At first forming small scattered patches, which at length become more or
less confluent, the cobweb-liko fringe gradually obsolete. - 1 / . J. B.
S 2 7 . Co z ticium v e lu t in um . Fr. “ Velvety Corticium.”
Effused, adnato, flesh-colonrod; circumference with straight,
strigose, diverging fibres, of the same colour ; hymenium thick,
flesby, soft, even, densely velvety with bristles.—Dr. Epier. p.
561. Ann. N.H . no. 288.
On logs- [Carolina, U.S.]
A very elegant species, of a pale pink, remarkable for its floccose myce-
hum, and the delicate frill with which the whole ofthe hymenium is clothed
giving it a velvety appearance.—i)/. J. B. ’
9 2 8 . C o r ticium sa n g u in e um . Fr. “ Blood-red Corticium.”
Effused, loosely adhering, arachnoid beneath, blood-colour;'
circumference loosely fibrillose, flesh-coloured, as well as the
even, smootb hymenium.—Fr.Epicr.p. 561. C. miniatum, Berk,
exs. no. 251.
On dead larch. Eare.
9 2 9 . C o r tic ium su lfu z e um . Fr. “ Sulphury Corticium.”
^ Effased, fibrillose or byssoid, bright sulphur-coloured; hymenium
(when perfect) thick, waxy, soft, somewhat tawny, rimose
when drj.— Fr.Epicr.p. 561. Letell. t. 630. / . 4. Thelephora sul-
phurea, Eng. F l. r .p . 169.
On fallen sticks. [Mid. and Up. Carolina.]
At first consisting of loose, distinct, byssoid fibres, in which state it fre-
quently remains without producing a true hymenium, next forming a thin,
resupmafe, silky, snbpulverulent stratum, with a beautiful byssoid margin^
at length furnished with a true hymenium, and beset with minute white
bristles. The loose fibrilla) of a beautiful saffron yellow, the more advanced
stage paler, with a yellowish or cinereous tinge in the centre, the byssoid
margin nearly white. Eng. Fl.
©■39. Cosrticium ccesruleum. Fr, “ Blue Corticium.”
Eoundisb, then effused, adnate, a t first tomentose, bright blue;
circumference byssoid, of tbe same colour or whitish; hymenium
waxy, soft, papillose or setulose, becoming smooth.—Dr.
Epicr.p. 562. Letell. t. 680./. 2. Sow. t. 350. Cooke, exs. no. 221.
Roth. Cat. ii. t. 9 . / 2. Desm. exs. no. 396. Thelephora ccerulea,
Eng. Fl. v. 168. Rabh. F .E . no. 1005.
On rails, &o. Common. [United States.]
At first byssoid, but when fully developed forming a close membrane, following
the undulations of the wood on which it grows, of a beautiful daik
satiny blue, the margin whitish.—A/. J. B. Said to be phosphorescent.
9 3 1 . Co z ticium a tz o v iz en s. Fr. “ Blaok-green Cortioium.”
Irregularly effased, blaok-green, beneath and circumference
tomentose, of tbe same colour; hymenium(?).—F r .E p ic r .p .562.
On sticks in woods. Eare. [Mid. Carolina.]
Mr. Berkeley states that, like Fries, he has never found this species with a
perfect hymeninm.
9 3 2 . Co z ticium la c t e s c e n s . JBerh. “ Juioy Cortioium.”
Agglutinate, soft, waxy, undulated, flesb coloured, milky ;
margin shortly byssoid, at length cracked, interstices silky ;
bymenium flesh coloured, or pale salmon colour.—Berk. Outl.p.
274. Thelephora lactescens, Eng. F l. Y. p. 169. Ann. N .H . no.
153. Berk. exs. no. 21.
On decayed wood of willows, &c.
Thin, spreading for a considerable distance over the bark, and following
all its inequalities, with a scarcely byssoid border, inner substance variegated
with bands of different shades rnnning parallel with the surface. When
broken it gives out a milky juice which iu taste and smell resembles exactly
that of Lactarius quietus.—M. J .B .
Sect. 3. Leiostroma.
9 3 3 . Co z ticium c a lc eum . Fr. “ Chalky Cortioium.”
Effused, agglutinate, waxy, quite smooth, wbite, circumference
similar, hymenium even, smooth, cracked when dry.—Fr. Epicr.
p .562. Thelephora calcea, Eng. F I .y . p . n o . K l.e x s .n o .325.
On pine wood. Common. [United States.]
Unequal in thickness, effused, hard, extending over several inches; hyme-
nium. whitej discoloured in age, mncli cracked, papillose, sonietimes quite
plane and smooth.—Grev.
9 3 4 . C o z ticium U v id um . P. “ Livid Cortioium.’’
Effused, agglutinate, waxy, soft, smootb, changing colour,
circumference similar, hymenium even, naked, rather viscid,
cracked when dry.—Fr. Epicr. p. 563. Berk. Outl.p. 215. Thelephora
livida, Eng. F l. v. p. 171.
On wood. Appin.
In the same individuals the colour will he livid-blue and purplish-brown.
9 3 5 . Co z ticium o ch za c eum . Fr. “ Oohraoeous Cortioium.”
Effused, agglutinate, waxy, soft, at length smooth, circumference
white, somewhat radiating, evanescent ; hymenium pallid,