S! '
Stem lateral, irregular, pruinose, white, at length brown. Pilei subcarnose,
irregular, confluentin an involute manner, villoso-pulverulent, about
8 iu. broad, yellow-green. Pores unequal, dirty-white, when torn more or
less of a green hue.—Dries.
7 5 1 . P o lyp o ru s g ig a n te u s . Dr. “ Large-branched Polyporus.”
Imbricated, flesby, tougb, somewbat coriaceous ; pilei dimidiate,
very broad, flaccid, somewbat zoned, rivulose, brigbt-
brown, depressed behind ; stem branched, connate from a common
tuber ; pores minute, nearly round, pallid, a t length torn.—Fr.
Epicr.p. 448. R o sth .t.l9 . S choe ff.t.261. B o lt.t.16. H u ss.i.t.
82. Holms. 1.13, var. Eng. F l. v. f . 137. Bisch.f. 3324. Fl. Dan.
1.1793. Fckl. exs. no. 1897.
On trunks. Bare. [Low. and Mid. Carolina.]
Forming large tufts, 1-2 feet or more broad, branched in an imbricated
manner. Pilei snblateral, flaccid, various inform, the surface granulated
with minute brown flocci, rigid, when dry squamoso-flbrillose, at first pale,
then brownish-yellow, disc depressed, at length black. Pores minute, dirty
brown when bruised, a t length torn.—Foig, Fl, (Fig, 6é, rednced.)
7 5 2 . PolypOYUS su lfu z e u s . Fr. “ Sulphury Polyporus.”
Cæspitose, of a cheesy consistence,
soon growing pale, cracking
; pileoli very broad, imbricated,
undulated, nearly smooth,
reddisb-yellow ; pores minute,
plane, sulphur-coloured, at length
torn.—F r. Epicr. p. 450. Grev. t.
113. B isch.f. 3287. K l.e xs.n o .
1005. Bostk. t. 20. B u ll.t. 429.
S o w .t.135. H u s s .i.t. 46. Berk.
O u tl.t.l6 ,f. 3. E n g .F l.y .p . 138.
Letell. t. 626. Price, f . 116. Fckl.
exs. 1392.
Fig. 65.
Cn trunks. Common. [United States.]
Pilei imbricated,formmg a large,compact, somewhat branched mass,sometimes
2-3 feet broad. Pores minute, often formed of inflexed or incurved
portions of the mass. Spores white. Dry specimens are often iucrusted
with crystals of hinoxalate of potash.— Fl. Spores oval, white, minutely
papillose, '0003 X '00023 in. (Fig. 65, reduced.)
7 5 3 . P o lyp o ru s a llig a tu s . Fr. “ Conneoted Polyporus.”
Cæspitose, fibrons or of a cheesy consistence, rigid, but brittle;
pileoli imbricated, unequal, without zones, villous, isabelline or
tan-coloured ; pores minute, soft, white, easily obliterated with
flocci.—F r .E p ic r .p . 450. Sow.t. 422.
At tbe base of trunks. Rare.
7 5 4 . P o lyp o ru s h e t e z o c litu s . Fr. “ Ground Polyporus.”
Cæspitose, coriaceous ; pileoli sessile, expanded everywhere
from a common, radical tubercle, lobed, villous, without zones,
orange; pores irregular and elongated, golden-yellow.—Fr.
Epicr.p. 451. B o lt .t.164. Eng. F I.y . p . 135.
Cn tbe ground, under oaks.
Pileus 2^ in. broad. I t shoots out several flat pieces from a hard and coriaceous
root, which is white within, lying on the surface of the earth in a
horizontal direction. Pores very variable in size and form.—Purton.
7 5 5 . F o lyp o zu s sa lig n u s . Fr. “ Willow Polyporus.”
Imbricate, cæspitose, coriaceous, soft, elastic ; pileoli dimidiate,
dilated, reniform, incrusted witb adpressed, whitish down,
tumid, sublobate, somewbat sulcate and depressed about tbe margin
; pores tbin, crowded, elongated, flexuose, intricate, wbite.—
F r.E p ic r.p . 452. B o lt.t.78. B a tt.t. 3 8 ,¥ . P. salicinus, Grev.,
Bostic, t. 2.
Cn willows.
Sect. 4. Apus—Sessile.
A . Anodermei.
7 5 6 . F o ly p o zu s e p ile u c u s . Fr. “ Grey-elm Polyporus.”
Pileus of a cheesy consistence, firm, pulvinate, villoso-scrupose,
unequally grey, internally white-zoned; pores round and
elongated, obtuse, entire, wbite.—Fr. Epicr. p. 452., Bostk. t. 26.
Smith. Seem. Journ.1868,p. 34. P. spumeus, F l.D a n .t.1794.
Cn elm trunks. Nov. Holloway. London. [United States.]
I t is a very large and handsome species, stemless, of a rich but subdued
yellow colour, and somewhat corky consistence; the tuhes are very minute,
and ahout i of an inch long ; the pileus is tough, shaggy, and dingy-white.—
W. a. S.
7 5 7 . F o lyp o zu s c h io n e u s . Dr. “ Soft white Polyporus.”
Wbite. Pileus fleshy, soft, without zones, somewbat even and
smootb, ratber expanded behind ; margin acute, inflexed ; pores
sbort, small, rounded, equal, quite entire.—Fr. Epicr. p. 453.
Pers. M .E . ii., 1.15. / . 2. Ann. N .H . no. 806.