1 0 6 7 . C la th iu s c a n c e lla tu s . U n n . “ Latticed Stinkhorn.”
Obovate, brancbes obliquely anastomosing c an c e lla te - D r .
N M ii.p. 288. A nn.N .H.no. 304. Huss. 1.1. 86. Batt. t 2, f . E
D a y ./ . 556-559. Mich.t. 93. Nees.f.201. ^ 3638
3 2 Ì f.B .v a r . Cooke, B .F . t . 20. Corda. Y . f . 49. B is c h .f 3638.
B a il.t.2 3 . Rabh. F .E .n o .3 o . _
In woods. Rare. Isle of Wigbt, Devonsbire, Lyme Regis,
Soutb of Ireland, &c. [Georgia, U. S.]
Very beantiM, bnt extremely fcetid. Brancbes resembling sealing-wax,
covered here and there with an olive sponferous
Order IX . T B IC H O G A S T R E S .
length drying up
.M .i\\.p .3 . Berle.
Peridium single or double. Hymenium at
into a dusty mass of threads and spores.—Dr. S
Outl. p . 298.
Eeeeptaele pileiform; volva universal . . .
Eeoeptacle subglobose, peridium thin, outer
coat s e p a r a tin g ............................................
Not stalked—
Peridium thin— ,
Persistent, hark shelling off; no sterile
Vanishing above, bark becoming warty,
with sterile b a se .............................
Peridium firm, central mass veined. Spores
large, granulated.............................. * /.J 4
Peridium rigid, enclosing distinct cells filled
with neridiola. '. • • • • • : • * *
Peridium‘carbonaceous, at length hollow . .
Peridium double, outer one splitting in stellate
l o b e s ...............................................................
Gen. 66
B A T A R R E A , Pers.
Volva universal, central stratum gelatinous.
Receptacle pileiform, bursting
through the volva, seated a t tbe top of a
tall stem.—Berk. Outl.p. 299.
Fig. 111.
1 0 6 8 . B a ta ire a phalloides. P. “ Scarce Batarrea.”
Stem equal. Spores brownisb.—Fr. S .M . iii.p .7 . Wbodw.
Phil. Trans, v. 74,7». 423, t. 26. Ann. N .I I. no. 303. Smith. Spie.
i.i. 12. S o w .t .390. Pers. Syn. t.3 , f I. N e e s .f 257. E n g .F l.
Y. p . 298. Hook. Journ. 1843. t. 22, f . 1. B isch.f. 3463. Corda.
Ani. t. E . f . 50, no. 4-6.
On sandhills, or hollows of old trees. Rare. New Brighton.
Whole plant more or less of a brown hue. Exterior volva ovate, fleshy,
dirty-white, inclining to brown, buried 6-8 in. in the sand, with a few dirty-
white floccose hairs at the base, middle volva much thinner, and almost
membranaceous, conneoted with the outer by mucilage, smooth within; inner
volva internally villous, covered with very abundant yellow-brown dust-like
seed; externally concave and smooth. Stem formed within the cavity of the
interior volva, cylindrie, straight, short, fleshy, filled with mucilage, but
afterwards elongated upwards with wonderful force and quickness, and protruded
through the soil, carrying with it almost the whole inner volva, adnatewith
its apex, and covered, with a portion of the outer coat torn off, in
the same manner. Immediately after maturity it becomes dry, as also the
volva; tubular within, and externally fibrous, and remains a long time
bleached and tossed about by wind and rain.—Smith,. (Fig. I l l , reduced.)
M M m