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Under Scotch firs. Aug.—Oct. [Low. Carolina.]
Pileus 2-3 in. broad, top-shaped, umbonate, yellow in the centre, the
margin liver-coloured, shining • gills decurrent, somewhat branched, firm,
elastic, thick, entire, purple-brown, the shorter connected with the longer ;
spores dark, fusiform. Stem 2-3 in. high, ^-f in. thick, rhubarb-coloured
without and within, fibrillose, attenuated below, firm, solid, slimy from the
remains of the veil, which form an obsolete filamentous ring.—M. J. B. Spores
•00063 X -00025 in. ^ ^
5 8 1 . G omphid iu s s t illa tu s . S trm m . “ Slender Gomphidius.”
Pileus conico-hemispherioal, clothed with dingy gluten, at
length spotted with black; gills of a watery, dingy white, forked;
stem slender, sprinkled with minute scales above, virgate below.
Sir. Sturm, t. 2 . G. gracilis, Berh. O u tl.t.l2 , f . l . A n n .N .H
no. 698.
In fir woods. Llanberris. Lea.
Pileus 1 in. across, conioo-snbhemispherical, of a pale vinous brown, when
dry clothed with dirty fuliginous slime, which dries, especially round the
margin, into black spots, or forms a narrow, irregular black border. Stem
2 in. high, 1J line thick, flexuous, pale, especially above, where it is sprinkled
with minute white scales, virgate below, with the remains ofthe slime, yellow
at the base; gills arched, decurrent, forked, thick, obtuse, clothed under
® “P*- tornentose hairs, of a washy bistre. Spores oblong, elliptic,
•OOOJ in. long, -0003 in. wide, with a nucleus at either end. Distinguished
from every other species by its slender stem and delicate habit.—Af. J. B.
Gen. 9 . DACTARius, Fr. Fpicr. p. S33.
Spores wbite or very pale yellow,
generally ecbinulate ; veil none, but
in some species tbe margin of pileus
is beardedorpubescent; pileus flesby,
of a floccose or vesiculose (not fibrous)
texture, at length depressed in tbe
middle, margin at first involute; stem
fleshy,not corticate,often bollow wben
old, confluent with the bymenopbore;
gills milky, in nearly all the species
at first white, often changing to sulphur
colour, red, or violet on exposure
to tbe air, subdecurrent, unequal, witb
an acute edge ; trama subvesiculose.
Kg. 51.
Hab. All grow on tbe ground. (Fig. 51.;
The species are easily recognised by the milky gills. The genus is nearly
all Led to Rusmla, but easily distinguished by its milky juice. They vary greatly
m taste, being mild, aromatic, bitter, or acrid and burning. Lactarius there-
tore includes delicate and excessively poisonous species.
A . Piperites—miW at first wbite, acrid.
Sect. 1. Torminosi.
582. Lactaiius toiminosus. Fr. “Woolly Lactarius.”
Pileus flesby, depressed, subzonate, pallid; stem stuffed,soon
hollow, equal (rarely spotted),pallid; margin involute,bearded ;
gills thin, whitish, milk persistently white, F r.E p ic r.p .
334. Schæff. t. 12. F l. Dan. t. 1068. f i r . Fung Esc i. 38.
Kromhh. 1.13, f . 15-23. Bull.t. 520,f . 2 Smith.P M f 11. Sow.
i. 103. Eng. F I .y . p . 24. B a r la .t.l8 ,f.7 - 1 0 . Vent. t. 30, f.2 .
In woods, fields, &c. June—Oct. Local. [S. Carolina.]
Pileus 2-5 in. broad, smooth, or nearly so, except the involute margin,
which is most copiously shaggy, depressed, more f
fui ochre or strawberry colour, at first viscid, milk J®U to .
X -00025 in.
5 8 3 . Lactarius cilicioides. Fr. “ Tomentose Lactarius.”
Pileus flesby, soft, dep ressed , tom en to se , n o t zoned, turning
p a llid ; m a rg in fibrillose o r woolly; stem stuffed, even, p ru in o se ,
silky, spotless, pallid ; gills crowded, branched, white, tben yellowisb,
as well as tbe milk.—Dr. Epicr. p. 334. Schceff. t. 228.
{Kromhh. t. 40, / . 17-19 ?) Eng. Fl. y . p. 24.
In pine woods. Rare.
Pileus 2 4 in broad, depressed, margin rounded, involute, reddish-bnff,
itp darker towards thesurtace. ocemauuut m.uigu, ^ ' l ’
igy’white, yellow or brown. There is no juice, hut a considerable moisture
the surface of the pileus, which seems to originate from the plant. Grev.
5 8 4 . l a c t a r i u s t u r p i s . Fr. “ Dirty Lactarius.”
Pileus compact, plane, olivaceous-umber, zoneless ; margin at
first yellowish-downy; stem stuffed, short, viscid, attenuated
downwards, olivaceous; gills thin, pallid ; milk white a c r id .-
Fr. Epicr. p. 335. F l.D a n .t.l0 1 3 . K rom h h .t.6 0 ,f.l-6 . Ann.
N.H.no. 703. ^ ^
wfiite, aa loer ïowaru ^ ^ considerable moisture
In fir woods. Coed Cocb. East Bergbolt. [Mid. Carolina.]