' J
1.15, f. 4. Corticium viscosum, F r. Thelephora viscosa, Eng. F l. t .
p . 171.
On dead wood.
We find globose sporophores, bearing three or four elongated sterigmata,
and oblong, obliquely attached spores, which sometimes contain one or two
nuclei.—À. A Br.
1 0 2 8 . T r em e lla epigæ a . B . 4 B v. “ Ground Tremella.”
Effnsed, gelatinous, gyroso-plicate, white.—Ann. Nat. Hist.
ser.ii.vol.2,p.266,no. 3 7 3 .t.9 ,f. S. Berh. Outl.p. 289.
On the ground. Eare. Leigh wood, Bristol.
Spreading over the naked soil, on which it forms a thin white stratum,
the surface of which is gyroso-plieate, and dusted with the white spores ;
the inner substance is very soft and gelatinous.—M. J. B.
Gen. 5 0 . E X ID IA , Fr.
Tremulous, margined, fertile
above and granular, bari'i n below.
—Berh. Outl.p. 289. (Fig. 95.)
Fig. 95.
1 0 2 9 . E x id ia r e c is a . Fr. “ Truncate Exidia.”
Very soft, truncate, plane, costate,
Bub-repand, amber-brown, punctato-
Bcabrous b en e a tb ; stem very sbort,
excentric, oblique.—Fr. Epicr.p. 590.
Sturm. 1.13. Eng. Bot. Ed. ii. t. 1819.
E n g .F l. Y.p . 218. Berh. Outl.p. 289.
Fig. 96. Bisch.f. 3399. Kl.exs. no. 330.
On dead brancbes of willows. Common. [Low. Carolina.]
About 1 in. broad; spores oblong, obtuse, curved.. (Fig. 96.)
1 0 3 0 . E x id ia g la n d u lo sa . Fr. “ Witches’ Butter Exidia.”
Effused, flattened, thick, undulated, blackish, spiculose witb
conical papillæ, cinereous beneatb, and somewbat tomentose.'—
Fr. Epicr. p. 591. Bull. t. 4 2 0 ,/. 1. F l. Dan. t. 884. Eng. Bot.
DDÜ.É. 2448,2452. H u ss.i.t.4 2 . Eng. F I .y .p .218. Berh.Outl.
On dead brancbes of oak. Common. [United States.]
Varying in colour from whitish to brown, and deep cinereous, at length
black; generally somewhat turbinate, slightly plicate below, much wrinkled
above sometimes thin j substance tender within, firmer towards the hymenium
' composed of gelatine interlaced with very slender branched filaments,
covered with oblong, obtuse, curved spores. Beneath rough like crape, with
minute parallel papillæ.—iiT.J .B . (Fig. 95. j
1 0 3 1 . E x id ia sa c char in a . Fr, “ L arch Exidia.”
Tuberculose, gyroso-undulate, tbick, tawny-cinnamon, papillæ
rareandscattered.—Dr.D73fer.77. 591. A n n .N .H . no. 811. Berk.
Outl.p.289. Kl. exs. «0.1611.
On larch. Eare. Mossburnford.
Gen. 51. H IR N EO I.A , Er.
Gelatinous, cup-sbaped, borny
wbendry ; bymenium often more
or less wrinkled; interstices even,
without papillæ ; outer surface
velvety.—Berk. Outl.p. 289.
{Fig. 97.)
Fig. 97.
1 0 3 2 . H i r n e o l a A u r ic u la -J u d a e . Berk. “ Jew’s-ear Hirneola.”
Tbin, concave, flexuose, blackish, venoso-plicate everywhere,
tomentose beneatb, cinereous-olive.—Berk. Outl.p. 289, i. 1 8 ,/.
7. iJass. i. f. 53. Exidia Auricula Judae, F r .E p ic r .p .590. Nees.
PI. Off. withfig. Bolt. 1.107, Tremella. Bull.t. 427, f 2. Eng.Bot.
D d ii. i. 2147. B a tt.t. 3,f . Y . E n g .F I . y .p . 217. Gorda.Sturm.
t. 6. Harz. t. 45.