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1 0 1 9 . T r em e lla m o iifo rm is . B e r k “ Mulberry Tremella.”
Conglobated, sinuated, mulberry-black, opaque, Mm.—Berk.
Outl. p . 287. E n g .B o t.E d .n .t.2 4 5 \. Price, f. 21? Dacrymyces
moriformis. Fr. E picr.p. 592. E ng.Fl. Y . p . 219.
On tbe ground. Eare. [Low. Carolina.]
Sessile in roundish or oblong tumid, sinuous masses ot various size, not
unlike mulberries in appearance, except being coal black. Internally of a
deep rich purple, substance fleshy, attached by strong central roots. When
dried between paper a violet stain is communicated to whatever the plant
1 0 2 0 . T r em e lla a lb id a . Hud. “ Whitish Tremella.”
Expanded, tougb, undulated, even, or somewbat gyrose,
pruinose, wbitisb, at length brownisb.—Fr. E picr.p. 589. Eng.
Bot. t. 2117. Bull. t. 386, f . A . Eng. F l. Y . p . 216. Berk. Outl.p.
287. Price, f . 50. Bon. t. 12, f . 246.
On dead branches. Common. [United States.]
I t bursts through cracks in the hark, and then spreads itself in horizontal
or clustered, rounded obtuse, scalloped masses, white, serni-pelluoid, extremely
gelatinous, and tender when young, afterwards turning yellowish.
1 0 2 1 . T r em e lla In tum e s c en s . Sore. “ Contorted Tremella.”
Subcæspitose, rounded or conglomerate, soft, brown, wben dry
blacldsb-brown, obsoletely punctuate, somewbat tortuous and
lobed.—D r.D p fe r.p . 589. Berk. Outl.p. 288. Eng. Bot. E d . ii.
i. 1870. E n g .F I .y .p . 217.
On trunks of fallen trees. Apethorpe. [United States.]
darkish dull brown, bnt with a shining snrtaoe, obscurely dotted; inside
paler and almost white, except that when out longitudinally brown vertical
streaks are discernible near the »uxidoCQ.—Smith.
1 0 2 2 . T r em e lla in d e c o ra ta . Somm. “ Dingy Tremella.”
Sessile, rounded, moist, convex, plicate, opaque, black-brown,
dingy.—Fr. Epicr.p. 589. Kl. exs. no. 822. Ann. N .H . no. 725,
810*. Berk. Outl.p. 283.
On willows. Mossburnford.
Dark pitchy brown when dry, dirty oinereons when swollen with moisture.
—M. J. B.
Sect. 3. Coryne—erect, sub-clavate, subviscid.
1 0 2 3 . T r em e lla c la v a ta . P. “ Clavate Tremella.”
Solitary, simple, incrassated, reddish flesb-colour, blackish at
tbe base.—F r .E p ic r .p . 589. Pers. Ic. P iet. 1.10, f . l . E n g .F l.
Y . p . 217. Berk. Outl.p. 288.
On stumps. Eare. Appin,
About 1 in. high, 2 lines broad, blackish below, and slightly twisted.—
M .J .B .
T r em e lla sa r co id e s. Sm. See Bulgaria sarcoides, of wbicb
it is a condition.
1 0 2 4 . T r em e lla tu b e r cu la r ia . B e r k “ Horny Tremella.”
Erumpent ; stem short, cylindrical, bead pileate, dirty wbite,
nearly black wben dry.—Berk. Outl. p. 288. Tubercularia albida,
Eng.Fl. Y . p . 354. Coryne turbinata, Ann. N .H . no. 165.
On fallen branches. Oct.
Lrft upon the wood when the hark falls off, when dry it has a peculiar,
semi-transparent, horny appearance.
Sect. 4. Phyllopta—cartilaginous, depressed, or effused.
1 0 2 5 . T r em e lla to r ta . Willd. “ Twisted Tremella.”
Minute, round, depressed, gyroso-tuberculate, yellow or
orange.—Berk. Outl.p. 288. Ann. N.H . no. 372.
On decorticated oak. Common.
Two or three lines across.
1 0 2 6 . T r em e lla v e r s ic o lo r . B . 4 Br. “ Parasitic Tremella.”
Minute, orbicular, orange, at length brown.—Ann. Nat. Hist,
ser. ii. vol. xiii. p. 406, no. 726. Berk. Outl.p. 288.
On Corticium nudum. Feb.
Forming minute orange, tear-like, convex spots, on the hymenium of the
Corticium, paler when young, at length assuming a rufous tinge. In young
plants the delicate hyaline threads are terminated by four globules, which
ultimately branch, forming moniliform threads.—B. & Br.
1 0 2 7 . T r em e lla v is c o s a . P. “ Viscid Tremella.”
Effused, resupinate, byaline, at first wbite, undulated.—Pers.
05s. ii. 79.18. Berk. Outl. p . 288. Ann. Nat. Hist, ser.ii. vol. Y\h.