where villous with whitish scales; gills free, or emarginate, crowded,
white, at length spotted with rufous.—Fr. Epicr.p. 29. Mon.Hym.
i.yi. 58. S te rh .t.8,A .
In pine woods. ( J .A . C.)
Pileus compactly fleshy, convex, then expanded, very ohtuse, bent,
glabrous, never striate, but scaly, spotted, viscid, chestnut or red, paler at
the circumference ; gills deeply emarginate, crowded at first, very narrow,
shining, then wider and reddish ; stem solid, hard, at first bulbous, entirely
villoso-scaly, at length nearly equal, 2 to 3 ins. long, 1 in. thick, nearly
glabrous, white, odour strong, like new meal, taste pleasant, spores ‘0002 X
•0001 i n . ; allied to A. rjissaZa, which is distinguished by its granular rosy
p ileu s.- W. G. S.
[Fries places Agarkus fnmentaceus, Bull, here, whilst Berkeley removes
it to Entoloma, on the ground that the spores are rose-coloured.]
B . Flocculosa.— ^pileus dry, fibrillose.
Sect. 1. Gills whitish, not spotted.
4 9 . A g a z icu s (T z icho lom a ) zu tila n s.
Schæff. “ Eed-haired
Pileus fleshy, campanulate, then expanded, dry, variegated, as
well as the somewhat hollow, soft, ventricose stem, with purplish
down ; gills rounded, crowded, yellow ; edge thickened, villous.—
Fr. Epicr.p . 30. Schoeff. t. 219. Eng. FI. Y . p . 17. Sow. t. 31. FI.
Dare. i. 1610. Bolt. 1.14. B u x b .y .t. 46. Krombh. t. 63, f . 10-12.
On pine stumps. Common.
Subcæspitose. Pileus 2-4 in. broad, at first hemispherical, or somewhat
cylindrical, at length expanded, ohtuse, more rarely plane, clothed m th a
short, dense, crimson-red or olive-purple down, margin involute, white; as
the pileus expands the yellow cuticle becomes visible in the interstices of
the down, which is then scattered. Gills free, broad, rounded behind, but
often when old adnexed, sometimes forked, bright yellow, flocooso-serrate,
margin turning sometimes to a rich yellow-brown. Stem 24-3J in. high,
4-1 in. thick, downy, like the pileus, only the down is shorter, very obtuse
a t the base, attenuated upwards, solid, then occasionally hollow. Odour
strong. Taste bitter.—Ai./ . i ‘. Spores'00033 X '0002 in.—IF. (7. S
5 0 . A g a z icu s (Tz ich o lom a ) sc a lp tu z a tu s .
Fr. “ Scratched
Pileus fleshy, conical, then convex, and expanded, obtuse,
breaking up into floccose, umber, or rufous scales ; stem stuffed,
unequal, white, fibrillose ; gills emarginate, somewhat crowded,
quite entire, white, then yellowish.—Fr. Epicr. p. 31. Batt., t.
15 f . (young). A. argyraceus. Eng. FL, No. 36, in part.
F ir plantations, borders of woods, &c.
Stem solid, 2-3 in. long, 4 in. thick, firm, closely fibrillose. Pileus 2-3 in.
broad, the cuticle breaking up in scattered, floccose, umber, or rufous scales
Flesh whitish.
. Pileus fleshy, convex, then expanded, sub-repand, dry, smooth,
" at length breaking up into little fibres ; stem stuffed, stout, unequal,
smooth ; gills emarginate, crowded, dirty white.—
t. 69. Fr. Epicr. p. 31. Batt., t. 17. B . Eng. FI. y .p . 16.
In woods. Common. [United States.]
’ S'“hgregarious. Pilens Sin. broad, at first convex, then expanded, often
lobed and waved, brown or greyish, with tints of yellow, sub-nmbonate,
, flbrilloBo-striate, fleshy ; flesh firm. Gills broad, thick, rounded behind,
nearly free, but annexed by a small tooth, connected by veins, much broken
or notched. Stem 2-4 in. long, 3-5 lines thick, obese, nearlyequal, or
slightly attenuated, solid, minutely and closely fibrillose, pulverulento-
squamulose above, where it is yellowish, undulated, sometimes of a beautiful
red when bruised. Odour like new flour.—Day. FI.
5 2 . Ag a z icu s (T z ich o lom a ) co lum b e tta .
Fr. “ Dove-colour
White ; pileus fleshy, ovate, then expanded, obtuse, rigid, sub-
flexuose, at first smooth, then silky, fibrillose, or squamulose ;
margin involute, at first tomentose; stem solid, stout, unequal,
striate, nearly smooth; gills emarginate, crowded, thin, somewhat
serrulated.—D r . 33. K rom b .t.2 5 ,f. 6-1. Letell.t. 625.
Dr. Icon. t. 29 b. Sterb. t. 9 .B . 4c. Enq. PI. y .p . 19 Ann N
D., «0.259.
In woods. Oct. [United States.]
Pileus 14-4 in. broad, convex, silky, centre dilute mouse colour, lightly
Bfladed ott, border white when young, sometimes tinged with pink, cracking
with age. Gills fixed, white, brittle. Stem 2 in. high, 3-6 lines thick, solid,
wnite, cylmdrical, often compressed, crooked, silky, central wken young, not
always so in a more advanced age.— With. Sometimes the pilens is white, spot-
ir? 'v a a yellowish tinge. Spores *W. 6r.o. 00023 -f *00018 in.—
53 .
Sect. 2. Gills discoloured, or spotted.
Ag a z icu s (Tzicholoma) im b z ic a tu s . Fr. “ Imbricated
_ Pileus fleshy, compact, convex, then expanded, obtuse, dry,
innato-squamulose ; margin at first inflexed, pubescent ; stem solid,
stout, pruinose above ; gills emarginate, adnexed, somewhat
crowded, white, then becoming rufescent.—Epicr.p. 33. Schoeff. t.
25. Berh. Outl. t. 4 , f 3. Eng. F I. y.p . 11. Fr. Icon. t. 30.
In fir woods.