i '1 a
On stumps. Doubtful.
Inserted on the faith of Bolton’s figure, which “ may be only Agaricus
talignus^' Pileus 2-3 in. broad; gills ratlier broad.
Gen. 15 . PA N U S , Fr. Epicr. p. S96.
Spores wbite; pileus unequal-
sided or lateral, tougb, flesby, at
length coriaceous, but not woody,
drying up, but reviving with moisture
; stem tbe same witb the by-
memophore ; gills thinner than in
tbe last genus, tougb, at length
coriaceous, unequal, with an entire
acute edge; trama floccose.
H a b . On stumps. {Eig- 57.)
All the species are tough (at first
softer), never woody, drying up in decay.
Fig. 57.
6 9 0 . P a n u s to z u lo su s . Fr. “ Twisted Panus.”
Pileus flesby, then tough, coriaceous, plane, tben infundibuli-
iprm or dimidiate, even, flesb-coloured or ochraceous; stem
sbort, oblique, clothed witb grey down; gills decurrent, ratber
distant, distinot behind, ruddy, then tan-ooloured.—Fr. Epicr.p.
397. Batsch.f. 33. P a u l.t.2 6 ,f.3 ,4 . N e e s .f.llQ . Krombh.t. 42,
/ .3 - 5 . Do«, i. 146.
On old stumps. [Mid. & TJp. Carolina].
Stem soUd, seldom exceeding an in. long, grey, covered with a violaceous
down. Pileus entire, 2-3 in. broad, smooth. Flesh pale. Variable in colour,
sometimes shaded very slightly, if at all, with pink. Spores sp ‘0002 X ‘00013
(Fig. 57, reduced)
6 9 1 . P a n u s c o n ch a tu s . Fr. “ Shell Panus.”
Pileus flesby, tougb, tbin, unequal, excentric and dimidiate,
cinnamon, becoming pale, at length squamulose ; stem sbort,
unequal, pubescent at the base ; gills forming decurring lines on
the stem, somewhat branched, wbitisb, flesb-coloured, tben
ochraceous.—F r .E p ic r .p . 398. Krombh. t. 42, f.1 -2 . Schoeff.t.
43,44. Dm«, i. 298, 517,/. O.P. E n g .F l . r . p . l l . A n n .N .H .
no. 67.
On trunks. Rare. Margate. Apethorpe. [Cincinnati, Ü. S.]
Pileus flaccid, even ; gills not anastomosing at the base, ratherr t1 hick and
close; stem not 1 in. high, sometimes obsolete.—Fries.
Always known by its conohate form and tougher substance from similar
species of the genus Agaricus. —M. J. B.
6 9 2 . P a n u s s ty p t ic u s . Fr. “ Styptic Panus.”
Pileus coriaceous, reniform, cinnamon, growing pale, cuticle
breaking upinto mealy scales ; stem lateral, short, dilated above ;
gills determinate, tbin, crowded, connected by veins, cinnamon.
—F r .E p ic r .p .399. Bull. 1.140, 557, f . l . Schoeff.t. 208. Sow.
1.109. FL Dan. t. 832, f . 1 .1.1292, f. 1. Tratt. Aus. t. 2. Krombh.
t. 44, f 13-17. Buxb. V. 1.10, f . 1. E ng.F l. Y. p . 73. Smith. P.M.
f. 6. Berh. exs.no.136.
On stumps, dead trees, &c. Common. [S. Carolina.]
Gregarious or cæspitose. Pileus 1-lJ in. broad, semiorbicular, the margin
entire or lobed, surface nearly even, pruinose or furfuraeeous, often zoned,
varying in depth of colour; margin involute ; gills often branched, beautifully
connected by veins, pale ciunamon. Stem about 1 in. high, ascending,
dilated above, pruinose.—if . J. B. Spores ‘0001 X ‘00018 in.
Qen. 1 6 .
Fig. 68.
XEROTU S, Fr. Bp. p. 48.
Spores wbite ; pileus membranaceous
; stem confluent witb tbe hymenophore,
which descends into and
forms a tram a ; gills dicbotomous,
fold-like, coriaceous, adnato-decurrent,
with an obtuse entire edge; in
the single British species branched
and very distant. {Fig- 58.)
H a b . The British plant grows
in peat-mosses.
This genus, which is chiefly tropical,
resembles aooriaceo-membranaceous Can-
thardlus, with narrow gills.
6 9 3 . X e z o tu s d e g en e z . Fr. “ Moss Xerotus.”
Pallid. Pileus between coriaceous and membranaceous, piano-
depressed, flocculose, hygrophanous, striate when moist ; stem
solid, tbin, velvety; gills plicate, branched, distant, pallid.—Fr.
Epicr. p . 400. Schoeff.t.243. Sow. i . 210.
In peat mosses. Very rare.
Pileus soinewhat zoned, grey, thin, but tough. (Fig- 68.)
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