About bedge borders. Common.
Pileus in. broad, at first obtusely conio, tben sub-beraisplierioal, at
length piano-expanded, with a fine evanescent ara.chnoid veil, ochraceous,
inchning to pale ruibus, at length cream-coloured, or nearly white, sometimes
purplish, or rose-ooloured; gills broad, ventricose, rather distant, at
first pale ochraceous, then brown purple, or ciuereous-blaok. Stein 2-3 in.
high, 1-2 linos thick, somewhat rooting, fistulose, brittle, striate above, and
slightly pulverulent, base thickest, and more or less cottony, never quite
smooth.—J/. J.A. Spores '0005 X '00035 in.
4 5 2 .
A g a r icu s (P sa th y r e lla ) d is s em in a tu s .
Fr. “ Clustered
Pilens membranaceons, ovato-campanulate, furfuraeeous, then
naked, sulc.ato-plicate, entire, discoloured ; stem lax, subflexuose,
fragile, at first mealy, then smooth ; gills adnate, broadly linear,
■whitish, cinereous, tben black.—Fr. Fpicr. p. 240. Sow. 1.166.
P a u l f. 123. f. 6. F l.Dan. 1184:8. Schoeff.t. 308. Batsch.f. 3.
B u x h .i\.,t.oO J .5 . Eng. F I.y . p . 118. B a ttt.2 1 ,G . Vent. t. 3b,
f . 3-4.
About trunks of trees, and on the ground. Common.
[United States.]
Gregarious, cæspitose. Pileus 3 lines broad, campanulato-eonic, minutely
pubescent, stroncly striate, submembranaceous, tender, fragile, ochraceous,
at length white, wiih a pearly tint towards the margin ; gills broadly adnate,
pink, inclining to cinereous. Stem 1 in. high, J line thick, fistulose, curved,
white, pubescent, attenuated upwards, downy at the base. M .J .B . Spores
•0003 X -0002 in. , (PI. VI. fig. 31.)
Genus 2 . COPRINUS, F r. Epior. p. 241.
Spores bla ck; pileus: margin of
pileus straight, at first adpressed to
the stem ; stem confluent with or
distinct from the hymenophore ; gills
free, at first coherent, and sprinkled
witb a micaceous scurf, soon deliquescing
into a black fluid, trama
U a b . F a t and rank places, often
on dung, but sometimes on decaying
wood. (Figs. 38, 39.)
Readily distinguished by its deliquescent
Sect. 1. Pelliculosi.—^pileus rather flesby.
* Comati.
4 5 3 . Coprinus c om a tu s. Fr. “ Shaggy Coprinus.”
Pileus rather flesby, cylindrical, tben expanded, even, soon
torn into broad, adpressed, scattered scales; stem hollow, fibrillose,
bulb solid, rooting; ring moveable ; gills free, linear, white,
tben purplish.—Fr. F.picr. p. 242. Batt. 26, B. F l. Dan. t. 831.
Schoeff.t. 46, 41. Now. i. 189. Grev.t.119. P a u l.t.121. Krombh.
t. 3 ,/. 35, t. 30, f 15-21. Cooke, B . F . 1. 11. Smith, E.M. f. 13.
Badh.i.t. 1 0 ,/.2 ,ii.i.7 ,/. 1-3. Price,f. 49. Gard. Chron. (1860),
p .l3 ,fg . Trans.Woolh.CL 1868,1.13. Curt.Fl. L . t. 93. (Bolt. t.
142, var. ?) E nq.F l. y.p. 118. F l. Boruss. t. 389. Hogg. 4 Johnst.
ides of roads, pastures, &o. Common. Esculent.
[8. Carolina.]
Pileus 3-4 in. high, 2 in. broad, campanulato-eylindrieal, cuticle white,
breaking up into broad fibrillose, sub-fuscous scales ; beneath this coating
the pileus is finely plicate, often split, and of a pinky-brown, flesh scarcely
any on the margin, rather thick in the ceutre ; gills very numerous and
close, be.autifully varied with pink and brown-black, margin white, or
pinkish, minutely downy, slightly undulated, quite free, so as to leave a
sort of collar round the stem. Stem 5 in. or more high, Jiu . thiek at the
base, hollow, filled with arachnoid fibres, bulbous, fibriilose, and sub-ad-
presso-squamose, sometimes tinged with pink, brittle, but tolerably firni;
ring thick and moveable.—AT-J.A. Spores with an apioulus at one end,
or on one side, '00058 X '00032 in. —17. G. S,
4 5 4 . Coprinns o v a tu s . Fr. “ Ovate Coprinus.”
Pilens submembranaceous, ovate, tben expanded, striate ; at
first woven into densely imbricated, tbick, concentric scales;
stem bulbous, rooting, flocculose, hollow above, ring deciduous ;
gills remote, lanceolate, wbite, then brownish-black.—Fr. Epicr.
p . 242. Schoeff. t . l . Ray. Sijn.no.22,p .b . Ann. N .H . no. 92b.
In pastures. Woodnewton.
Similar to 0. comatus, bnt smaller, and more delicate ; pileus whitish ; the
gills are less deliquescent. Stem 3-4 in. long.
4 5 5 . Coprinus s t e r q u ilin u s . Fr. “ Sulcate-dung Coprinus.”
Pileus membranaceous, conical, then expanded, snlcate, at
first villous or silky, disc ratber fleshy, squarroso-squamose ;
stem attenuated ; fibrillose, base solid, not rooting, annulate ; gills