H a b . On the ground, mostly in rich grassy places, and more
often in fields than woods.— {PL I I f i g .2, Ag.procerus.)
Several species as A. cii/peoto-ias, Bull, A. cepcestipes, Sow., and A. cristatm,
I r ., appear in hothouses all the year round. Lepiota is readily recognised
by its free gills, aiinulated stem without a volva, and generally scaly pileus.
Usually autumnal and edible.—IF. G. S.
Sect. 1. Proceri.— ring moveable.
1 6 . A g a z icu s (Iiep io ta ) pzo cezus.
Scop. “ Parasol
Pileus fleshy, soft, at first ovate, then expanded and umbonate;
cuticle thick, torn up into broad scales ; stem hollow, tall, bulbous,
variegated with adpressed scales ; ring moveable ; gills very remote.—
Dr. Epicr.p. 12. Eng. FI. r .p . 7. Trans. Woolh. C., 1867.
Badh. t. 2. Barla. t. 8. Schmff. t. 22-23. FI. Dan. t. 772. Curt. FI.
L .t.6 9 . Vitt. Mang. t. 24. Price f . l 4. L e n z .f.5 -6 . Vent. t. 6.
P a u l.t.l3 5 . Hogg 4 Jo h n s t.t.8. C o o k e ,B .F .t.2 . H u s s .i.t.88.
Smith E . M .f . 14. Kromb. t. 24, f . 1-12.
Pastures. Common. Esculent. [Pennsylvania.]
PUeus 3-7 in. broad, at first obtusely conic, at length campanulate, strongly
umbonate, fleshy, cutiel velvety, red brown, broken into sub-reflexed scales
the whole resembling brown shaggy leather, margin white, or pinkish, silky,
flesh soft, and cottony, except in the centre, when young. Gills perfectly free,
separated by a considerable space from the stem, ventricose, margin serrated
pale, pinkish yellow, or white. Stem, 8-12 in. high, f in. thick, attenuated
upwards, sunk deep into the flesh of the pilens, bulbous, scaly, hollow,
but stuffed with a cottony web. Ring coriaceous, thick and spongy, convex
below, moveable. Taste and smell pleasant.—ilf ./.B . Spores '0006 x
•0003 i n . - IF . G. S. (PI. ii., fig. 2 and fig. 35.)
17. A g a z icu s (L ep io ta ) za ch odes.
Vitt. “ Large grey
Pileus fleshy, soft, at first globose, then expanded and depressed
; cuticle thin, broken into persistent scales, stem hollow, a ttenuated,
smooth, immaculate, bulb at first abrupt; ring lacerated,
moveable; gills remote.—Dr. Dpicr.js. 13. Berk. Outl. p l.3 , f . 6.
Price,/. 104. Huss. ii. t. 58. Vitt. Mang. t. 20. Ann. N.H. no. 257.
Gard. Chron., 1861,p. 599. Kromb. t. 24, f . 15-16.
In shady pastures. Not common. Esculent. [Carolina, U.S.]
Flesh mostly red when bruised. Closely allied to A. procerus, from which
i t i s d lS t in C r n i f iT in .K l f t V»lr •f.L o rFiliiTtCS w ir i- n r . W \_______________ 1______ .
Spores -00018 X ‘00025 in.—IF. G.S.
-like appearanee.-
18. A g a z icu s (L ep io ta ) e x c o z ia tu s . Sohaiff. “ Flaky L epiota .”
Pileus fleshy, soft, obscurely umbonate ; cuticle thin, breaking
up into scales ; stem hollow, short, cylindrical, scarcely bulbous,
smooth, white ; ring moveable ; gills rather remote.—Schoeff. t.
18-19. E n g .F l.y . p . 1. Vitt. Mang. t. 35. K r o m b h .t.l,f.9 ,t . 24,
f . 24-30, Vent. t. 7. Paul. 1. 135 bis. Letell. t. 6 0 9 ,/. A . B.
In pastures. May—Sept. Esculent.
Pileus 2Jin. across, expanded, often a little irregular, carnose, umbonate,
flesh spongy, cnticle cracked into small areolæ, silky between them, especially
on the margin, pale fawn, the umbo dark, gilts ventricose, free, so as to leave
a broad space round the top of the stem, which is sunk into the substance of
the pileus, dull white, slightly watery, uubricate when old, sometimes broader
on one side of the pilens than the other, and sometimes stained with claret
colored blotches. Stem 1^-2 in. high, in. thick, attenuated regularly upwards,
without a decided bulb, minutely fibrillose, hollow, but stuffed with a
cottony web. Ring deflexed, moveable. Smell scarcely any.—M .J .B . Spores
•0005 X -00035 in.—IF. G. S.
19. A g a z icu s (Lepiota! g z a c ilen tu s .
KromhJi. “ Slender
Pileus rather fleshy, campanulate, then expanded, obtusely
umbonate ; cuticle thin, breaking up into adpressed persistent
patches; stem hollow, elongated, slightly bulbous ; ring thin, free,
evanescent; gills remote, broad, pallid.—Kromb. t. 24, f . 13-14.
Berk. Out.p. 93.
In pastures. Esculent.
Resembling A.proceruslmt more delicate. Stem 5-6 in. long, 4-5 lin. thick,
obsoletely scaly. Pileus at first ovate, then campanulate, and at length flattened,
spotted with brownish scales. Spores ’00043 X ’0003 in.—IF. G. S.
2 0 . A g a z icu s (L epio ta ) m a sto id eu s . Pr. “ Bossed Lepiota.”
Pileus rather fleshy, soft, ovate, then expanded, and acutely
umbonate ; cuticle thin, breaking up into scattered papillie ; stem
hollow, equally attenuated from the bulb, weak,, smooth ; ring
entire, moveable; gills very remote, pallid.—Epicr.p. 14. FI. Dan.
t. 2144. Berk. Mag. Zool. 4 Bot. i. t. 2 ,fi 1. Kromb. t. 24, f . 17-18.
Batt. t. 1 0 ,/. A . Letell. t. 609,/. D .E .
In woods. Oct. King’s Cliffe. [Cincinnati.]
Pileus I f in. across, f in . high, very strongly umbonate, with a depression
round the umbo, sub-carnose, epidermis breaking up into small amber papillae,
which are larger and more scattered towards the margin; gills remote, rather
narrow, yellowish ; stem 3f in. high, slender, strongly attenuated upwards,
inorassated at the base, sunk into the substance of the pileus, minutely vil-
loso-squamose, filled ’within with cottony fibres. Ring deflexed, scarcely move-
able.—i i . J. B.