even.—Dr. E p ic r.p . 536. Bull. t. 4 5 2 ,/. 1 . Berh. Outl. 1.1 7 ,/
4. Sow. t. 156. Berh. exs. no. 244. T. coralloides, Eng. F l. y.p .
On the ground in woods. [United States.]
From the same point spring many erect, often confluent, pale hranohea,
spreading upwards into greyish or purplish brown, strongly streaked braneh-
lets, disposed frequently like the petals of a pink, their apices dilated, pale,
and generally fimbriated. Smell scarcely any.—AT. J.A.
8 9 4 . T h e lep h o ra c a r y o p h y lle a . Fr. “ Clove-coloured
Subeoriaceous, • purplish brown ; pileus depressed, fibroso-
lacerate ; margin sometimes incised, sometimes divided into a
few linear branches, hymenium nearly even, smootb.—Fr. Epicr.
p. 536. A n n .N .H . no. 283. Berh. exs.no. 241. Coohe.exs.no.
219. Corda. I c o n .y .f.12. Schnitz. Sturm.t. 6.
On tbe ground in woods. Eare. Bungay. [United States.]
I t assumes every form, from that of a perfect cup with a central stem to a
mnch and irregularly branched frond.—M. J . A.
Sect. 2. Merisma.
8 9 3 . T h e lep h o ra p a lm a ta . Fr. “ Palmate Thelephora.”
Coriaceous, soft, erect, very much branched, pubescent, purplish
brown, base simple and stem-like, branches flat, even;
dilated above, palmate, sub-fastigiate, tips fimbriate, whitish.—
F r .E p ic r .p . 537. Grev.t.46. Kromhh. t .5 4 ,f .2 4 ,2 5 . Holms.i. t.
10 . Bisch. f.3 3 1 1 . Nees. f.1 5 1 . Enq. F I.y . p . 163. Smith, P.M.
f. 4. Rahh. F .E . no. 119. ’
On tbe ground. Very foetid. [United States.]
Smell very bad a few minutes after gathering, varying from i in. to more
than 4 in. in height, and from a single stem to a dense mass, 2 or 3 in in
thickness. - (?re».
8 9 6 . T h e lep h o ra te r r e s tr is . Fr. “ Ground Thelephora.”
Cæspitose, soft, brown, at length blackish; pileoli imbricated,
plane, fibroso-strigose, zoneless, elongated into a somewhat
lateral stem ; margin similar ; bymenium inferior, radiato-rugose.
Pr. Epicr.p. 538. A ke s.f. 251. B a tsc h .f.121. E n g .F I .y .p .165.
Bail. t. 28. Ann. de. Sc. Nat. (1837) viii. t. 8 .f. 12, t. 1 1 , / 29.
On the ground. [Mid. & Up. Carolina.]
Pileus 1-2 in. across, somewhat zoned, papillæ sc a tte red .-A®y. Fl.
Sect. 3. Apus.
Thelephora cristata. Fr. “ Crested 8 9 7 . Thelephora. ”
Incrustmg, ratber tough, pallid, passing into branches, or ascending
cæspitose laciniæ, apices subulate, fimbriate ; hymenium
papillose, on even spaces, or tbe sides of the branches — F r
Epicr. p .5 3 9 . Desm. exs. no. 362. B u ll.t. 415, f . l . Sow t 158
L m n oe a . y . t l f .2 . Eng. F l. y. p . 164. Bisch. f 3290. Ann.
N.H. no. 284. Berh. exs. no. 243. F l. Dan. t. 2212, f . 3.
On moss, &o.
Whitish, greyish, or purplish brown ; at first quite resupinate eraduallv
extending, and acquiring a branched appearance, the apices compressed
expanded, and beautifully fringed or laciniated.— Fl. ’
8 9 8 . Thelephora mollissima. P. “ Soft Thelephora.”
Fleshy, soft, incrusting ; pileus effuso-reflexed, laciniate, subtomentose,
whitish, hymenium inferior, smooth, even, piirplisb-
\j ^ '^ - ~ F r -E p i c r .p . 540. Berh. Outl. t. 11,f. 5. Ann. N .H . no.
28b. Berk. exs. no. 245. Desm. exs. no. 362.
On the ground in woods.
effused, sometimes assuming the
the fig^e qZ ted a i o v f ‘ stems of grasses, as in
8 9 9 . Thelephora laciniata. P. “ Torn Thelephora.”
. Coriaceous, soft, incrusting, ferruginous brown; pilei siib-
mbricated, effuso-reflexed, fibroso-squamose, margin fibrous
fimbriate/ at first whitish ; hymenium inferior, papillose, floe!
cnlose —Dr. Djifer. p. 540. Bolt. t. 173. Sow. t. 213 F l Dan
i. 1198, 949. Eng. F l. y.p. 165. Berh. exs. no. 242. Coohe exs. no.
On branches, heathy ground, &c. Common.
[United States.]
being adnate
p a p X J l o r e r Z f e ’A':“*''“ ' margin fringed " i | n i a t e d ;
9 0 0 . T h e lep h o r a b ie n n is . Fr. “ Biennial Thelephora.”
Coriaceous, soft, broadly iucrusting, cinereous-brown ; pilei
at length reflexed, narrow, tomentose; circumference fimbriated •
bymenium subresiipinate, smooth, subsetulose, plicate at tbe
base.—Dr. E picr.p. 540. Bull. t. 436. Ann. N .H . no. 364