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Thelephora acerina, E n g .F l.y . p . m . Uoug. exs.no.991. BerTc
exs. no. 65.
On living maple trunks. Common. [United States.]
over the whole trunk, and resembling
thicke“ uLran™ Z f J ^ ’ /stinguished « to t r substance, and not changing colour at all whferonm d ryO. . sIatm ihsvoxfi ab syo miet!what
faimaceous texture, and cracks very slightly in drying.—Ai. J. B.
Gen. 3 9 . HYMENOCHÆTE, Lev.
Coriaceous, dry. Hymenium
even, beset witb sbort, stiff, coloured
bristles. (Fig. 82.)
9 1 6 .
Fig 82.
H ym en o chæ te zu h ig in o sa .
Lev. “ Rubiginous Hymeno-
Coriaceous, rigid ; pileus effuso-reflexed, somewhat fasciated
velvety, rubiginous, then becoming smooth and brigbt-brown,’
intermediate stratum tawny-ferruginons ; hymenium ferruginous’
velvety.—Dr. Dpfer. p. 550. F l. D a n .t.U 1 9 ,f.2 . Berh. exs. no.
247. Moug. exs.no.394. Desm. exs. no.413. S o w .t.26. Thelephora
rubiginosa, Eng. F l. y. p. 165.
On gate posts. Common. [United States.]
Perennial. At first resupinate, at length reflexed, the lower margin generally
adhering firmly, very rigid and brittle, often so deeply grooved as to
cause corresponding ridges m the hymenium, which is velvety and coarsely
but sparingly, papillose. Margin paler and minutely tomentose.—Af J B .
(Fig. 82.)
9 1 7 . H ym en o chæ te ta b a c in a . Lev. “ Flaccid Hymenochæte.”
Coriaceous, thin, flaccid; pileus effused, reflexed, silky, at
length smootb, somewbat ferruginous ; margin and intermediate
filamentose stratum golden-yellow ; hymenium paler, pubescent.
F r.E p ic r.p . 550. B o lt.t.ll4 . Berh. exs. no.248. Desm.exs.no.
415. Thel. tabacina, Eng. F l. y. p. 165. Ann. N .H . no. 152.
On fallen branches. Eare. [Mid. & Up. Carolina.]
Differs from the foregoing in not being rigid, and in consequence shrivelling
when dry, and losing all its beauty ; margin in general reflexed all round
—M .J .B .
9 1 8 . H ym en o chæ te co zzugata.
Berh. “ Cracked Hymeno-
Effused, closely adnate, indeterminate, cinnamon, cracked wben
dry.—Berh. Outl.p. 272. Grev. t. 234. Berh. exs. no. 298, 249.
Thelephora corrugata, Eng. F l. y .p . 172.
On sticks in woods. Common. [United States.]
Ferruginous brown, with sometimes a slight purplish tinge and a grey
bloom, as if covered with a thin coat of white body-colour ; bristles under
the miorosoope jointed.—Grev.
Gen. 4 0 . A V R IC V LA R IA , Pr.
Hymenium irregularly and
distantly folded, gelatinous
when wet, different in substance
from the pileus.
(Fig. 83.)
Fig. 83.
9 1 9 . A u z ic u la z ia m e s en te z ic a . Bu ll. “ Entire Auricularia.”
Pilei resupinate, tben reflexed, entire, villous, zoned and fas-
ciate, brownish-cinereous ; hymenium costato-plicate, brownish-
violet.—Fr. Epicr. p. 555. B u ll.t. 290. S ow .t.290. Bolt.t. 112.
Moug. exs. no. 492. Desm. exs. no. 221. Mich. t. 66, f . 4. Huss. ii.
t. 6. Phlebia mesenterica, Eng. Fl. y.p. 162. Coohe, exs. no. 308.
Babh. F .E . no. 1215. Pric e,/. 21.
On stems of trees. [Mid. Carolina.]
At first effused, and quite resupinate, at length more or less reflexed, often
dimidiate, occasionally infundibuliform, 2-3 in. broad, gelatinous in wet
weather, hard and cartilaginous when dry, the upper surface tomentose,
more or lesa zoned or fasciated; hymenium purpl'i‘ssh-vio’
violet or light-brown,
quite smooth_or wrinkled, especially when dry, powdered dered with a beauti"beautiful
bloom.—M. J. B . Spores" white, *00027 X 'OOOiS in. (Fig. 83.^
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