M E LA NO G A ST E R , Corda.
Peridiuin adhering to creeping
branched fibres wbicb traverse its
surface, without any proper or distinct
base; cells at first filled witb
p u lp ; spores smooth, mostly dark.
— Corda. Sturm, iii. p . i. Ic. Fung.
V. p. 23. Tul. Hyp. p . 92. Berk.
Outl.p.293. {F ig .103.)
Kg. 103.
1 0 4 7 . M e la n o g a s te i v a r ie g a tu s . Tul. “ Bed Truffle.”
At first ochraceous, tben reddish-ferruginous, minutely downy ;
walls of the cells dirty wbite, yellowisb or orange ; pulp black ;
spores minute.— Tul. F . Hyp. t. ii. / . 4, t. xii. / . 6. Bull. t. 479.
Berk. Outl.p. 293. Vitt. Tub. t. iii./. 4. Corda. Ic. vi. t. 9 ,/. 91.
var. B ro om e ia n u s. Veins pale, sometimes becoming red wben
dry, sometimes unobangeable. M. Broomeianus, B. Ann. N .H .
no. 301. Tuber moschatum. Sow. <.426. Berh. exs. no. 285. Tul.
Ann. Sc. Nat. xix. 1.11, f . 23. Corda. v i./. 90.
Under beecb trees, Lombardy poplars, &c. South West of
Sold in the market at Bath under the name of the Bed Truffle, and eaten
there in preference to the Common Truffle. In tufts of five or six together,
and several of such tufts under each tree, half of them being in general exposed,
and half beneath the soil ; when fresh it is minutely tomentose, of a
reddish ochre, which becomes less bright when handled or badly dried ; the
veins bright yellow in the typical form, pale in the variety, sometimes becoming
red when dry, sometimes unchangeable ; at first white within, theu
very pale yellow, at length fuliginous. The spores are elliptic and minute,
without any papillæ, they contain one or two globose nuclei ; when ripe
spherical bodies o fthe size of the nuclei are often mixed with the spores.—
M .J .B , Spores 'OOfié mm. long, "004 mm. broad ('00025 X '00015 in.).
1 0 4 8 . M e la n o g a s te z am b ig u u s.
Tul. “ Stinking Melano-
Very foetid, globose, dirty oUve, nearly even ; walls of cells
wbite, reddisb wben exposed to tbe air ; pulp black ; spores large,
obovate. Tul. H yp. t. 2 ,/. 5 ,1.12, f . 5. Berh. Ann. N .Hist. no. 302.
Berh. Outl.p. 293. Corda. Ic. vi. t. 9, / 88. Octaviana ambigua,
Vitt. Tub.p. 18, t. 4 , / 7. Hyperrhiza liquaminosa, IClot. Fl. Bor.
i.468. Lycoperdoides, M ich.t. 9 8 ,/. 3.
Under fir trees. West of England. Apetborpe.
Known at once by its much larger ovate spores with a papilla at the apex,
and its abominable smell, which resembles that of assafoetida. A single specimen
in a room is so strong as to make it scarcely habitable. The walls of
the cells when cut are whitish, but soon become red j this is not constantly
the case.—M, J .B .
var. ¡3. in t e im e d iu s . Spores obovate, obtuse and even, very
rarely sligbtly papillate.—Berh. A n n .N .H . no. 302.
This form, or more probably species, was found at Spye Park in August,
by C. B. Broome. I t is as large as M. variegatus, of which it has the bright
rusty colour, but the spores are much larger, equalling in size those of the
typical form of this species, though of a different form. There is scarcely
ever the slightest indication of a papilla, and they are obovate, with a single
globose nucleus. The smell is also similar. The walls of the cells are yellowish,
and are red in dry specimens.—Af. J. B. Spores '013 X '016 mm. long,
'008mm.hroad ('0005 X ’OOOSin.). (Fig.166, sectioamagd.)
Gen. 5 9 . H Y D N A NG IUM , Wallr.
Peridium flesby or membranaceous. Sterile base
none. Trama vesicular. Cells at first empty, then
filled witb spores. Spores ecbinulate.— Tul. Hyp.
p. 74. Berli. Ann. N .H . xiii.jj. 351. Outl. p. 293.
Corda. Ic. Y. p. 28. {Fig. 104.)
Kg. 104.
1 0 4 9 . H y d n a n g ium caxotæcoloz.
Berk. “ Orange Hydnan-
Oblong, rootless ; peridium tbin, rugulose, brick-red, orange
witbin ; spores subelliptic, pale, ecbinulate.—Berh. Ann. N .H .
xiii. p. 351. Berh. Outl.p. 293, t.20, f . l . Tul. Hyp. t . 21, f 4.
Under trees. Sept. Nov. Bristol.
Oblong, t ol an inch in diameter, externally slightly tomentose, pale
orange-red, fleshy, but by no means deliquescent, rootless ; peridium thin,
atlength rugulose, within minutely cellular ; substance of a beautiful orange-
red; cells hollow, clothed with obtuse bi-sporous sporophores, and slender
cystidia ; the cells are also traversed from wall to wall by slender occasionally
branched threads. Spores subelliptic, strongly ecbinulate, supported on
short hut distinct sterigmata.-Af./.A. Colour exactly that of a carrot,
communicating to paper a lemon-coloured stain. Spores '0096 X '0128 mm.
long, '007 X '008 mm. broad ('0004 X ’0003 in.).
{Fig. 104, spores magd.)