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Fig. 186.
1 4 1 4 . T o n ila m o n ilio id e s . Cd. “ Beaded Torula.”
Spores oblong-elliptic, flocci sub-effused, erect, aggregate,
siinpie, je t black.— Eng. F l.v .p . 359. Corda, Sturm. t. 38. Bon.
t. 2 ,f. 58.
On sticks. Appin.
1 4 1 5 . T o iu la o v a lisp o ia . Berh. “ Oval-spored Torula.'
Spores broadiy oval, paie, minute ; flocci denseiy aggregate.—
Eng. F l. V. p . 359. Conoplea cinerea, Pers.
On wood. Common.
Forms little flat, rotmdish, at lengtli confluent patches, of a brownisb-
black hue, with sometimes a glaucous bloom externally.
1 4 1 6 . T o zu la p u lv il lu s . B . 4 B r. Cushion-like Torula.”
Tufts puivinate, flocci compact, straight, branched ; joints ob-
iong, siightiy constricted.—Ann. N .H . no. 463.
On dead twigs of oak, bursting in iittie tufts tbrougb tbe
bark. March. Apethorpe.
T u fts cushion-shaped, h a lf a lin e hro ad , compact, b la c k ; flocci s tr a ig h t,
slig h tly b ran ch ed , often suddenly d im in ish in g in size, an d ag ain in c ra ssa ted ,
coBsisting of nnmeroBs slig h tly coBstricted obloBg j o in t s ; endochrome conta
in in g a single nucleus.'—3 1 . J . B .
1 4 1 7 . T o iu la p u lv e r a c e a . Corda. “ Powdery Torula.”
Tufts oiivaceous-black or sooty, obiong, paraiiei, thick, witii a
biackisb spurious stroma, threads of spores branched ; spores obiong
ovate, oiive, smootb, witb nuclei.— Corda. ii. p. 8, t. 9 ,f. 38.
Fckl. exs. no. 68. Cooke exs. no. 347.
On faiien sticks, &c.
Forming thick oblong sooty tufts, which are often confluent in a large
patch, pulverulent, and of a brown or olive-black colour, not the jet-black of
many other species. The spores are more brown than olive, with usually
one or two nuclei.
T O E U L A C E I .
T o zu la stilb o sp o ra . Corda. “ Willow Torula.”
Tufts erumpent, pulverulent, elongated, confluent, very black ;
flocci unequal, branched or simple, flexuous ; spores sub-quadrate,
sub-equal, connate, brown.—Corda. Sturm iii. t. 46. Corda. Icon.
Y.f. 13. Sabh. F .E .n o .7 9 4 882.
On wiiiow branches. Batheaston, &c.
1 4 1 9 . T o zu la a b b r e v ia ta . Corda. “ Short-threaded Torula.”
Tufts black, confluent ; flocci abbreviated, 3-4 spored ; spores
very minute, globose, greyish, semi-pelluoid.— Gorda. Icon. I.f.
var. /3. sphæziæfozmis. B. 4 Br. Ann. N .H . no. 464.
On decorticated brancbes of Pinus sylvestris. Wraxall.
Instead of being widely diffused, this variety presents little sphæria-like
tufts, and has a highly developed hyphasma, consisting of forked threads,
a t the apices of which the short chains of spores are fixed.—B.&Br^
1 4 2 0 . T o ru la h a s ic o la . “ Creeping Torula.”
Hyphasma creeping, branched, here and there rising ; fertile
flocci sbort, 5-7 articulate, fastigiate; articulations not constricted,
a t length separating, tbe last very obtuse.—Ann. N .H . no. 465,
A 1 1 ,/. 4.
On stems of peas and Nemophila auriculata.
Black, effused; hyphasma here and there rising from the general mass,
and giving off fascicles of short fastigiate fertile threads, consisting of 5-7
articulations. Each endochrome has usually a single nucleus.—B. & Br.
1 4 2 1 . T o zu la h y s te z io id e s . Cd. “ Hysterium-like Torula.”
Tufts linear, abbreviated, often parallel, black ; flocci erect,
crowded (adherent), equal, filiform, yellowisb ; spores quadrangular,
terete, pellucid.— Corda. Icon. i. / 139. B. 4 Dr. Ann.
N . H .n o .751. Bahh. F .E . no. 282.
On poles, &o.
Easily distinguished under the'microsoope hy the floooi having a tendency
to adhere to each other, side by side.
1 4 2 2 . T o zu la c y lin d z ic a . Berk. “ Cylindrical Torula.”
Effused, threads not moniliform; spores fasciated.—Berh. Eng.
F l. Y . p . 359.
On sticks.
Spores united four together, into short, eqnal, cylindrical floooi, which
resemble iu some states those of ArthrinmTn. I t appears like a thin black
wash on the bark of sticks.—ilf. J. B .