In woods. Rare. Halifax,
ham Beeches.
Spores '00035 X '00022 in.
Near Worcester (E .L .) Burn-
[United States.]
Sporophores obtuse. (Fig. 53, reduced.)
Sect. 2. Pleuropus.
6 4 9 . C a n th a r e llu s m u s c ig e u u s . Fr. “ Moss Chanterelle.”
Pileus submemhranaceous, spathulate, horizontal, smooth,
zoned, brown, then whitisb-oinereous ; stem lateral, sbort, villous
at tbe base; gills swollen, distant, branched, of tbe same colour.
— Pr. Epicr. p . 368. Bull. t. 288, 498./. 1. Nees.f. 236. Enq.
Fl. Y.p. 127. Schn. Sturm, t.3 .
On tbe larger mosses. Berwick. Bristol. [S. Carolina.]
PHeug memhranaoeous, tough, nearly semioironlar, somewhat zoned,
slightly undulated, dirty-white, cinereous, or dingy. Folds somewhat tumid
divergent, scarcely anastomosing, confluent behind; stem villous at the base’
sometimes obsolete.—Fries. ’
Sect. 3. Resupinati.
6 5 0 . C an th a r e llu s lo h a tu s . Fr. “ Lobed Chantarelle.”
Membranaceous, sessile, horizontal, lobed, brown ; gills foldlike,
distinot, branched, divergent.—Dr. Epic r.p. 369. F l. Dan
/. 1077. B o l t . t .m . Eng. F I . y .p .l2 7 .
On mosses, in swamps.
Pileus 2 lines, I4 in. broad, membranaceons, horizontal, often at length
vertical, attached laterally by a few byssoid fibres, which sometimes run down
the moss for some distance, pale, cinereous umber; margin nearly white
under a lens most minutely scabrous, as if it were innato-fibrillose, ocoa!
sioually there are two or three faint zones. Hymenium paler, consisting oi
radiating, more or less anastomosing wrinkles, with many connecting reticulate
veins. Spores round, rather large. When old often very much lobed and
crisped, and then the wrinkles, especially at the base, are reticulate though
towards the margin they continue distinct.—iff. J .B .
6 5 1 . C a n th a r e llu s r e t iiu g u s . Fr. “ Furrowed Chantarelle.”
Membranaceous, expanded, repand, lobed, wbitisb cinereous,
fixed behind with little threads ; gills radiating from the centre’
very thin, reticulated.—Dr. E p ic r.p . 369. Bull. t. 498, f. 1. Sow.
t. 348. Berh. Outl. t. 14,/. 2.
On mosses, in swamps. King’s Cliffe.
Similar to O. hiatus, but the gills are thinner and reticulated. Pilens
membranaceous, sub-rotund, 3-5 hn. broad, margin at first entire, then split,
cinereous-white above, darker beneath.
Gen. 1 2 . N Y C TA L IS, F r. Gen. Hymen.
Veil universal, floccoso-pruinose;
pileus in tbe British species fleshy
and prninose or pulverulent ; stem
confluent witb thebymenophore; gills
broad, simple, unequal, thick, flesby,
juicy, or subgelatinous, edge obtuse,
not descending on the stem.
(Fig. 54.;
H a b . Tbe British species are small
and parasitic on other Agarics.
This genns consists of fleshy putrescent
Fungi. Some species grow in subterranean
Fig. 54.
6 5 2 . N y c t a lis a ste ro p h o ia . Fr. “ Star-bearing Nyotalis.”
Pileus somewbat fleshy, conical, tben hemispherical, cuticle
flocculoso-prninose, breaking up into a fawn-coloured stratum;
stem stnffed, pruinose, then brownish, twisted; gills adnate, distant,
ratber forked, straight, dingy.—F r .E p ic r .p . 371. Bull. t.
5 1 6 ,/1 . Sturm, t.2 6 .
On Aoadi. R u ssu la n igricans. Common. [Mid. & Up. Carolina.]
Stem scarcely exceeding 4 an in., 4-I lin. thick, equal, twisted, at first
wMtish and pruinose, then brownish. Pilens white when young, papillate,
then cracking, pulverulent and fawn-coloured. GiUs thick. The powder of
the pileus consists ofthe stellate bodies, constituting the spores in the genus
Alsteropliora. Diameter '00055 in. Spores '0001 X '00005 in.
(Fig. 54, natural sise.)
6 5 3 . N y c ta lis p a r a s itic a . Fr. “ Parasitic Nyctalis.”
Pileus somewhat flesby, conical, tben expanded, unequal, cuticle
persistent, grey, pruinose; stem minutely fistulose, floccnloso-
villous, whitish ; gills adnate, thick, distant, a t length contorted
and anastomosing, brownish.—F r . Epicr. p . 372. B u ll.t.674, f .
2. S o w .t.643. Berh. O u tl.t.l9 ,f. 2. E n g .F l. Y . p . 62. Berh.
exs. no. 130.
On Russula adusta and R. foetens.
Pileus 4 in. hroad, conico-campanulate, silky, sub-carnose, somewhat
irregular, grey, with a slight tinge of umber at the apex, flesh <larkj gills
darker than the pileus, paler at the edges, thick, distant, somewhat forked
and anastomosing, conneoted by veins, broader towards the apex, slightly
adnate, ventricose; stem 1-2 in. high, 1 line thick, thickest downwards, very
silky, especially at the base, crisp, dark within. Odour like Polyporus squamosus.—
iff. J. B.