Forming shining patches, which contrast strongly with the rest ofthe sui-
face; spores extremely minute, just distinguishable with a power of 250
diameters, '0006 in. (-0015 m.m.) long ; oblong, with a sporule at either extremity.—
J /. J. B.
1 2 2 8 . Phoma m u c ife zum . JBerh “ Mucous Phoma.”
Peritheoia scattered, oblong ; spores very minute, involved in
mucus.— Hooh. Journ. p.-1853,p . 40, t. 3 , f . 5. Ann. N .H .
no. 736.
On elm planks. Nov.
Spores discharged from the base when ruptured in a oirrhiform string
extremely minute, oblong, with a nucleus at either extremity. The mucous
substance in which the spores are involved is so little soluble, tbat they are
not dispersed as in other species.—J\I.J. B .
1 2 2 9 . P hom a u lm ic o la . B e r h “ Elm-plank Phoma.”
Spots brown ; perithecia rather crowded ; spores small, elliptic,
hyaline.-De r*. Hooh. Journ. 1853,p. 40, t. 3 ,f. 3. Ann. N.H.
no. 737.
On elm planks. Nov.
Forming little oblong brown patches. Spores '0008 in. ('002 m.m.) long-
nuclei obsolete.
1 2 3 0 . Phoma e p ile u c um . Berk. “ Bleached Fir Phoma.”
Spots indeterminate ; perithecia elongated ; spores hyaline,
ratber large, oblong, without nuclei.—Berh. Hooh. Journ. 1853,
p . 40, t. 3 ,f. 2. Ann. N .H . no. 738.
On bleached pine planks. Dec.
Perithecia black, minute, elongated, following the direction ofthe fibres
Spores perfectly colourless, oblong, '00015 in. ('0038 m.m.) long, sometimes
slightly broader at one extremity, without any definite nuclei.—Ji./.B .
1 2 3 1 . P hom a fihz ico la . Berk. “ Fibre-loving Phoma.”
Spots indeterminate; perithecia minute, elongated; spores
ovate and elliptic, greenish.— Hooh. Journ. 1853, ». 40, t. 3
f . l . Ann. N .H . n o .7 39. ’
On oak, asb, and elm. Nov.
Perithecia mostly scattered, but sometimes forming distinct groups, elongated,
following tbe course of the fibre*; spores ovate or sub-elliptic, larger
than m most species '00023 in. (-006 m.m.) long, of a delicate olive green,
without distinct nuclei.—M. J. B.
1 2 3 2 . Phoma h icu sp id a tum . B e r h “ Two-pointed Phoma.’
Spots indeterminate; perithecia elongated; spores large,
apiculate at eitber end, byaline, binucleate.—Dir/l. Hooh Journ
1853,_p. 40, t. 3 , f 6. Ann. N .H . no. 740.
On pine planks. Deo.
Peritbeoia elongated black, minute, following the direction of the fibres, at
first scattered, at length often confluent. Spores '0003 iu. ('0076m m.) lokg
shortly iusilorm apiculate at either end, variable in size, and iu the degrle
otaoumination hyaline, containing two sporules; seated on slender sporo-
Gen. 1 0 5 . l e p t o t h y r i u m :, Kunze.
Peritbeoium flat, irregular, at length breaking off at tbe base:
spores cylindrical, oblong, or irregular.— Outl.p. 314.
The species in this genus are also doubtfully autonomous.
1 2 3 3 . L ep to th y z ium Ju g la n d is. U h . “ Walnut Leptothyrium.”
Hypopbyllous. Spots orbicular, greyish ; perithecia flattened,
minute, rugose, brown; nucleus grey ; spores elbpsoid.—Zfe.
exs. no. 164. B. / Br. Ann. N .H . no. 402. Coohe exs. no. 152.
Fchl. exs. no. 201. Coohe, L . F . no. 60.
On half dead walnut leaves. Autumn.
1 2 3 4 . L ep to th y z ium fzagazise. U b . “ Strawberry Leptothyrium.”
Epipbyllous. Spots indeterminate, reddisb ; perithecia flattened,
rugose, sbining, black; nucleus grey; spores cylindrical
with 4-5 sporules.—Dfe.ixs.wo. 162. Coohe Goohe
L .F . no. 62. ’
On strawberry and Potentillce.
1 2 3 5 . le p t o th y z iu m z ib is . Ub. “ Currant Leptothyrium.”
Epipbyllous. Spots orbicular, minute, confluent brown-
perithecia flattened, red-brown; nucleus wbite; spores ovate’
curved.—if e . exs. no. 258. Coohe exs. no. 151. Cooke, L . F. no. 6l!
On leaves of red currant. Autumn.
Gen. 1 0 6 . A C T IN O TH Y R IV K , Kunze.
Perithecia orbicular,
radiato-fibrous ; spores
fusiform, slender, simple
—Berh.Outl.p. 315.
Eng. Fl. r .p . 296.
(Fig. 151.)