed ; folds rather distant,
linear, extremely narrow, sometimes forked, obtusely decnrrent.
B. 4 B r . A n n .N .H . ser.ii., vol.Ü.,p . 262. Berh. Outl.p216.
Amongst grass. Oct. Hitcbin.
Whole plant of a pale ochraceous cream colour. Pileus orbicular, thin,
convex, subumbonate, h in. across, sometimes rather larger, obscurely silky.
Stem slender, 14-2 in. high, scarce I line thick, nearly equal, snbfurfnraceons,
furnished with a little white fibrillose mycelium at tbe base, which sometimes
forms a small earthy ball, rather tough, stuffed. Folds linear, very
narrow, sometimes slightly forked, obtusely decurrent, insterstices smooth,
occasionally quite obsolete, except towards the margin. Hymeninm nearly
white.—B. é Br.
6 4 4 . C an th a r e llu s um h o n a tu s. P. “ Umbonate Chantarelle."
Pileus flesby, tbin, nmbonate, then depressed, flocculose,
blackish-cinereous ; stem stuffed, equal, paler ; gills straight,
crowded, white.—Dr. Epicr. p. 365. Jacq. Coll. ii. 1.16, /. 1. Ann.
N .H . no. 701.
Amongst moss. Mossburnford. [United States.]
Stem 3 in. long, about 4 lines thick, elastic, villous at the base, cinereous.
Pileus 1 in. and more broad, even, dry, between flocculose and silky dry.
Flesh soft, white, reddish when wounded.
6 4 5 , C an th a r e llu s tu hæ fo rm is. Fr. “ Tuhseform Chantarelle."
Pileus between fleshy and membranaceous, infundibuliform, repand,
and lobed, flocculose, brownish, turning pale ; stem bollow,
sraooth,_ orange-tawny, at length compressed, lacunose ; gills
tbick, distant, multifid-brancbing, yellow or dingy, naked.—Fr.
Epicr. p. 366. F l. Dan. t. 2080,/. 1. Pers. Ic. 4 Desc. t. 6. f . l .
Sturm, i. 30. B a tt.t. 23,f . l . Eng. F I . y . p . 125. A n n .N .H . no.
74. Krombh. t. 4, f .8 - 1 0 , t .4 6 ,f 7-9. Berh. exs. no. 140.
In woods. Aug.—Oct. [United States.]
Gregarious. Pileus 2 iu. broad, thin, at first convex, at length much undulated,
depressed, and very deeply umbilicate, occasionally pervious, scro-
bioulato-sqnamose, brownish-yellow. Folds straight, forked, slightly anastomosing,
cinereous-yellow, frosted with a white bloom. Stem 2 in. high,
4 in. thick, hollow, compressed, thickest downwards, smooth, slightly downy
at the base, saffron-coloured, brownish yellow above. Spores round, white.—
M. J. B. Spores -0003 X -00018 iu.
C a n t h a k e l l u s l u t e s c e n s (Bull, t . 4 7 3 , f . 3 ) has a paler yellow stem,
and the gills less divided ; the pileus, moreover, is merely umbilicate. I t is
scarcely to be deemed a distinot species, and occurs in the same localities
with the above.—M. J .B .
6 4 6 . C an th a r e llu s in fu n d ih u lifo im is . Fr.
“ Funnel-shaped
Pileus somewbat membranaceous, umbilicate, tben infundibuliform,
floccoso-rugose, dingy yellow, growing pale; stem
fistulose, even, smooth, yellow ; gills thick, distant, dicbotomous,
yellow or cinereous, at length pruinose.—Fr. Epicr. p. 366. Sow.
t.47. Krombh. t. 4, f . 8-10. F l. Dan. 1.1617. Vaill. t . l 2 , f . 9 , 10.
Cooke exs. no. 226.
In woods.
Stem 2-3 in. long, about 2 lin. thick, somewhat thickened at the base, even,
smooth, always yellow. Pileus 1-2 in. broad, at length funnel-shaped,
ordinarily pervious to the base, when moist yeUowish-oinereous or dmgy,
paler when dry, margin at length waved.
6 4 7 . C a n t h a r e l l u s r a d i c o s u s . B . 4 Br. “ Booting
Small. Pileus deeply umbilicate, floccose, black ; stem pallid,
rooting ; bymenium wbite ; gills narrow.—D. 4 Br. Ann. N .H .
(I860), MO. 1134. Saund. 4 Sm. t.l. C. carbonarius, A . 4 S. no.
On charcoal heaps, &c. Sept.—Nov.
Pileus i-1 in. across, deeply umbilicate, dark brown or black, rough, with
radiating flocci; stem rooting, deeply pallid; gills narrow, white. Two or
three pilei often grow from the same oboomoal root, which is white and
spongy .—A. A Br. Spores -0035 X '0002 m.— W. G. S. Apparently not the
Cantharellus carbonarius of Fries.
6 4 8 . C a n t h a r e l l u s c i n e r e u s . Fr. “ Grey Chantarelle.”
Pileus submembranaceous, infundibuUform, pervious to tbe
base, Yilloso-squamulose, dingy black ; stem hollo-w, of the same
colour; gillsthick,distant,cinereous.—Dr.Dpfer.y).366. Kromhh.
i. 45 / . 12. Bull. t. 466, f 2. Bolt. t. 34. B . 4 Br. Ann. N .H .
1865, M O . 1016*-1139*. Eng. F I .y . p . 126. Letell. t.684.