attenuated in front, distant, simple, unequal, pallid, white.—Fr.
Epicr. p. 386. Berk. Outl. 1.14,/. 6. Ag. calopus, Ann. N .H . no.
On leaves, decayed grass, &c. [Up. Carolina.]
Gregarious, dry, scentless. Stem scarcely an meh long. Pileus unpolished,
i in. broad, even when young, then plicato-sulcate, white. With the habit
of M. Vaiilantii.
6 7 8 - Mairasniius H u d so n i. Fr. “ Hudson’s Marasmius.”
Inodorous. Pileus membranaceous, bemispberical, rugulose ;
stem borny, filiform, dark purple, beset—as well as the pileus—
with scattered purple hairs ; gills adnexed, narrow, simple, wbite,
alternately dimidiate.—Fr. E picr.p. 386. Sow.t. 164. Desm. 669. Eng. F I .y .p . 55. Ann. N .H .n o .l9 8 ,t.K Y .f. 3. A.
pilosus, Hud. F l. Ang.
On fallen holly leaves. Winter.
Pileus 3 lines hroad, convex, almost hemispherical, white, clothed with
red, erect, subrigid hairs. Gills dirty white. Stem 1-2 in. high, filiform,
whitish, red-brown, or reddish, somewhat hairy at the base.—Sudson.
The whole of the outer surface of the pileus is clothed with ecbinulate
processes, and the spores are fusiform, '0004 iu. long, with a central nucleus.
—A. A Br.
6 7 9 . M a za sm iu s e p ip h y llu s . Fr. “ Leaf Marasmius.”
Pileus membranaceons, nearly plane, at length umbilicate,
smootb, plicato-rugose; stem ratber horny, fistulose, finely
velvety ; bright brown below, inserted ; gills adnate, few,
distant, entire, veined, white.—Fr. Epicr.p. 386. Trat. Aus. f.
22. F l .D a n . t . l l 9 4 , f . l . S ow .t. 93. Batt. t. 28, f . D. Batsch.
/ 84. Pers. Ic. 4 Desc. t . 9 , f . l , 8. Eng. F I . y .p .55. Berk. exs.
no. 11.
On fallen leaves, twigs, &c. Common. [United States.]
Pileus 3 lines broad, plane, at length umbilicate, cream-coloured, rugose;
gills veiny, branched, adnate, broad at the base; in large specimens they
are seen to form a close collar round the stem, which is evident when the
gills are almost obsolete ; margin of the collar cream coloured; stem 1-2 in.
high, filiform, brown or blackish below, paler upwards, minutely velvety.—
M . J , A.
6 8 0 . M a za sm iu s sa c ch a z in u s . Fr. “ Granular Marasmius.”
Piieus membranaceous, convex, sub-papiiiate, smooth, suicate
and piicate; stem very tbin, flocculose, becoming smootb, inserted
obliquely, reddisb; gills broadly adnate, narrow, thick, very distant,
connected by veins, wbitisb.—Fr. E picr.p. 386. Batsch.f.
On dead twigs. Eare. Kind’s Cliffe.
Differs from M. epiphyllus in the pileus being at first papillate, and the
stem flocculose, then smooth; the gills united in a reticulated manner.
Sect. 3. Stemless.
6 81. M a za smiu s sp o d o leu cu s.
B . 4 B r. “ Stemless Maras-
Concbiform, resupinate, margin at length free, cinereous above,
pulverulent or sligbtly furfuraeeous; stem wanting; gills few,
white; interstices even.—B. 4 B r .A n n .N .H .,M a y ,1859. Berk.
Outl.p. 224. Ann. N .H . no. 893.
On dead elm twigs. Batheaston.
About 2 lines across, resupinate, altogether stemless, oonchiform ; margin
free, arched, above cinereous, pulverulent, or slightly furfuraeeous. Hymenium
white, very even. Gills few, narrow, entire, so short as to leave a naked
space at the base.—B .A B r . Spores very small, -00008 x ’00006 in.
Gen. 14. L E N T IN U S , P r. Ep. 45.
Spores white ; pileus fleshy, coriaceous,
tougb, bard , and dry ; stem
hard and often obsolete, wben p re sent
continuous, and th e same witb
tb e bymenopbore; gills to u g h , simple,
unequal, tb in , edge acute, generally
toothed ; tram a none.
H ab. On stumps, rarely on tb e
ground. {Fig. 56.)
A natural but very polymorphic genua,
distinguished by its tough and fleshy substance.
Mg. 56.
6 8 2 . L e n tin u s t ig z in u s . Fr. “ Tiger-spot Lentinus.”
Pileus flesby-coriaceous, tbin, orbicular, umbilicate, whitish,
clotbed witb innate black scales ; stem thin, without striæ, squamulose,
witb a decided veil ; gills attenuated, decnrrent, very narrow,
wbite tben yellowisb.—Fr. Epicr.p. 389. Bull. t. 19. Sow.
t. 68. Batt. 1.12, f . B .D. Eng. Fl. Y .p . 69. Vent. t. 45, f . 6, 7.