> <
stem stuffed, spongy, of tlie same colour; gills crowded, tan-
coloured, flesh and milk acrid, white, then saffron coloured.—
F r.E p ic r.p . 348. Kromhh. t . l 4 , f . 10-12. Bull.t. 567, f . 3 . Eng.
F I.y . p . 29. Barla. t.21, f . 6, 7.
In woods. Aug.—Nov. Common. [Low. Carolina.]
Pileus 1-3 in. broad, not viscid, minutely pitted, plane, slightly depressed,
of a dull grey buff, or umber, with a minute bloom ; not zoned ; margin not
the least involute ; flesh when cut soon changing to salmon colour; milk
white, not changeable; gills sUghtly forked at the base, not connected by
veins, ochraceous, sub-decurrent, mealy with the yellow spores, which are
round and eohinulate ; stem 14-3 in. long, 4-5 lines thick, solid, hut the in
substance less dense, obese, much paler than the pileus, with a minute bloom.
The colour of the pileus is exactly that of coffee and milk.—Ai. J. B. Spores
yellow, ecbinulate, almost globular, diameter'00028 in.
Sect. 4. Pileus smooth, polished.
6 0 9 . Iia c ta z iu s v o lem um . Fr. “ Orange-brown Laotarius.”
Pileus compact, rigid, plane, then depressed, obtuse, dry, golden
tawny, a t length rimoso-rivulose ; stem solid, bard, blunt, pruinose;
gills crowded, white, then yellowish; milk copious, sweet, white.
—Fr. Epicr. p. 344. L e te ll.t.624. L e n z .t.3 , f .12. I Iu s s .\.t.8 7 .
Eng. F l. y.p. 27. Kromhh. t. 3 9 ,/. 1-4. Barla. t.2 0 ,f. 1-3. Smith.
E .M . f 26.
In woods. King’s Cliffe. Esculent. [S. Carolina.]
Pileus 4 in. broad, flesh thiokish, moderately firm, obtuse, minutely umbonate,
though the nmbo at length vanishes, snhdepressed, sometimes very
faintly zoned, with a few minute wrinkles towards the margin, dry, at length
cracked, of a rich orange brown, darker in the centre, the whole rather dull
than shining ; margin not th"' least involute, though when young the edge
ofthe pileus is regularly incurved ; milk white, abundant, quite mild ; gills
pale ochraceous, becoming fuscous on being touched, not very close, scarcely
deourrent, even in depressed specimens, sometimes slightly forked; stem 2|-
34 in. high, above I in. thick, obese, minutely attenuated downwards, sculptured
longitudinally, paler than the centre of the pileus, spongy in the ceutre,
outer flesh reddisli.—AI. J . B.
6 1 0 . L a c ta ii'u s l îî i ti s s im u s . Fr. “Mild Lactarius.”
Pileus flesby, tbin, convex, tben depressed,papillate, dry, zone-
less, even, orange ; stem stuffed, tben bollow, smooth, of tbe same
colour ; gills crowded, jialcr ; milk wbite.—Fr. Epicr. p . 345.
Kromhh. t. 39, f . 19, 20. A n n .N .H . no. 799.
In woods and hedgebanks.
Stem 1-3 in. long, 4-4 liu. thick', even, smooth. Pileus thin, rather rigid,
depressed, with evanescent papillæ, 1-3 in. broad, brightly coloured. Flesh
pallid ; gills adnato-dcciivrent, at first somewhat arcuate, theu straight,
thin, crowded, I -14 lin. or more hroad.
L a c ta iiu s su h d u lc is . Fr.611. “ Sweet Lactarius.”
Pileus flesby, tbin, papillate, at length depressed, polished,
even, zoneless, rufous-cinnamon; stem stuffed, tben bollow,
equal, somewbat pruinose, becoming rufous, as well as the crowded,
fragile gills ; milk ratber mild, wbite.—Er. Epicr.p. 346. Bull. t.
222,A.B . Sow.t. 204. Krombh. t. 40, f 13, 14. L e n z . f 11.
Bolt. t.3. Schoeff. t. 73, partly. Enq. F I . y .p .28. Barla. t . 20,
f 4-10.
In woods. Sept. Oct. Common. [S. Carolina.]
Pileus 1-4 in. hroad, dark chocolate, sometimes slightly viscid when
young ; milk white, acrid when the plant is old ; gills at length deep brown,
scarcely at all forked ; stem 1-2 in. high, 4-J in. thick, substance looser than
in L. quietus, at length hollow.—Ai. J . A. Spores between papillose and
eohinulate, diameter '00028 in.
6 1 2 , L a c ta iiu s c am p h o ia tu s , Fr. “ Camphory Lactarius."
Pileus flesby, thin, depressed, dry, somewhat zoned, smootb,
brownisb-red ; stem stuffed, sub-undulate, of tbe same colour ;
gills crowded, yellowisb-red ; milk mild, wbite.—Fr. Epicr. p.
346. Bull. t. 567, f . I. Krombh. t. 39,f . 21-24. Ann. N .H . no.
In woods. [Low. Carolina.]
Known by its powerful smell of melilot, wliioh it retains for a long time in
the herbarium. Pileus 14 in. across.—AI. J . A.
Gen. 10. RV SSV LA , Pr. Gen. Hymen.
Spores wbite or very pale yellow,
generally ecbinulate; veil entirely obsolete
; pileus fleshy, convex, tben
expanded, and at length depressed ;
stem stout, polished, not corticate,
generally spongy within, confluent
witb the bymenopbore ; gills nearly
equal, milkless, rigid, brittle, with
an acute edge, sometimes dropping
w a te r; trama vesiculose.
H ab . On tb e ground in late summer
and autumn. {Fig- 52.)
Fig. 52. This genus agrees with Lactarius in size,
and some other characters, but differs in the
absence of milk, and the gills being nearly equal. Odour none, or unpleasant.
A few species are edible, but most are noxious.— W. G. S.
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