I '
■ :
fri ■
' í
Attacked to creeping threads.
Spores simple or nniseptate
Perithecia spurious.
Simple, never deficient above.
Spores elongated .
Sometimes excipuliform.
Spores elongated .
Spores minute
Spores quaternate, filiform .
Gen. 102. CONIOTHYRIVnE, Gorda.
Perithecium membranaceous,
bursting irregularly or transversely
; spores simple, at
length free.—BerTc. Outl. p . 313.
{Fig. 148.)
Fig. 148.
1 2 0 5 . C on io th y rium g lom e z a tum .
Corda. “ Clustered
Tufts minute, black. Perithecia in heaps, convex, rugulose,
brown; spores oblong, rounded at tbe extremities, colourless,
byaline.— Corda. iv ./. 108. B . / Br. Ann. N .H . no. 752.
On elm planks. Nov.
(Fig. 148.)
Gen. 1 0 3 . LEFTOSTROMA , Fr.
Fig. 149.
Perithecium membranaceous,
flat, breaking off at tbe base;
spores simple, minute.—Beri.
Outl. p . 313. Fr. S .M . ii.p. 597.
{Fig. 149.)
1 2 0 6 . Lep to stzom a c a z ic in um .
Fr. “ Sedge Lepto-
Subrotund, unequal, thin, opaque, entirely falling off, and
leaving a brown spot.—F r. Obs. ii. t. 7 ,f. 4. S .M . ii.p . 598. Eng.
F l .r .p . 297. Fchl. exs.no. 186. X I. exs. no. 383.
On leaves of Carices. [United States.]
S P H A ) E O N E M E I . 417
The perithecium is extremely thin, and it leaves, when fallen off, a pale
brown spot, surrounded by a little raised line. Other less perfectly defined
LEPTosTKOMA JUNorNUM, F r. (Berh. exs. no. 197) is undoubtedly the sty-
losporous condition of Dotkidea junci.
L eptosteoma pilioinum, Fr. (Coohe exs. no. 334) is an incomplete oondi-
tion 01 Dothmea filicina Fr.
^ L eptostroma vuigaee, F r. ia an imperfect sta te of Hysteriuw. commune.
1 2 0 7 . L epto stzom a lit ig io sum , Desm. “ Minute fern
Perithecia somewbat rounded, very minute, punctiform, scattered
or clustered together, brown-black, sub-opaque, at length
wholly seceding.—D«sm. Ann. Sc. Nat. 1843, xix.p. 338. Moug.
exs. no. 673. Coohe exs. no. 335.
On dead Pteris aquilina. [Low & Mid. Carolina.]
Much smaller than L. filieinum. Probably a condition of some ascigerous
1 2 0 8 . Lep to stzom a spizeae.
Fr. “ Meadow-sweet Leptos-
Conglomerate, connate, irregular, rugose, sbining grey witbin,
at length separating entirely at tbe base.—Eng. F l . r . p . 298.
Coohe exs. no. 333. Berh. exs. no. 46.
On dead stems of Spircea ulmaria. Spring. Common.
[Low. Carolina.]
u. 1 0 4 .
Fig. 150.
FH O niA , Pr.
Perithecium punctiform or subglobose,
often spurious, or incorporated with the
matrix, discharging the minute simple spores
by a small orifice a t the apex. Spores mostly
hyaline.—Berh. Outl.p. 314. {Fig. 150.)
Probably none of the species are autonomous, but
they must he retained under this genus until satisfactorily
referred to the higher forms to which they
respectively belong.