, I !
1 2 3 6 . A c tin o th y z ium g z am in is . Kie. “ Grass Actinothyrium.”
Perithecia irregularly gregarious, orbicular, adnate, umbonate;
margin radiating ; spores slender, curved, fusiform.—Kze. M .H.
ii. t. 2 ,/. 3. Fr. S .M. ii.p . 597. Orev. t. 218. Moug. exs. no. 637.
Eng. F l.r .p . 296. Cooke 338. Fckl. 555. Bisch.
f . 3581. Bail. 1.15. P a y .f. 369.
On leaves and culms of grasses. Spring.
Forming little, round, very flat black spots, witb a central umbo, of a close,
radiating, fibrous structure. (Fig. 151.)
Gen. 1 0 7 . CRYFTOSFORIUni, Kunze.
Perithecium always covered by tbe cuticle,
carnoso-membranaceous, at length pierced ;
spores fusiform, simple.—Berk. Outl. p. 315.
(Fig. 152.)
Fig. 152.
1 2 3 7 . Czyptospozium C a z icis. Corda. “ Sedge Cryptosporium.”
Perithecia very minute, scarcely conspicuous, hypopbyllous,
crowded, rounded, brown ; spores fusiform, straight or curved,
byaline, brown.— Gorda. Sturm, ii. t. 50. B. / Br. Ann. N .H . no.
403. F r.S .M .iii.p .4 :8 2 . B is c h .f 3839. 307.
On leaves of different Carices. (Fig. 152.)
C r y p t o s p o e i t j m N b e s i i . Corda. bas been proved t o be a stylos-
porous condition of Valsa suffusa, Fr.
Gen. 1 0 8 . SFHJER.0NEMA, Tode.
Perithecia free, opaque, or hyaline
; spores minute,at length oozing
out by tbe ostiolum, and forming a
globule.— Berk. Outl.p. 315. Eng.
F l. r .p . 281. (Fig. 153.)
4 2 5
1 2 3 8 . Sphaezonema su b u la tum . Tode. “ Awl-shaped
Perithecia grumous, between conical and subulate, acute yellowish
; globule paler.—Dr. 05s. i.n . 187. Fries exs nr, 895
„ 3 '.
On hard blackened Agarics. [Mid. Carolina.]
Varies considerably in form, being
(Fig. 153.)
At first sight resembling a
sometimes almost linear.
1 2 3 9 . Sphaezonema v itz e um .
Corda. “ Glassy
fl transparent, pale yellow, more or less inflated
below, with a long neck, fimbriate ; spores oblong, obtuse,
or subtruncate; globule pale yellow.— C o rd a .i.f.297 S hie
pharistoma. Berk. Mag. Zool. / Bot. no. 57, 1.15,/. 4, / no 'l9 6 189. ^ ■^’0.
On Russula adusta, Laetarii, nettles, &c.
Perithecia scarcely exceeding Haifa line in height, often much more m,
nute, varying greatly in form, but in general more or less ftiflated at
base, occasionally comco-snbulate, often confluent, mostly fnmfthed with a
to l ’sHnei fif’ '- " “ his fringed withTsfngle ro^
of distinct filaments which are the apices of those of which the nSithecftm
IS composed. Sporidia larger than in N. snhulatum, flowing out and f o r ^ r
an elongated subpersistent pale yellow globule.—B. A Br.
1 2 4 0 . Sphaezonema leu c o c o n ium . B . Br.
_ Gregarious; perithecia hyaline, plano-convex, depressed, ratber
irregular, seated on snow-white flocci; spores minute, elliptic —
B. 4 Br. Ann. N .H. no 405.
On decaying roots of beet. Nov. King’s Cliffe.
e l Z Z i ! f of minute, depressed, snb-hemispberis
e a t e d Z b r e t \T ^ ®L^f"to® with seated on branched white threads, of which a few spari n/gin fnrotem pthoer esi/dSesd
iW eV p°ieT edtet™ cT nte^^^^^^^^^ “ perithecium-
1 2 4 1 . Sphsezonema e p im y c e s .
Berh. “ Parasitic
n r i i i ? m “ P” P^'sh spots, peritbeoia globose,
papillate, bladt ; nucleus white; spores ~ ? —Berk. Outl. p
615 Sphoina epimyces. Fr. S .M .ii.p .4 9 9 . Berh. A n n .N .H
WO. Io7. ’