and hygrophanous, margin incurved or s tr a ig h t; stem cartilaginous
and tubular, when young often stuffed, confluent with the
hymenophore, but heterogeneous from it ; gills truly and considerably
H a b . Generally epiphytal, and mostly peculiar to hilly regions,
preferring a damp, woody situation, and a rainy climate.—PI. I I .
Jig. 9.
The species, though small, are many o? them beantlfal; their properties
are not known, and they endure changes of temperature like the hygrophanous
species of Clitocyhe. Otiiphalia is naturally divided into two groups
—one, Collybarice, approaching OoUybia, and the other, ilycmarim, Mycena.
A . Collyharice.
Sect. 1. Pyxidatce—pileus depressed.
2 1 4 . A g a z icu s (Omphalia) p y x id a tu s . Bull. “ Variable
Pileus suh-membranaceous, umbilicate, then funnel-shaped,
smooth, hygrophanous; margin striate ; stem stuffed, then hollow,
even ; gills decurrent, rather distant, narrow, reddish grey.
—Fr. Epicr.p. 122. Bull. t. 5 6 8 ,/. 2. Ann. N .H . no. 141. Berk.
Outl.t. 6, f . 8. Eng. F I.y .p . 65-80*. Sow. t . 210.
Amongst short grass, on lawns, &o. Nov.
Pileus smooth; disc sub-membranaceous ; gills decnrrent, rather distant,
narrower than in any neighbouring species, dirty white, with a rufescent
tinge, then of the same colour as the pileus; stem when young stuffed, then
hollow, thickened at the base, and there clothed with whitish down, subattenuated
upwards.—Fries. Variable in size and colour, flesh-coloured, brick
red, dirty tawny, rufous, &c.
2 1 5 . A g a z icu s (Omphalia) h e p a tic u s . Batsch. “ Livercoloured
Tough, rigid ; pileus smooth, rather shining, even ; stem at
length compressed, flesh-coloured, inclined to rufous; gills distant,
connected by veins, and forked, rather thick, pallid.—Fr.
Epicr. p. 122. Batsch.f.211. Berk. O u tl.p .181.
On lawns.
Stem about 1 in. long, I lin. thick, flesh colour, inclining to brown, naked,
rarely pruinose; pileus becoming funnel-shaped, J - 1J in. broad, even, red
brown when moist, tawny or tan-coloured when dry.
2 1 6 . A g a z icu s (Omphalia) a ffzica tu s.
Fr. “ Hairy Bog
Pileus snb-membranaoeous, umbilicate, then infundibuli
form, obscurely variegated with hair-like squamules ; stem fistulose,
glabrous, cinereous ; gills decurrent, rather distant, broadest
in the middle, greyish white.—Fr. Epicr.p. 123. B. 4 Br. Ann.
N .ii. 1865, «0.994.
On Sphagnum. Aug. Aboyne, Aberdeenshire.
“ Pileus J in. across, infundibuliform or deeply umbilicate, hygrophanous,
brown, then monse-ooloured, minutely v i r g a t e ; stem oompresse/ tomentose
at the base; gills distinct, distant, ending abruptly, decurrent. —B. A* Jir.
217. A g a z icu s (Omphalia) sp h a g n ic o la . Berh. “ Bog-moss
Tough; pileus infundibuliform, sub-carnose, minutely squamulose,
moist; stem fistulose; gills narrow, dirty-ochraoeous.—
Berk. Outl.p. 131. Eng. F l. Y . p . 67.
On Sphagnum. June.
Whole plant tough and elastic ; odour scarcely any; pileus 1 - lJ in .broad,
funnel-shaped from a very early stage of growth, faintly striate, and minutely
sauamulose, dirty ochraceous, becoming darker in age, moist, but not visciu;
gills pale, decnrrent, narrow, moderately distant, thick, so as to present in
front a flat edge ; stem 1-2 in. long, 1 line thick, hollow, somewhat cracked,
smooth, except at first, when it is very minutely squamulose above; in age it
is nearly pervious above.—AT. J .B . Spores ’00025 X '00017 in.
218. A g a z i c u s (Omphalia) o n is c u s . Fr. “ Bolton’s Omphalia.”
Pileus sub-membranaceous, convex, then plane or depressed,
remotely radiato-striate, smooth, hygrophanous; stem sub-fistulose,
firm, equal; gills adnate, decurrent, straight, somewhat distant,
livid, or whitish, as well as the stem.—Dr.-EiRcr. p. 123. Bolt.
i .4 1 ,/C .c .
In swamps.
Stem rather firm, about an inch long, and a line thick, straight or curved,
grey. Pilens flaccid, irregular, scarcely l in. broad, smooth, dark cinereous,
paler wlieii dry. Spores *00025 X '00022 in.
Sect. 2. Umhelliferm—parasol-like.
219. A g a z icu s (Omphalia) m u z a lis . Sow. “Wall Omphalia.”
Pileus siih-memhranaceous, u m b i l i c a t e , radiato-striate, smooth,
margin crenulate ; stem somewhat stuffed, short, tough, brownish
rufous ; gills decurrent, distant, paler.—Fr. Epicr.p. 124. Sow.
i. 322. Eng. F I .y . p. 65.