h i
Pileus 4-3 in- broad, eicentrio, white, the surface broken into light brown
adpressed scales, margin involute, with fragments of the broad woven veil
adhering to It flesh continued into the stem ; gills white, not very broad,
decurrent forked, crisp; stem 3 in. high, attenuated downwards, firm, aU
most woodsy,otomentose, but not scaly. Taste Hke Ag. oampestris. Spores
1 1 1 . A g a r icu s (P leu r o tu s ) sp o n g io su s. Dr. “ Spongy Pleurotus.”
Pileus pulvinate, soft and spongy, sub-tomentose, veil torn,
fugacious, appendicuiate; stem very short, excentric, tomentose;
gills sinuate, adnate, crowded, white.—F r. Epicr. p. 130.
In a rotten beech. Oct. Epping Forest.—IF. G. S.
Sub-sessile, thick, pileus cinereous, with the habit oi Polyponis helulina,
¿-6 in. broad, persistently tomentose. Spores '0004 X -00018 in.
(PI. I I ., f . 6, reduced.)
Sect. 2 . Concharia.—pilens shell-shaped.
1 12. A g a r icu s (P leu ro tu s) u lm a r iu s . Bu ll. “ Elm Pleurotus,”
Pileus fleshy, compact, convexo-plane, smooth, somewhat spotted,
moist ; stem rather excentric, stout, thickened below, sub-
tomentose ; gills adnexed (emarginate or rounded), rather crowded,
broad, whitish.—Fr. Epicr.p. 130. Bull. t. 510. Sow. t. 67. Vitt.
Mang.t.23. Coohe,B.F. t. 7. Eng. FI. Y . p . 73. Price.f. 83.
On elm trunks. Sept.—Dec. Esculent. [United States.]
Pilens 3-12 in. broad, obtuse, smooth, subcoriaeeons, but within very white
soft, yet compact, thick, sometimes marbled with livid spots ; gills numer-
o u S j broaa, white, adnate or sub-decurrent, irregular : stem excentiic ascending
2-3m. long, about lin . thick, solid, firm, incrassated at the base,
wl.ite, sometimes furfuraeeous, single orin tufts, varyingagood deal in textu
r e .- 6-rev. Spores nearly globular, length *0002 in.
113. Agaricus (Pleurotus) subpalmatus. Fr. “ Subpalmate
Pileus fleshy, soft, convexo-plane, ohtuse, even, smooth; stem
excentric, incurved, equal,fibrilloso-striate; gills adnate,crowded,
broad rufescent.—Dr. Dpicr. 7^.131. S ow .t.6 2 . A.palmatus.
Eng. F I. Y .p . 73.
On squared timber, old trunks, &c.
Pileus 3-4in, broad, excentric, at first convex, the margin involute, then
more expanded j cu icle thick tough, elastic, gluey, butnot moist, not easily
separable from the flesh, distilling drops of a limpid reddish fluid, with a hot
and astringent styptic taste, margin beautifully reticulated, of a pale orange
u L T ] - T pramose, very fleshy, flesh mottled; gills paler,
rounded behind conneoted by veins, free, joined at the base by an obsolete
collar fetem 1-2 in. high, Jin. thick, oblique, thickest below, smooth, whit-
isn of a flbrous structure, sometimes a little hollow.—Af. J.eohinulate, 'OOOl/ X ’00023 in. B. aSppooireebs ssiliigehntiilvy
114. A g a r icu s (P leu r o tu s) c ra sp ed iu s.
Fr. “ Thiok-stem
Pileus fleshy, soft, convexo-plane, or depressed, undulato-
lobate, sub-pruinose ; stem solid, excentric, short ; gills adnate,
scarcely crowded, broad, whitish.—Dr. Epicr.p. 131. Paul. t. 44
f . 3. FI. Dan. t. 891. Saund. 4 Sm. t. 7.
On the trunks of trees.
Cæspitose. Stem elastic, spongy within, unequal, pallid. Pileus more or
less excentric, 3-5in broad, bnck-red, pale tan, or greyish; margin at first
involute, then opened, crenately lobed and waved, and fimbriate.
l i s . A g a r icu s (P leu ro tu s) fim b r ia tu s.
Bolt. “ Fringed Pleu-
Pileus fleshy, thin, plane, then funnel-shaped, even, hygrophanous
; margin at length sinuate and lobed ; stem somewhat
excentric, stuffed, compressed, firm, short, rootless, villous ; gills
adnate, thin, much crowded, slightly forked, white.—Dr. Epicr.
p. 131. Bolt. t. 61. Sterh. 1.15, B. Ann. N.H., no. 672*. Enq FI
Y .p . 37. ^
On trunks. Eare.
ft’’ Pileus 3in, broad, slightly fleshy, plano-convex
I t. J t r ’ i" u ” e^entrio ; turning pale ; gills very close, narrow and ten-
uer, oneu orked; stem about 1 in. long, smooth.—Dries. Most beautifnllv
and repeatedly lobed and flmbriated.-AAZB. ^
116. Ag a r icu s (P leu ro tu s) i ig n a t ilis . D«rs. “ Beech Pleurotus.”
Pileus fleshy, firm, convexo-plane or somewhat umbilicate,
tloccoso-pruinose; stem stuffed, then hollow, flexuose, sub-villose-
gills adnate, crowded, narrow, white.—Pers. Syn. p . 368. B I
Er. A n n .N H . (1865), no. 996. FI. Dan. 1.1797. Saund. 4 Sm.
On beech trees. Burnham Beeches, abundant in 1863.
mealy odour. Stem sometimes 2-8in. sometimes only 3-4
4 iu bvnfi t usually more or less excentric, from 1 to 3-
4 in. broad, repand, undulately lobed. Spores ’00015 X ’00012 iu.