3 7 4
1 0 8 8 . L y copezd on g em m a tum . Fr. “ Warted Puff Ball.”
Peridium membranaceous, persistent, base narrow, opening
witb an umbonate moutb ; bark farinaceous, adnate, coyered witb
sub-spinulose warts ; flocci in tbe centre forming a columella,
persistent ; spores yellow witb a greenisb tinge.—Fr. S .M . iii
p. 36. Boit. t. m . Huss.i. t. 54. V a ill.t.\2 , f .1 5 ,1 6 . Midi. t.
91, f . 1. Batt. t. 31, f . 4. Fl. Dan. t. 1120. Bull. t. 415, B-E.
Harz. t. 27. Ghev. 1.1 0 ,/. 2. Schæff. t. 184. Eng. F l. v. ». 304.
Sci. Goss. 1 8 6 6 ,/ 253. B isc h .f. 3614.
In meadows, &c. Common. [Cincinnati. Maine, U. S.]
Very variable. Moutb prominent, umbonate from tbe club-sbaped oolum-
ella J spores small and smooth.
1 0 8 9 . L y copezd on py z ifo zm e . Schceff, “ Pear-shaped Puff Bal].”
Peridium membranaceous, persistent, subpyriform, opening
witb an umbonate moutb ; bark innate, covered witb very tbin
fugacious squamules, columella conical ; spores greenisb-yellow.
—Fr. S .M . iii. p. 39. Bay. Syn. iii. p . 19, no. 7. Huss. i. t. 70.
Grev. t. 304. Schæff. t. 189. Bull. t. 32, &t. 435, f . 3. Fl. Dan.
t. 1680,/. 1. E n g .F l. Y .p . 304. Sci. Goss. 1 8 6 6 ,/ 254. Cooke,
exs. no. 215. Fckl. exs. no. 1260.
On decayed stumps. Common. [United States.]
Generally much tufted. Root white, branched, creeping : columella conical;
spores small and smooth. (Fig. 115.)
Gen. 7 1 . SC L ERO D E Iin iA , P.
Peridium firm, witb an innate
bark, bursting irregula rly; flocci
adbering on all sides to tbe peridium,
and formmg distinct veins
in tbe central mass ; spores large,
granulated.—Berk. Outl. p. 303.
Eng. F l. v. p. 305.
{Fig. 116.)
Eig. 116.
1 0 9 0 . S c lezode zm a v u lg a z e . Fr, “Common Scleroderma.”
_ Subsessile, irregular ; peridium corky, bard, debiscing indefinitely;
inner mass bluisb-black ; spores dingy.—F r. S .M . iii.p.
46. Huss.i. t . n . F l .D a n . t . l9 6 9 ,f 2 . Fae'ZZ. <. 1 6 . / 8. Bolt.t.
116. B u ll.t.2 1 0 . Sow.t.268. E n g .F I .y .p .305. Berk.Outl.t.
1 5 ,/.4 P a y . / 506. S c h n ^ .t.l4 ,f4 6 - 4 8 . Tuber solidum, With.
III.p. 459. Fckl. exs. no.1253.
On borders of woods. Common. [Maine, U. S.]
The larger form is generally of a yellowish hue, with the surface wartv
or covered with /[uarrose scales, the smaller quite sessile, minutely warw!
h f a l ; S h t S - S . ® l ? : ^ ^ h5?(Fig.ps4arat^ 116.)
10 9 1 . Sclezode zm a b o v is ta . Fr.
“ Thin-ooated Scleroderma.’
Subsessile, irregular ; peridium tbin, soft, debiscing irregula
rlj; bark sub-seceding ; flocci yellow; spores dingy olive.__
Fr. N.M. iii. p. 48. Mich. t. 99, f . 2. Batsch.f. 229. Enq. F l v
p. 306.
On sandy ground. [Low. Carolina.]
Known by its thinner peridium. and yellow flocci.—i f . J. B.
1 0 9 2 . Sclezode zm a v e z zu c o sum . Pers. “ Warty Scleroderma.”
Substipitate ; peridium rounded, subverrucose, tbin above and
fragile ; inner mass pnrplisb-black ; flocci and spores brown__
Fr. S .M .iii.p . 49. Grev. t.48. Huss.i. t. 17. Bocc.t. 305, f. 2.
Schoeff. t. 188. Vaill. 1.16, / . 7. Mich. t. 99, / . 3. Bull t 24.
Now. Í. 311. N e e s .f.123. Eng. F I . y . p . 306. F ck l.e xs.no.l254.
On sandy ground. [United States.]
Stein thick, laranose. Care must be taken not to confound this with sti-
pítate forms of the foregoing.—J f. J. B.
Gen. 7 2 . POEYSACCUni, D.C.
Common peridium simple, rigid,
bursting irregularly; internal mass
divided into distinct cells, filled witb
peridiola; spores mixed witb tbe
threads.—Berk. Outl. p. 304. Eng.
F I . y .p . 306. { F ig .ll l.)