a g a r ic in i .
centre, margin thin, yellowish, with cinereous fîbrillæ, subrimulose, with a
satiny lustre. Gills broad, emarginate, slightly wavy, moderately thick
not distant, scarcely connected by veins, with a slight tinge of yellow. Stem
tinged with yellow, as is the outer flesh, punotato-squamnlose, bulbous,
attenuated upwards. Odour like that of new flour.—Af. J. B.
4 2 . A g a z icu s (T r ich o lom a ) sp e im a tic u s . Fr. “ Stinking
White. Pileus rather fleshy, convex, then expanded, obtuse,
repand, smooth, viscid ; margin membranaceous, naked ; stem
stuffed, then hollow, elongated, twisted, even ; gills emarginate,
rather distant, eroded.—Fr. Epicr. p . 27. Paul. t. 45, f . 1-3. Paul,
t. 45.
In fir woods.
Pileus several inches across. Smell strong, unpleasant.
Sect. 2. Gills discoloured.
4 3 . A g a z icu s (T z ich o lom a ) n ic t ita n s . Fr.
“ Tricholoma.”
“ Spotted Gills
Pileus fleshy, convex, then expanded, obtuse, smooth, viscid,
even ; stem stuffed, dry, elastic, nearly equal, squamulose, yellowish
; gills from the first rounded behind, free, yellow, crowded,
obscurely spotted with reddish brown.—Fr. Epicr. p . 28. Bull. t.
574, f . 1. Huss. ii. t. 46. Ann. N .H . no. 667.
In woods. Sept.
Inodorous. Stem 3 in. long, i in. and more thick. Pileus 3-4 in. broad, viscid,
yellowish, disc darker. Spores -0003 X '0002 in.—IF. (?. S.
4 4 . A g a z icu s (T z ich o lom a ) fu lv e llu s .
Fr. “ Tawny Trioho-
Pileus fleshy, convex, then expanded, viscid, even, disc darker,
punctato-rugose, stem stuffed, then hollow, fibrillose, whitish, then
rufous, naked above ; gills rounded, then emarginate, crowded,
white, then rufescent.—Dr. Epicr.p. 28. Ag.fulvus Bull. t. 555,
/ . 2 . A n n .N .H .n o .5 9 .
In woods. Inodorous.
Considered by Pries (Epior.) as a variety of A. nictitans. Sometimes the
gills and inside of the stem are more or less yellow. Smaller than the last.
Spores nearly spherical '00015 in.—IF. Q. S.
4 5 . A g a z icu s (T z ich o lom a ) fla v o -b zu n n eu s. Fr. “ Yellow-
brown Tricholoma. ”
Pileus fleshy, conical, then convex, at length expanded, sub-
umbonate, viscid, clothed with streak-like scales ; stem hollow,
somewhat ventricose, fibrillose, at first viscid, yellowish within
tip naked ; gills emarginate, deourrent, crowded, yellowish then
rufous.—Dr. Epicr.p. 29. Letell. f . 707. Dr. Icon. t. 26a. ’
In woods.
p T uUi fi to* w T 3- 5 in. long, J in. thick, rufescent or brownish.
1 ileus d-bin. broad, disc darker, dingy rufous, or reddisk brown.
4 6 . A g a z icu s (T z ich o lom a ) u s ta lis . Fr. “ Burnt Tricholoma.”
Pileus fleshy, convexo-plane, obtuse, smooth,viscid ; stem stuffed,
equal, dry, rufo-flbnllose, apex naked, silky, nearly smooth : gills
emarginate, crowded, white, at length with reddish sp o ts F r
E picr.p.29. Mon. H ym .i.p .5 8 . B a t t .t .l l .c .
Chiefly in pine woods. Eeigate {W . G. S .)
compact ; hemispherical at first, umbonate, soon plane
and obtuse, glabrous, edge not striate, dotted on the disc; gills emarginate
W red “d ’ “ ?"4ed, moderately broad, white, at length turnto
tb 'U at length hollow, two to three in. long, about half
+ ;3brous, whitish or turning red, whiter and silky at
the apex, but not mealy ; scentless. Spores '0003 X '0002 in..— IF. G. S.
47. Agazicus (Tzicholoma) albo-bzunneus. P. “ White and
Brown Tricholoma.”
Pileus fleshy, hemispherical, then expanded, obtuse, viscid
streaked ; disc papillose ; stem solid, short, equal, white above’
and squamulose ; gills emarginate, crowded, white, then brown-
29. Sow. t. 416. Schoeff. t. 38. Eng. PI. v. p.
15. Barla, 1. 12.
In woods. Smell like new meal.
Cæspitose._ Pileus 3 in. broad, convex, flattish, very glutinous, dirtv
S d T Gills white or b ro L , very broad^
and slightly angular near the stem. Stem 3 in. high, i in. thick, generali!
hi!?hto\“ ‘^‘‘‘' ' “ w u ’ above highly feriugmous. When young covered wiathn da sbhealogwgy, twoowoal,r dws htihceh sboaosne
cn ritUr’’®' Remarkably glutinous, so th at leaves and sticks which are in
contact can scarce be separated without tearing the pileus. The nileus
S igÌ* " j ™"'’ Îή “ “ etantly smooth, but the stem, though ooca-
S m L T n rl ’ »“ " /R y pale and squamulose, and the lower
X -00016in °U ^ !(T “ transverse scales.—M .J .B . Spores'00014
48. A g a z icu s (Tz ich o lom a ) pe ssu n d a tu s. Fr. “ Overturned
Pileus fleshy, compact, convex, very obtuse, repand, viscid,
granulose, spotted ; stem solid, firm, at first ovato-bulbose, every