6 1 9 . R u s su la saxdonia. Fr. “ Changeable Russula.”
Pileus fleshy, firm, convexo-plane, then depressed, smooth ;
cuticle thin, adnate, viscid, changing colour ; margin even ; stem
spongy or solid, short, white, or reddish ; gills adnate, mnch
crowded, somewhat forked, white, then yellowish.—F r .E p ic r .p .
353. Schoeff. t. 1 6 ,/. 5, 6. Krombh. t. 6 8 ,/. 1-4.
Near paths in fir woods.
A robust and firm, bnt not large species. Stem solid, IJ-S in. long, I in.
thick, even, white, or reddish. Pileus 2-3 in. broad, reddish, pallid yellow,
dirty yellow, opaque.
6 2 0 . R u s su la d e p a llen s . Fr. “ Bleached Russula.”
Mild. Pileus fleshy, firm, undulate or irregular, even, opaque;
cuticle thin, viscid, adnate, turning pale ; margin even, at length
slightly s tria te ; stem firm, attenuated downwards, wbite, becoming
whitish.—F r. Epicr. p. 353. Kromhh. t. 66, f . 12-13.
In pastures. [United States.]
Stem solid, about I J in. long. Pileus rarely depressed, hut often undulate,
at first pale-reddish or brownish, then whitish or yellowish, in all states
opaque. Flesh white, mild. Gills forked at the base with shorter ones intermixed.
6 2 1 .
cinereous; gills adnexed, crowded, fragile, furcate behind,
Sect. 3. Rigidoe.
R u s su la la c t e a . Fr. “ Milk-white Russula.”
Mild, milk-white. Pileus fleshy, compact, unpolished, tben
rivulose; margin straight, thin, obtuse, even; stem solid, compact,
obese; gills free, tbick, distant, rigid, slightly forked.—
F r .E p ic r .p . 355. B . ^ B r . Ann. N.H . {1866) n o .1133. Paul.t.
7 4, f . 2 .
On tbe ground. Aug. King’s Cliffe. Esculent.
[Mid. Carolina.]
The thick, distant gills, and milk-white pilens characterise this fine species.
Stem li-2 in. long, in. thick. Pilens 2 in. broad, at first white, even, then
whitish-tan coloured, when dry slightly cracked.
6 2 2 . R u s su la v ir e s c e n s . FV. Greenish Russula.”
M ild; pilens fleshy, firm, globose, then expanded and umbilicate,
innato-flocculose, or areolate and waited ; margin straight,
obtuse, even ; stem spongy or solid, stout, sub-rivulose, whitish ;
gills free, ratber crowded, unequal, and forked.—Fr. Epicr. p.
355. Schceff. t. 94 {not f . l . ) Vitt. t.3. Sturm, t. 31. L a r h .t.19,
f . 3, t. 20, f . 5. Krombh. t. 67,/. 1-10. Berk. Outl. 1.13, f . 6. Huss.
ii. 1.11. Eng.F I .y .p . 23. Barla. 1.16.f . 10-12. Vent. t. 17, f . 1-2.
In woods. July—Sept. Esculent. [Mid. Carolina.]
Pileua 4 in. broad, convex, at length slightly depressed and irregular, of
various livid hues, yellow, purple and green, fleshy, rugulose, very slightly
viscid ; margin even. The edge of the pilens sometimes hangs down in a
singular manner. Gills white, forked, sometimes anastomosing at thehase,
rather close, moderately rigid, elastic. Stem 1-2 in. high, 4 in. or more thick,
obtuse at the base, various in form, slightly reticulated with raised lines.
Taste and odour mild.—M. J. B. Spores scarcely eohinulate, almost globular,
•00025 in. diameter.
6 2 3 . R u s su la lep id a . Fr. “ Scaly Russula.”
Mild. Pileus flesby, compact, convex, tben depressed, un-
polisbed, silky, rimoso-squamose, becoming pale; margin patent,
obtuse, even ; stem solid, compact, even, wbite or rosy ; gills
rounded, ratber tbick, somewbat crowded, many of them forked,
white.—Er. Epic r.p. 855. B a ts c h .f.12. Huss.ii. t . 32. Krombh.
t. 64,f . 19,20. Hogg. 4 Johnst. t. 4.
In woods. Esculent. [Low. Carolina.]
Stem 3 in. long, 1 in. thick, even, white or roseate. Pileus 3 in. hroad,
opaque, unpolished, somewhat silky, at length rimoso-squamulose and discoloured
; colour beautifully rosy-red, the disc especially becoming whitish.
6 2 4 . R u s su la rubra. Fr. “ Hed Russula.”
Acrid. Pileus flesby, rigid, convex, then plane or depressed,
dry, polished, becoming even ; margin patent, obtuse, without
striæ ; stem solid, bard, stout, white, or red ; gills obtusely adnate,
rather crowded, whitish, often forked and dimidiate.—Pr.
Epicr.p. 354. Larhr. t. 18. f . 7. R o q .t .5 ,f .2 . Krombh. t. 65.
Vitt. Mang. t. 38, f . 2 . Schoeff. /. 1 5 ,/.4 -6 . Eng. F I .y . p . 22.
In woods. Aug. [United States.]
Pileus compact, dry, even, scarcely brittle, of a cellular texture ; gilla
close ; stem 2 in. high, firm, often tinged with rose ; very bitter, like gall, extremely
acrid. -Fries.
Sect. 4. Heterophylloe.
6 2 5 . R u s s u l a v e s c a . Fr. “ Edible Russula.”
Mild, sweet-tasted. Pileus flesby, firm, umbilicato-convex,
then plane and infundibuliform, venoso-rugose, and streaked ;
flesb under tbe viscid cuticle reddisb ; margin even, or remotely