1 3 1 8 . S ep to r ia th e c ic o la . “ Capsule Septoria.”
Superficial, convex, collapsing, rugose ; spores very delicate
linear, straight.— Intell. Obs. 1863,)». 9,fig. 1. Sphæropsis
thecicola, Berk. Ann. N . H . no. 424.
On thecæ of Polytrichumpiliferum. Aberdeen.
Peritheoia black, scattered, convex, at length collapsing, opening by a
definite orifice ; spores of varions lengths.
1 3 1 9 . S ep to r ia p iin c e p s . B .A B r . “ Beech Septoria.”
Perithecia large, depressed, papillate, covered by tbe epidermis
; spores cylindrical, oblong, 5-6 septate, byaline.—B. / Br.
Ann. N .H . no. 9 4 0 ,1.1 5,/. 11.
On beecb sticks. Batheaston.
Spores '002 in. ('05. m.m.) long, cylindrical, oblong, with about seven or
eight endochromes, hyaline, oozing out in an irregular mass.
1 3 2 0 . S e p to iia p y iic o la . Besm. “ Pear-leaf Septoria.”
Epipbyllous ; spots greyish wbite, scattered, roundish or
irregular ; perithecia few, m inute, ratber prominent, black, pierced
at the apex ; tendrils whitish ; sporidia elongated, curved, containing
several nucleoli.—Ann. Sc. Nat. ser. 3 ,xiv.)». 115. Cooke
Seem. Journ. iv ./. 27. Depazeapyricola, Desm. exs. n. 721. S e p toria
pyri, Cast. Cat. PI. de Mars, p. Î94. Septoria dealbata. Lev.
Ann. Sc. N at. ser. 3, is . p. 249 (partly).
On leaves of apple and pear. Oct. Common.
1 3 2 1 . S e p to iia v ib u in i. West. “ Guelder-rose Septoria.”
Epipbyllous ; spots roundish or irregular, becoming wbitisb
in the centre, witb a brownish border ; perithecia minute, semi-
emergent, black, pierced at tbe apex ; tendrils wbite ; sporidia
cylindrical, obtuse a t tbeir extremities, containing from 5 to 7
nucleoli. — West. Bull. deBrux. 1852, s is .p a r t iii. p . 121. Bell.
Cat. Crypt. Namur, n. 350. Cooke Seem. Journ. iv .p. 97. Cooke
exs. no. 300.
On leaves of Viburnum opulus and V. lantana. Oct.
1 3 2 2 . S e p to iia u n e d in is . Bob. “ Arbutus Septoria.”
Epipbyllous ; spots small, numerous, irregular, wbitisb, with
a broad purplish margin ; perithecia jfew, scarcely prominent,
blackish, convex, tben collapsing and becoming concave ; sporidia
elongated, slender and curved.—Desm. Ann. Sc. Nat. ser. 3, iii.
1847,)». 20. PI. Crypt, exs. Ed. i. no. 1713. Cooke Seem. Journ.
iv.)». 9 7 , / 24. Sphærîa unedinicola, Eng. Fl. Y .p . 279. Cooke
exs. no. 135. Cooke L .F . no. 69.
On leaves of Arbutus unedo. Oct. Nov. Common.
1 3 2 3 . S e p to iia h y d io c o ty le s . Besm. “ Flukewort Septoria.”
Epipbyllous ; spots irregular, rufous or brownisb, tben pallid;
perithecia minute, innate, pierced with a terminal pore ; tendrils
whitish ; sporidia linear, curved, containing numerous opaque
nucleoli.—Ann. Sc. Nat. ser. 2. xvii.)». 109. PI. Crypt, exs. Ed. i.
no. 1175, De?. ii.BO. 675. Cooke Seem. Journ.ÍY.p.97 , f .3 \ . Cooke
exs. no. 134.
On leaves of Hydrocotyle vulgaris. Summer. Common.
1 3 2 4 . S e p to iia iic a iiæ . Besm. “ Figwort Septoria.”
Amphigenous; spots roundish or confluent, pallid, cinereous
in tbe centre, witb an irregular brownisb m a rg in ; perithecia
innate, very small, black, convex, at length plane; tendrils
white; sporidia linear, straight, or curved.—Ann. Sc. N at. ser. 2,
XV. p. 135. PI. Crypt, exs. Ed. i. no. 1087. Cooke Seem. Journ. iv.
p . 97,fig .26. Rhabdosporaficarice,Mont.Fl.Alg.i.p.596. Cooke
exs. no. 131.
On leaves of Ranunculus Ficaria. Common.
1 3 2 5 . S e p to iia m e n y a n th e s . Besm. “ Bogbean Septoria.”
Amphigenous. Spots tawny-rufous, irreg u la r; perithecia very
minute, of the same colour, pierced with a terminal p o re; tendrils
wbite ; sporidia linear, straight or curved, nucleoli scarcely distinct.—
Ann. Sc. Nat. ser. 3, xx. p . 89, 1853. Desm. exs. Ed.
i.n o .2173,E d .ii.no.1323. Cooke Seem. J o u rn .iY .p . 97. Ascochyta
menyanthis. Lib. exs. no. 251. Lasch. Rabh. exs. no. 860.
On fading leaves of Menyanthes trifoliata.
1 3 2 6 . S e p to iia c lem a t id is . Bob. “^Clematis Septoria.”
Amphigenous ; spots greyish, with a brownisb border, rounded,
angular or irregular; perithecia on the upper surface, very minute,
innate, scarcely prominent, pallid-brown, pierced with a terminal
pore; tendrils whitish ; sporidia elongated, curved or flexuose,
witb numerous nucleoli.—Desm. Ann. Sc. Nat. ser. 3, xx.)». 93