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In very rainy weather on a grassy bank. Aug. Aboyne.
“ Pileus slightly viscid when moist, broadly infnndibnliform, without any
trace of an umbo, 9 in. across, white, opaque; margin incurved, at length
sulcate. Stem 2Jin. high, 1 in. thick, equal, obtuse, minutely flocculose;
gills at flrst very narrow, forked behind, decurrent, at length slightly rounded,
white, then yellowish.”—B.&Br.
9 5 . A g a z icu s (C lito cyb e) m a x im u s . Fr, “ Sowerby’s Clitocybe.”
Pileus fleshy, thin, sub-flaccid, dry, silky or squamulose, broadly
infimdibuliform, disc compact, somewhat umbonate ; stem stuffed,
compact, elastic, attenuated, fibrilloso-striate ; gills decurrent,
rather crowded, whitish.—Epicr.p. 68. B u x b .iy .t.l. A. giganteus,
S o iv .t.244. E n g .F l.y . p . 33. H u s s .i.t.79. Letell.t. 682.
Hogg. 4 Johnst. t. 23.
Meadows and woods. Sept. Esculent. [United States.]
Pileus 4-14in. broad, fleshy, often splitting at the margin, broadly infun-
dibuliform, the base of the funnel sunk into the stem, with no trace ofnmbo,
dirty white, with an oohraoeous tinge, minutely adpresso-squamulose to the
naked eye, sometimes gnttate, the whole surface under a lens clothed with a
flue matted silkiness, margin grooved, the grooves shallow. Gills close, forked,
yellow-white, as broad as the flesh o fthe pileus. Stem 2J-3in. high, nearly
2 in. thick at the base, firm, fleshy, elastic, quite solid, sub-bulbous, sometimes
attenuated upwards, minutely but conspicuously pubescent, when
bruised dirty rufescent. Odour strong.—M. J. B. Spores ’00022 X ’00013
in. - W. G. S.
9 6 . A g a z icu s (Clito cyb e) in fu n d ib u lifo zm is . “ Funnel
Pileus fleshy, thin, at first convex, umbonate, clothed with
minute innate silky down, at length funnel-shaped, flaccid ; stem
stuffed, soft, elastic, thickened downwards ; gills decurrent, moderately
distant, white.—Schoeff. t. 212. Pricef. 69. Fr. Epicr. p.
68. Berh. Outl. t. 5 ,/. 2. Eng. F I. y .p . 32. Bull. t. 286, 553.
On the sides of woods, amongst moss, &c. Common. ’
Pileus of a pale reddish tan, 2-3 in. across, dry, elastic, at first convex, then
umbonate, depressed, or quite infundibuliform, with traces of the umbo,
variously crisped and lobed, margin involute and downy, the whole clothed
with a delicate closely woven web, which is often pinched up at the margin
into little raised striæ, these generally vanish as the pileus becomes completely
expanded. Flesh moderately thick in the centre, colour of the pilens. Gills
white, attenuated, numerous, unequal, some ofthem forked at the base. Stem
variable in length, 2-9 lines thick, attenuated upwards, elastic, stuffed, paler
than the pileus. Odour strong but grateful. - Eng. FI.
Far. m em b zan a c eu s. Fr. In a fir wood. Torquay.-—W .W .S .
Fries says this well-marked variety is intermediate between A. sqicamnlo-
ms and A. infundihdiformis, appearing earlier in the year than the latter.
All the parts are thinner, the pileus never at first umbonate, 3 in. across;
stem equal, spongy, 4 in. long, J in. thick, sometimes cæspitose. Grassy
places in woods. Spores pip-shaped, ’00027 long.— W. G. S.
9 7 . A g a z icu s (Clito cyb e) tzulloefozmis.
Fr. “ Bowl-sbaped
Pileus fleshy, obtuse, at length infundibuliform, floccoso-vil-
lose, margin expanded, stem stuffed, elastic, equal, s tria te ; gills
decurrent, sub-distant, connected by veins, white.—Fr. E p .p . 68.
B .4 B r . A n n .N .H .(l8 6 6 ) ,n o .ll0 8 .
In fir woods. Oct. Coed Coch.
^ The rather distant gills, which are connected by veins, and infundibuliform
pileus, distinguish this species, which is not hygrophanous,—J3.<b_Br.
Sect. 2. Pileus quite smooth.
9 8 . A g a z icu s (C lito cyb e) g e o tzu p u s. Bull. “ Trumpet Clitocybe.”
Pileus fleshy, convex, then broadly infundibuliform, obtuse,
umbonate, compact, even, smooth ; stem solid, compact, fibrillose,
attenuated upwards, flesh white ; gills decurrent, crowded, simple,
white, at length of the colour of the pileus.—Bull. t. 573,/. 2. Fr.
Epicr. p. 70. P a u l.t. 112. Sow. t . 61. Gard. Ghron. (1861), p.
734, fig. Huss. i.t. 66. H a rz.t.7 5 . Letell. t. 670. Grev.t. 41. A.
infundibuUformis, var. Eng. FI. y.p . 33.
In woods and on their borders, often in rings.
[United States.]
Pileus white, tan-coloured, &c., 4in. broad. Stem 6in. long, n e arlylin.
thick, IJin . at the base, more or less fibrillose, sometimes with broad, transverse,
closely-pressed scales. Spores ’00028 X ’0002 in.
(PI. I I ., Jig. 5, reduced.)
Var. su b in v o lu tu s .—Batsch. f . 204.
Spores spinulose, nearly spberioal, ’0003 in.— W. G. S.
9 9 . A g a z icu s (C lito cyb e) in v e z su s . “ Brown-red
Pileus fleshy, fragile, convex, then infundibuliform, smooth ;
margin involute, even ; stem stuffed, then hollow, rather rigid,
smooth ; flesh pallid ; gills decurrent, simple, pallid, then of the
colour of the pileus.—Dr. Epicr. p . 71. B. 4 Br. Ann. N .H . no.
110.* Schæff. t. 65. Bull. t. 553. Paul. t. 66. Sow. 1. 186.
In fir woods. In a ditch. Woodnewton.
Pileus 2 in. across, not flaccid, brownish red at first, then tan-coloured ;
otten cæspitose. Spores nearly spherical ' 0001 in.— W. G. S.