117. A g a r icu s (P leu ro tu s) c ir c iu a tu s . Fr. “ Ciroinate
Pileus fleshy, convexo-plane, obtuse, orbicular, glistening,
slightly silky, becoming whitish; stem stuffed, elastic, short,
equal, smooth, rooting; gills adnate (suh-decurrent), crowded,
white.—Fr. Epicr.p. 132. Secr.no. 670.
On rotten wood. W . W. Saunders, Esq.
Solitary, beautifully regular, sub-central, tough, wholly white, not hygrophanous,
odour faint, not meaíy; stem 1-2 in. long, 3-4 lines th ick ; pileus
about 3 in. broad.
118. A g a r icu s (P leu r o tu s) o str ea tu s.
Jacq. “ Oyster
Pilens soft, fleshy, sub-dimidiate, cónchate, ascending, growing
pale; stem abbreviated (or obsolete), firm, elastic, strigose at the
base; gills decurrent, rather distant, anastomosing behind, whitish.
—F r.E p ic r.p . 133. PZwss.ii.i. 19. Sow. t. 241. Letell. t. 695. Vitt.
Mang. t. 4. L en z.f. 19. Vent. 1. 17, / . 3 -4 ,1. 18. Krombh. t. 41, / .
1-7. Tratt. essb. Sch. t. 0 . Tratt. Austr. t. 40. Cooke, B .F . t. 8.
S m i t h ,E .M .f .n . Jacq. A u s tr .t.288. E n g .F l . y .p .l l . Badh.i.
t. 2, ii. 1. 10. Hogg. 4 Johnst. t. 21.
On trees, especially laburnum. Autumn and winter. Esculent.
[United States.]
Imbricated, large; pileus sub-dimidiate, very thick and fleshy, flesh white,
dusky towards the surface, tin . deep, the border at flrst fibrillose, or squamulose,
margin involute ; as the pileus expands the white fibrillae vanish, and
the colour changes from dusky to b istre ; margin paler and rimulose, the
whole surface shining and satiny when dry, soft and clammy when moist,
towards the base in age there is a little white down ; gills broad, here and
there forked, anastomosing at the base, dirty white, the edge serrated, umber.
In large specimens there is often a distinct stem, clothed with a dense short
white down, which runs up between the gills; when dry the pilens becomes
pallid or yellowish.—M .J .B . Spores ‘0003 X '00015 in.
119. A g a z icu s (P leu ro tu s) sa lig n u s . Fr. “ WillowPleurotus.”
Pilens compact or spongiose, suh-dimidiate, horizontal, at first
pulvinate, even, then with the disc depressed, sub-strigose; stem
short, white, tomentose; gills decnrrent, somewhat branched,
eroded, distinct at the base, nearly of the same colour.—Fr. Epicr.
p. 133. Letell. t. 687. Tratt. Austr. t.4 , f . 8. P a u l.t.22, Eng. FI.
Y.p. 72.
On trunks of trees. Oct.—Jan. [United States.]
Pileus convex, 4-6 in. broad, stem excentric or lateral, sometimes obsolete;
fuliginous, white, or ochraceous, according to its stage of growth.—Dries.
Spores -üüüae X -00015 in .- lF .6?.S;.
Sect 3. Holopleurus.—pileus dimidiate.
A g a r icu s (P leu ro tu s) p e ta lq id e s. J3uU. “ Petaloid
Ascending; pilens fleshy, spathulate, entire, disc villous, depressed
; stem compressed, villous; gills decurrent, crowded, narrow,
whitish.—Dr. Epicr.p. 134. Bull. t. 226, 557. Vent. t. 44, f.
5, 6. Pers. O b s . t. 4 ,f. 1. Eng. FI. Y . p . 72.
On the ground, amongst grass. Eare. [United States.]
Gills whitish, tender, decurrent; stem flat, often channelled, nearly erect •
about lin . long, erect.— Spores ‘0003 X *00015 in.— W. Or. s.
121. A g a r icu s (P leu ro tu s) s e r o tin u s.
Schrad. “ Yellowish
^ Pileus fleshy, compact, viscid; stem lateral, thick, squamulose,
with sooty points ; gills determinate, crowded, yellowish, or pallid
— Sp ic .p . 140, B. 4 Br. Ann. N.H . 1865, no. 997. Fl.Da n .
1.1293,/. 2. Buxh. v. t. 2 ,f. 2.
On trunks of trees. Jedburgh. Bowood. [United States.]
Gregarious; pileus 2-3 in. across, yellowish, or dingy olive, reniform, or
obovate, margin at first slightly involute, then repand; flesh whitish, insipid.
1 2 2 . A g a r icu s (P leu ro tu s) m it is . P. “ Kidney-shaped
Pileus rather fleshy, tough, reniform, even, smooth, growing
pale ; stem lateral, compressed, dilated upwards, with little white
scales ; gills determinate, crowded, distinct, white.—Fr. Epicr p
135. Berk. Cutl. t. 6. f 9. Eng. FI. v. p. 74. Mag. Zool. 4 Bot
no. 48.
On dead larch. Oct. Scotland. Notts.
Pileus i in. broad, at length almost sessile; giUs distinot from the horizontal
stem, very close, linear-lanoeolate, pallid-whitish.—Dries. Firm,
testeless, white, or rufescent, iu the young state spathulate, and the stem
Quite distinct- thft nilp.Ilí3 C T T Q . f i n i a l l T T rv.rU« r t 111 uiiB ^uuug suaic spatn--m---a-t-e-,1_a__n_a_ _tii_e_ sntnem
quite aistinct, the pileus gradually dilatesi the stem becomes obsolete, and the
.ntr,n .tf.hnem o{Tuotloefr.i -nm/^anor g_ins meeting, and the one overlapping the pileus reniform,
other; upper stratum gelatinous.
123. Ag a r icu s (P leu ro tu s) tr em u lu s .
Schoeff. “ Grey
Pileus rather fleshy, reniform, depressed, tough, even ; stem
marginal, distinct, nearly round, ascending, villous ; gills adnate,
c.oteijn„iate, narrow, distant, grey.—Dr. Epicr.p. 135. Schæff. t.
124 (except f g . l . ) Sow.t.242. Eng. F l.Y .p .7 4 .
¡iii \