In woods. Rare. Mossburnford. [United States.]
Stem solid, 3 iu. long, 4 in. thick, naked, white, apex and veil fibrillose.
Pileus 2 in. broad, minutely silky, then smooth, pallid, at length nearly
white. Flesh firm, white.
6 1 4 . Cortinarius (Dermocybe) ta b u la r is. Fr.
“ Flat
Pileus flesby, equal, soon plane, flocculose, tben smootb,
brownish clay-coloured, becoming pale ; stem stuffed, tough,
elastic, white, closely fibrilloso-squamose or smooth; gills emarginate,
crowded, whitish, tben clay-coloured.—Fr. Epicr. p.
284. B u ll.t. 131, f . 5.
In woods. Common.
Stem staffed, at length hollow, tough, elastic, attenuated at the base or
equal, 2-3 in. long, 3 lin. and more thick, erect; veil whitish, fugacious;
pilous 3 in. or more broad, clay-coloured, then brownish clay colour, growing
pale. Gills 3 lin. broad. Flesh white.
515. Co rtinarius (Dermocybe) d ia b o licu s.
Fr. “ Tawny
Pilens flesby, thin, bemispberical, obtuse, then gibbous, brownish,
clotbed with grey threads, at length smootb, yellowisb tawny ;
stem stuifed, ratber thin, smooth, growing pale, bluish-grey
above ; gills snb-emarginate, adnexed, crowded, pallid (whitish
or fugacious blue-grey), tben clay-coloured.—Fr. Epicr.p. 285.
In woods.
Stem 3 in. long, usually slender, 2 lin. thick, sometimes twice that thickness.
Pileus 1 in. broad and more, dry, fragile, soon rimose ; gills adnate,
2 lines and more broad, firm.
6 1 6 . Coztinazius (Dermocybe) c a n in u s .
Fr. “ Kufous
Pileus flesby, convexo-plane, obtuse, becoming smootb, brigbt-
rufous, changing colour; stem clavato-bulbose, elastic, closely
fibrillose,pallid,violaceous above; gills emarginate,broad,rather
distant, purplish, then cinnamon.—Fr. Epicr.p. 285. Bull. t. 544.
/ . i. Buxb. iv. t. 22. Saund. and Sm. 1. 15.
In woods. King’s Cliffe.
Stem stuffed, spongy within, at length hollow, 3 in. and upwards long,
4 in. thick, thickened at the base, somewhat bulbous. Veil in the perfect
state double. Pileus 3-4 in. broad, firm, colour variable, tawny, brown, or
brick red. Flesh white, at length somewhat yellowish.
517. Coztinazius (Dermocybe) a n om a lu s .
Fr. “ Thin-oapped
Pileus fleshy, thin, convex, obtuse, then gibbous, dingy-rufous,
discoloured with evanescent fibrils ; stem somewbat stuffed, thin,
attenuated,fibrillose, rather scaly,pallid-violaceous; gills crowded,
witb a decurrent tooth, bluish-purple, tben cinnamon.—Dr. Epicr.
p.286. Dm«./. 431,/. 3. Letell. t. 631. Berk. Outl. t.l2 , f . l . Eng.
F I.y .p . 8 6 .
In woods. Common. [United States.]
Pileus 1-2 in. broad, very ohtuse, sometimes broadly, hut very flatly umbonate,
tinged at first with violet, minutely silky, so as to present a white
satiny appearance, gradually changing to oohraoeous or slightly tawny, flesh
thick, except at the extreme margin, which has often traces of the arachnoid
veil dusted with the spores ; gills close, rounded behind, at first violet, at
length pale ferruginous; stem 2.) in. high, f in . thick, in the middle sub-
bulbous, more or less tinged with violet, solid, fibrillose, with more or less
distinct! transverse, closely pressed, brownish scales, which originate in the
veil, the top adorned with the descending fibres of the veil, which form a
spurious ring ; beneath this there is sometimes another red circle, which ia
the true ring.—Af. J. B.
618. Co z tina z iu s (De zmocybe) sp ilom e u s .
stemmed Cortinarius.”
Fr. “ Soaly-
Pileus slightly flesby, gibbous, dry, becoming smootb, brownisb,
changing colour ; stem nearly hollow, thin, white or lilac, variegated
with rufous or tawny scales ; gills emarginate, crowded,
narrow, bluish-lilac, pallid, at length cinnamon.—F r .E p ic r .p .
287. Eng. F I .y . p . 85. S o w .t.3 8 1 ,f.l?
In woods. King’s Cliffe, Bristol. [United States.]
Pilens 1 in. broad, slightly fleshy, colour various, when young whitish,
then ferruginous, tinged with fuscous, yellowish when dry. Gills violet, then
lilac, at length cinnamon. Stem 2-4 in. high, 2-3 lines thick, white, tinged
with violet.—Fries.
519. Co z tina z iu s (De zmocybe) sa n g u in e u s .
Fr. “ Blood-red
Pileus flesby, thin, obtuse, innate, silky, or squamulose ; stem
stuffed, tben hollow, tbin, equal, as well as tbe veil, dark blood-
red ; gills crowded, rather broad, darker.—Fr. Epicr.p. 288.
Jacq. "Coll. ii. 1. 15, / . 3. Sow. t. 43. Bolt. t. 56. Eng. F I.y .p . 87.
Krombh. t. 2 ,f. 28, 30. F l. Boruss. t. 385.
In woods.
Pilous about 1 in. across, convex, blood-red ; gills sometimes adnate, sometimes
emarginate; stem stuffed, then hollow.—Dries. Dried specimens retain
their colour many years. Spores •U0025 X "00017 in.