4 0 5 . A g a iic u s (Hypholoma) fa s c icu la z is .
yellow Hypholoma.”
Hud. “ Tufted
Pileus fleshy, thin, subumbonate, smootb ; stem bollow, tbin,
fibrillose, flexuose, flesh yellow; gills adnate, much crowded,
linear, subdeliquescent, sulphur-coloured, then greenish.—
Fr. Epicr. p. 222. Bolt. t. 29. Sow. t. 225. Fl. Dan. t. 2075.
Krombh. t . l i , f . 1-5. Paul. 1. 101. Vent. t . 58, f . 3 . Berh. Outl.
1. 11,/. 1. FIuss. ii. 1. 15. Eng. F l. Y. p . 111. Smith. P.M. i. Gard.
Chron. 1860,7». 337,fg .
On old stumps, &c. Common. [United States.]
Gregarious, densely cæspitose. Pileus 2-in. broad, at first conic, then expanded,
more or less irregular from the tufted mode of growth, subsarnose,
thiek in the centre, tawny, margin thin, yellow, with portions of the veil
adhering to it, often stained with the ferruginous-purple spores. Gills green,
clouded, adnate with a snbdecurreut tooth. Stem 2-9 in. high, 2 lines thick,
curved and unequal, hollow, fibrillose or squamulose, yellow-greenish above.
Bing stained with the spores. Taste bitter and nauseous.—M .J .B . Gills
separating from the hymenophore. Spores ’00025 X '00016 in.
4 0 6 . A g a z icu s (Hypholoma) d isp e z su s. Fr. “ Dispersed
Pileus somewhat fleshy, campanulate, tben expanded, obtuse,
even, margin silky from the veil; stem subfistulose, thin, tough,
fibrillose or silky, base brownish ; gills adnate, tbin, subventricose,
crowded, pallid straw colour, then clouded.—Fr. Epicr. p.
222. Ann. Æ H . no. 794.
On stumps, and on the ground, in pine woods.
Either scattered or fasciculate. Pileua IJ in. broad, honey-brown. Stem
straight, 2-3 in. long, sometimes 6-7 in., for the greater part ferruginous,
the apex pale.
B. Velutini.
4 0 7 . A g a z icu s (Hypholoma) la c z ym a b u n d u s. Fr, “Weeping
Pileus flesby, campanulate, tben convex, spotted witb innate
pilose scales ; flesh white ; stem hollow, fibrilloso-squamose,
rather thickened at the base, wbite ; gills adnate, seceding,
white, then brown purple.—Fr. Epicr. p. 223. Bull. 1. 194.
On trunks and on the ground. July—Nov.
Pilens not hygrophanous, 2-4 in. broad, at first somewhat campanulate,
at length expanded, flesby, margin thin, with a few fragments of the veil
attached, firm, pale reddish brown, darker in the centre, fibrilloso-squamnlose
; flesh pale umber; giiis at first pale, then reddish brown, sub-ventricose
towards the base, slightly attached. Stem 2-3 iu. high, 3 lines or more thick.
pale umber towards the base, whitish above, subincrassated below, sub-
fiexuous, fibrillose or squamuloso-fibrillose from the remains of the floccose
ring, above squamuloso-puhescent, truly fistulose, the inside downy, firm,
elastic, pale umber within. Odour disagreeable.—M. J. B. Spores almost
black, '0U03 X '0002 in. (PI. V.,f. 29.)
4 0 8 . A g a z icu s (Hypholoma) v e lu t in u s . P . “ Velvety
Pileus ratber flesby, ovate, tben expanded, gibbous, fibrillose
or velvety, becoming smootb, bygropbanous, flesb yellowisb ;
stem bollow, equal, fibrilloso-striate, mealy above, yellowisb ;
gills truncato-adnexed, ventricose, scarcely crowded, brown, tben
umber, studded witb drops of moisture.—Er. Epicr. p. 224. Bull,
t. 525. f . 3. Holms, ii. t. 35. Berh. Outl. 1. 11, f . 2. Paul. t. 55. f . 1.
Schoeff. t. 84, var.
On stumps. Common.
var. ß . le io c ep h a lu s . B. 4 Br.
Pileus bygropbanous, rugged, smootb, except at tbe margin,
wbere it is fibrillose, pallid, as is tbe stem, wbose apex is farinose.—
D. 4 Br. Ann. N .H . 1865, no. 1009*.
On old stumps. Sept. Bodelwyddan.
DeuFiely cæspitose, much smaller than the common form, but apparently
a mere variety, though a very striking one, from its smooth, but very rugged
disc.—iff. J. B.
Fr. “ Candolle’s
C. Appendiculati.
4 0 9 . A g a iic u s (Hypholoma) C a n d o llia n u s.
Pileus somewbat flesby, campanulate or convex, tben expanded,
obtuse, smooth, bygropbanous; stem bollow, fragile,
Bubfibrillose, wbite, apex striate; gills rounded behind, adnexed,
crowded, violet, tben brownish cinnamon.—Fr. Epicr. p. 224.
F l.D a n .t. 774. Eng. F I .y .p . 113.
On dead stumps. Eare.
Pileus whitish, ochraceous in the centre, 2-4 in. broad. Stem 3 in. long,
2-4 lines thiek, solid at the base.
410. A g a z icu s (Hypholoma) la n a z ip e s .
stemmed Hypholoma.”
Cooke. “ 'Woolly-
Pileus somewhat flesby, campanulate, tben expanded, hygrophanous,
squamose with superficial scales arising from the
breaking up of tbe cuticle, pallid ; veil attached in fugacious