1 5 8 A G A R I C I N I .
4 4 5 . A g a r icu s (P anæo lus) su b b a lt e a tu s . Berk. 4 B r.
“ Zoned Panæolus.”
Pileus convex, flesby, bygropbanous, fawn-coloured, pallid
wbendry, zoned, rugulose; stem fragile, witb wbite fibrils ; gills
brownish, adnate, subventricose.—B. 4 Br. Ann. N .H . no. 923.
In a tare field. Sept. Apethorpe.
Cæspitose. Pileus 1^-2 iu. across, at first convex, with the margin slightly
incurved, then expanded, obtuse, or slightly umbonate, irregular, rather
fleshy, hygrophanous, of a dull deep fawn colour, pallid when dry, slightly
rugose, and marked near the margin with a dark narrow zone ; veil none ;
stem 2-2| in. high, 2 lines thick, fistulose, red brown, brittle, stringy, splitting
longitudinally, marked with short white fibrils ; gills brownish, slightly
ventricose, adnate, margin white, slightly toothed. Spores black. Closely
allied to A. cinctulus, Bolt, but differing in habit, &c.—B. A Br.
4 4 6 . A g a iic u s (Panæo lus) fim ic o la . Fr. “Dung Panæolus.”
Pilens somewhat flesby, campanulato-convex, obtuse, smooth,
opaque ; marked near the margin witb a narrow brown zone ;
stem fragile, elongated, equal, pallid, pruinose above ; gills adnate,
broad, variegated with grey and brown.—F r. Epicr. p.
237. Buxh. iv. t. 28, f . 4. Bolt. t. 66, J . 1.
On dung, rieh pastures, &c. [United States.]
Not gathered since Bolton’s time. Stem 3-4 in. long, 1 lino thick, dingy.
Pileus obtuse, even, smooth, dingy grey when moist, clay-coloured when
dry. Flesh greyish white.
Suh-Gen. 34. P s a t h y r e l l a . Fr. Epicr. 237.
Spores black, oval, smootb, or eohinulate ; veil inconspicuous,
not interwoven, generally absent; pileus membranaceous,
striated, margin straight, adpressed to the stem, not exceeding
the gills ; stem confluent with but heterogeneous from tbe
bymenopbore; gills adnate or free. (PI. VI., f . 34.)
The species are ail very slender, and the only other subgenus with black
spores ( Panæolus), is readily distinguished by the characters of the pileus j
it agrees in every point with Psathyra, except the colour of the gills being
never brown or purple, and the spores black. I t also agrees, more or less,
in structure with Mycena, Nolanea, and Galera, and also appears to be allied
to B o l b it iu s , which, however, is at once distinguished by its coloured
spores.—TK G. S.
Sect. 1. Stem straight, smootb.
4 4 7 . A g a x icu s (P sa th y x e lla ) g ia c ilis .
Fr. “ Slender
Pileus submembranaceous, conical, slightly striate when
moist, bygropbanous ; stem slender, straight, naked, pallid ;
gills broadly adnate, subdistant, cinereous black, edge pale rose.
—Fr. Epicr. p. 238. Berh. O u tl.p .116.
On hedge borders. Common.
Gregarious. Pileus brownish, at length often tinged with pink, -J^-1 in.
broad. Stem 3 in. and more long, naked, whitish. Spores -00024 X -00049in.
4 4 8 . A g a r icu s (P sa th y r e lla ) h ia s c e n s . Fr. “ Fissured
Pileus membranaceous, campanulate, smooth, fisso-suloate, disc
even; stem straight, rigid, brittle, smooth, wbite ; gills adnate,
linear, sub-distant, acute in front, pallid, tben black.—Fr. Epicr.
p. 238. B u ll.t.5 5 2 ,f.2 ,¥ .G . Berh. Outl. p . l l 6.
Under hedges.
Pilens 1 in, high, IJ in. across, sulcate up to tbe disc, pale dirty-ochraceons.
—M. J. B.
4 4 9 . A g a iic u s (P sa th y r e lla ) a ra tus. Berk. “ Sulcate
Pileus membranaceous, campanulato-conic, ratber acute, deeply
sulcate ; stem tall, thickened at the base, white, smooth, fistulose
; gills lanceolate, quite free, purplisb-black.—Berh. Outl.p.
Under h e d g e s .' Woodnewton.
Pileus 1 in. high, I in. across, bright brown ; flesh of the disc of the
same colour. Stem 5 in. high.
4 5 0 .
Sect. 2. Stem flexuose, pruinose above.
A g a r icu s (P sa th y r e lla ) p ronu s. Fr. “ Stooping
Pileus membranaceous, bemispberical, obtuse, striate, hygrophanous,
dry, opaque, slightly silky, atomate ; stem very slender,
equal, flexuose, sub-pellucid; gills adnate, ventricose, sub-distant,
livid sooty-black.—Fr. Epicr.p. 239. Ann. N .II. no. 924.
Amongst grass. Sept. Apethorpe.
Stem filiform, fragile, I J in. long. Pileua 4-6 lines broad, dingy.
4 5 1 . A g a r icu s (P sa th y r e lla ) a tom a tu s . Fr. “ Sprinkled
Pilens submembranaceous, campanulate, obtuse, slightly striate,
hygrophanous, dry, rugulose, entire, furfuraeeous with shining
atoms; stem lax, fragile, white, mealy at the apex, gills adnate,
broad, cinereous-black.—Fr. Epicr. p . 239. Eng. Fl. y .p . 115.