t o ' - i ' !' '-ferii 1 ; :U!|
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Order V I. T R E M E L L IN I .
Whole plant gelatinous, with the exception occasionally of the
nucleus. Sporophores large, simple or divided. Spicules elongated
into threads.—Berk. OuiZ.p.286.
ImmargiTiate. Hymenium universal . . .
Margined. Hymenium s u p e r i o r ....................
Cup-shaped. Hymenium wrinkled . . . .
Nucleus solid. Hymenium universal . . . .
Homogeneous. Sporophores clavate, bifurcate
Inflated. Hymenium smooth, then collapsed .
Effused, thin, macul^form . ^.........................
Patellgeform. Hymenium disco id ....................
Gen. 4 9 . T R E iaE L L A , Fr.
Gelatinous, tremulous, im-
marginate. Hymenium not
papillate, surrounding the
whole of the fungus.—Berh.
Outl.p. 286. {Fig. 94.)
Sect. 1. Mesenteriformes.
1 0 1 3 . T r em eU a fim b iia ta . Pers. “ Fringed Tremella.”
Cæspitose, erect, corrugated, blackish-olive ; lobes flaccid ;
margin incised, undulato-flmbriate.—Fr. Epicr. p. 588. Bull. t.
272. Hoffm. t . l , f . l . Eng. F I .y .p . 215. Berh. Outl. p . 286.
On dead brancbes. Eare.
Of a soft, gelatinous consistence, almost watery within.
1 0 1 4 . T r em e lla frondo sa . Fr. “ Large pale Tremella.”
Cæspitose; very large, even, pallid-yellow; base plicate ;
lobes gyroso-undulate.—Fr. Epicr.p. 588. Bull, i.4 9 9 ,/. T. Ann.
N .H . no. 810. Berh. Outl.p. 287.
A t the base of living trees. Eare. Wothorpe.
When fresh of a peculiar pale pinkish-yellow, often attaining a very large
1015. Tremella foliácea. P. “ Foliaceous Tremella.”
_ Cæspitose, flaccid, even, diaphanous, undulated, flesb coloured
cinnamon; base plicate ; spores subelliptic.—Dm«, t. 4 0 6 ,/. A.
a. Berh. Outl.p. 287. T. ferruginea, Eng. Bot. 2nd E d. t. 1452
Eng. Fl. v. p . 215. Ann. N .H . no. 13.
On old stumps. [United States.]
Very variable in colour, sometimes deep red-brown and sometimes violet.
Fhable and tender, beeoming thin, shrivelled and shapeless when dry, re-
viving, thongh imperfectly, on the re-applioation of moisture; segments
obtuse, lobed, and waved ; surface finely pubescent or granulated • the granulations
pale, giving the plant a velvet-like gloss, with brown irregular
specks, perhaps of a fructification among them.”— .Boi.
10 1 6 . Tremella lutescens. Fr. “ Yellowish Tremella.”
Cæspitose, tremulous, undulato-gyrose, white, then yellowisb;
lobes crowded, entire.—D r.Dpfer.p. 588. P ers.Ic. 4 Besc t 8 f.
9 Bull. t. 406, C.D. t. 499,/. U.V. Berh. Outl.p. 287. Price f.
44. Bisch.f. 3403. Bail. t. 22.
On old stumps. [United States.]
Sect. 2. Gerebrince.
1017. Tremella mesenterica. ReU. “ Orange Tremella.”
Expanded, ascending, somewbat tough, plicato-undulate
smooth, orange.—Dr. Epicr.p. 588. Jacq. Misc. i. 1.13. Schoeff.
t l 68. E n g .B o t.2 n d E d .t.7 0 9 . B u ll.t.l7 4 . Huss.i.t.27. Ann.
Sc. Nat. {1853),sPi. t . l l . Eng. F I . y .p .216. Berh. Outl. p. 287.
Gard. Chron. (1860),t3. 953,fg. Price, f 26. Bot. Zeit. 1859, t.
l l j / . 22.
On sticks in woods, &c. Common. [United States.]
Varying oonsiderably in size and form, sometimes quite flat and thin, hut
generally ascending and strongly lobed and plicate; when full grown consisting
oi branched, easily discernible filaments, surrounded by a dense
stratum of spores. (Fig. 94.^
1018. Tremella vesicaria. Bu ll. “ Bladdery Tremella.”
^ Firm, bladdery, much waved and wrinkled, erect, pallid, very
viscid witbin ; sporophores globose; spores broad, oblong.—
Bull. t. 427, f . 3. Berk. Outl.p. 287. Eng. Bot. E d . ii. t. 2451.
Ann. N .H . no. 724.
On the ground. Eare. [Pennsylvania.]
Spores-0004 X '00025 in.
Q 5