i! ■ .1'
i Ï i
l ' i f ' ' 1 (ii lU !
m f
' I î (. i
U! fe"
ing, brown-black.—Dr. N.M. iii.)). 162. Sow. t. 412, f. 3. A. 4 S
t. ii./. 8. B. 4 B r. Ann. N.H . no. 386.
On mossy stumps. Nortbamptonshire.
[Carolina, Obio, U. S.]
“ Our specimens hare a beautiful coppery tinge.”—A. A Br.
S tem o n itis v io la c e a . P. 1162. “ Violet Stemonitis.”
Peridium lenticular, steel-blue, fugacious, umbilicate beneatb;
capillitium wbitisb, lax, spores blackisb, stem sbort semi-penetrating.—
Dr. N.M. iii.)). 162. B 4 B r. Ann. N .H . no. 387.
On moss. Common.
1 1 6 3 . S tem o n itis a r cy z io id e s. Somm. “ Violet Stemonitis.”
Peridium globose, violaceous steel-blue, base somewbat persistent,
capillitium globose ; spores brownisb ; stem sbort, semi-
penetrating.—Dr. S.M. iii. p. 162. Ann. N .H . no. 114. Fckl. exs.
no. 1447.
On dead laurel leaves, &c.
Gen. 8 7 . E N E R TK E K EM A , Bowm.
Peridium very delicate, simple, evanescent,
except at tbe apex, wbere it is adnate
witb tbe dilated top of tbe penetrating
dark stem,. Capillitium dependent,
attached to the dilated disc. Spores surrounded
by a cyst.—Bowm. Linn. Trans.
xvi.)). 151. B . 4 Br. Ann. N .H . no. 388.
{Fig. 133.)
Fig. 133.
1 1 6 4 . E n e z th en em a e le g a n s . Bomm. “ Bowman’s Ener-
Peridium globose, very fugacious, at length cinereous, apex
papillary from the excurrent stem. Capillitium and spores
black-brown.—Bowm. Linn. Trans, xvi.)). 151, t. 16. B. 4 B r
Ann. N .H . no. 3 8 8 ,1.11, f . 7. Berk. Outl. t. l , f . 6. O. Stemonitis
papillata, Eng. F l. Y .p . 317. not Persoon.
On rotton wood. [Low. Carolina.]
(Fig. 133, thrwd and spores magnified.)
Gen. 88.
Peridium simple, very delicate,
reticulated or veined from tbe innate
capillitium.—Berk. Outl. p . 309.
E n g .F I .y .p . 311. (F ig .134.)
1 1 6 5 . D ic ty d ium um b ilic a tum .
Schrad. “ Depressed Dictydium.”
Peridium cernuous, umbilicate,
veins parallel, joined by others
which are transverse; spores pur-
plisb-brown.—F r.S .M . iii. p. 165.
Eng. F l. Y .p . 318. Batsch. f . 232.
Kg. 134. Schrad. t. 4, f . 1. Nees. f . 117.
Grev.t.lb3. Corda. I c .Y .f.3 6 . B is c h .f.3612. P a y . f 513. El.
exs. no. 820. Fckl. exs. no. 1445.
On rotten wood, pine stumps, &c. [United States.]
(Fig. 134.)
Gen. 8 9 . C R IB R A R IA , Schrad.
Peridium simple, persistent below,
vanishing above, Flocci innate,
forming a free network in
tbe upper half of tbe peridium.—
Berk. Outl.p. 309. Eng. F l. v. p.
318. {F ig .135.)
1 1 6 6 . Czibzazia in te zm ed ia .
Berh. “ Sowerby’s Gribraria.”
Peridium globose, yellow, ex-
cipulnm entire, stem péllucid,
wbite, tapering upwards, spores
yellow.—Eng.FI .y .p .318. Sphce-
rocarpus semitrichioides. Sow. t.
4 00,/. 5.
On rotten wood.
Fig. 135.
1 1 6 7 . Czibzazia in t z ic a ta . Schrad. “ Intricate Gribraria.”
Peridinm sub-rotund, nearly erect, reticulations unequal, spores-
dirty yellow,—Fr. S .M . iii. p. 173. Schrad. t. 3 ,f. 1.