Under yew trees, and , - o~n exposed fen banks.
Distinguished hy the groove round the top of the peduncle and by the
elongated plicate month.
1 0 7 4 . G e ä s te r l im b a tu s . Fr. “ Bordered Geäster.”
Outer peridium coriaceous, expanded, multifid; interior pedicellate
; mouth fimbriato-pilose, depressed, ratber acute.—Fr.
S.M. iii.p. 15. Sow. t. 312. Huss. i. t. 2. limj. Syn. t. i . f .i . Buxb.
V. t. 29 J . 1. Bryant.f. 12,1 3 ,1 4 ,1 6 ,1 7 . Schmid, t. 46. Eng.Fl.
Y . p . 301, Bisch. f . 3636, 3637. FcJcl.exs.no. 1599.
On tbe ground. [Up- Carolina.]
The inner peridium is slightly constricted, and then swollen at tbe base,
without any groove round the top of the peduncle, into which it passes
gradually.—Eng. Fl.
1 0 7 5 . G eä ste r fim b r ia tu s. Fr. “ Fringed Geäster.”
Outer peridium multifid, expanded, flaccid ; in te rio r sessile ;
moutb indeterminate, piloso-fimbriate.—Fr. S.M. iii.y». 16. Mich.
1.100, f. 1. Berh. Outl. t. 20, f. 4. Sow. t. 80. Ann. N .H . no. 878.
Schmid, t. 43-53, f . 1-3. Berh. exs. no. 275, 209. Rabh. F .E . no.
165. Cooke, exs. no. 213. Fckl. exs. no. 1266.
In fir plantations. [Low. Carolina.]
The mouth is fimbriate, and not simply toothed as in G. rufescens.
1 0 7 6 . G eä ster m am m o su s. CJiev. “ Nippled Geäster.”
Outer peridium multipartite, rigid, hygrométrie ; laciniæ equal ;
interior sessile ; mouth cibate, acutely conic in a circular disc.—
Fr. S.M. iii. p. 17. Sow. t. 401. Mich. 1.100, f . 3. Bull. t. 238, f.
f, g ,h ? E n g .F I .y .p. 301. A n n .N .H .n o . 379.
On tbe ground. Rare.
This species is extremely rare. The Eev. M. J. Berkeley writes—“ Ihave
seen only the specimen figured by Sowerby.”
1 0 7 7 . G eä ster r u fe s c e n s . Fr. “ Eeddish Geäster.”
Outer peridium multifid, at length revolute ; interior sessile,
naked; mouth dentate.—Fr. N.M. iii.yi. 18. Bocc.t. 3 0 5 ,/. 4.
Buxb.il. t. 49, f . 3 . Schoeff.t.l8 2 . B u ll.t. 471, f . l . P a y .f. 469.
F l. Dan. 1.1433. Ann. N.H. no. 378.
In pastures. Leicestershire. Northamptonshire.
[Carolina, U .S .]
The mouth appears to be irregularly toothed according to the ‘ ‘ Outlines.”
1 0 7 8 . G eä ster h y g r om e tr icu s. P . “ Hard-coated Geäster.”
Outer peridium multipartite, tbick, rigidly inflexed when dry ;
inner sessile, sub-retioulate, bursting irregularly.—Fr S M iii’
77.19. Mfe/i. ii. 100,/. 4-6. Gled.t.6. Bull. 1.138 {partly), f a - j
Schmid, t. 27, 28. Sow. t. 401. N e es.f. 127. Bolt. t. 179. E l
exs. no.341. Eng. F I . y .p . 302. Bisch. f . 3632. F c k l.e x s .n o
On the ground. Rare. Near Halifax. [United States.]
Variable in size, colour, and the surface of the inner peridium, which is
sometimes reticulated, sometimes nearly smooth.—Am. Pi. The hard horny
outer peridium, and scurfy or reticulate, irregularly bursting, inner peridium!
readily distinguish this species.—M. J .B .
10 7 9 . G eä ste r la g en ifo rm is . Vitt. “ Flask-like Geäster.”
Outer peridium splitting to the middle, in nearly equal aou-
mmate laciniæ, inner stratum very thick, evanescent. Inner
peridium sessile, flaccid, month determinate, piano-conic, ciliato-
fimbriate, columella rather long, clavate.— Ff«. Mowoa. D/co»
t . l , f 2 . P a y e r .f 519,520. J J B -
On tbe ground.
Specimens were exhibited at one of the meetings of the Horticultural
Society of London.
Fig. 114.
Peridium papyraceous (or sometimes
corky), persistent; bark distinct,
continuous, at length shelling
off. Capillitium sub-compact, equal,
adnate to the peridium on all sides ;
spores pedicellate.—Fr. S .M . iii. p.
21. Berk. Outl.p. SOI. {Fig. 114.)
1 0 3 0 . B o v is ta n ig r e s c e n s . P. “ Blackish Bovista.”
Subglobose, peridium papyraceous, tough, at length blackish-
umber; bark even, entirely evanescent; capillitium dense
purple brown, as well as the spores.—D '. N.M. iii. p 23 Berk
Outl.t. 20,f . 5. Bocc.t. 306,f 2. Bolt. t. 118. Batsch 'f l i e ’
Sow t. 331. Eng. F l. v. p. 302. Fchl. exs. no. 1884. Kl. exs. no.
In pastures. Common.
[United States.]
About in. broad.