[’ Is '
2 6 5 . A g a z i c u s (C litop ilu s) p ru n u lu s . Scop. “ Plum Clitopilus.”
Pileus fleshy, compact, at first convex, regular, at length depressed,
repand, pruinose, dry ; stem solid, ventricose, naked,
striate : gills strongly decurrent, rather distant, white, then flesh-
coloured.—Fr. Epicr. p. 148. Trans. Woolh. Cl. 1869, plate.
Berh. Outl. t. 7, / . 7. I Iu s s .\\.t.F l. Schoeff.t. 78. Sow. t. 143.
H o g g 4 Johnst. t . 20. Lenz.t.26. Kromb. t. 5 5 ,/. 7-8. Eng. F l.
Y .p .16. Smith E .M .f .15.
In woods. June—Oct. Esculent. [United States.]
Pileus fleshy, compact, at first convex, then expanded, becoming depressed
in the centre, irregularly waved, slightly pruinose, 2-5 in. broad, surface d r^
soft, white, or sometimes grey, flesh thick, white, untoangeable; stem
white, solid, firm, slightly ventricose, 1 in. or more long, a in. thick, naked,
£ s h s / s “ r “ '” “
var. O z c e lla .-rra « s . Woolh. Cl. 1869, fig. Badh. i. 1. 13. ii. t.
1 1 ,/. 1-2. Vent. t. 14, / 1-3.
In open places. June—Oct. Esculent.
Pileus thin, irregular, depressed in the centre, lobed, undulated, 2-3 in.
broad clear white, sometimes tinted with pale brown on its prominences,
occasionally with a grey centre, or slightly zoned with grey ; surface soft
and smooth to the touch, except in wet weather, when it becomes soft and
sticky ■ flesh soft, colourless, and unchangeable; stem smooth, white, soUd,
short, decreasing in size, central when young, beeoming excentric from the
pilens growing irregularly ; gills crowded, deeurrent, at first nearly white,
then pinkish grey, at length with a light brown tint ; spores pale brown,
*00035 X *00018 in.; odour pleasant ; smaller than the typicalform, less nesny,
and grows in more open glades.— G. B.
2 6 6 . A g a z icu s (C lito p ilu s) c z e ta tu s . Berh. “ Chalky
Small ; pileus membranaceous, at length umbilicate, dead-
white, shining, margin involute ; stem very short, tomentose ;
gills decurrent, narrow, rosy.—A««. N .H . no. 903.
On naked soil in woods and pastures.
Single or gregarious ; pileus J -f in. across, at first convex, then umhili-
cate of a dead white, but shining, memhranaoeous, not striate, margin invo-
Inte ; stem a few lines high, 1 line thick, often curved at the base, and sometimes
thickened, tomentose, especially below, white; gills pale pink, not
broad, very decurrent; mycelium white, fioccose.-Af. J. B.
2 6 7 . A g a z icu s (C litop ilu s) m u n d u lu s.
Lasch. “ Delicate
Pileus fleshy, thin, tough, plane, then depressed, unequal, unpolished,
d ry ; stem stuffed, thin, flocculose, thickened at either
end, a t length black w ith in ; gills deeply decurrent, much
crowded, narrow, pallid.—Er. E pic r.p. 149. Batsch.f. 119. Batt.
1.16, f .F .
In woods. King’s Cliffe. Scotland.
Whitish; from 1 in. to 2 in.broad, even or rivulose ; stem about 1 in.long,
at first floccoso-villose, then becoming smooth.
2 6 8 . A g a z icu s (C lito p ilu s) p o p in a lis . Fr. “ Greyish
Pileus somewhat fleshy, unequal, sub-repand, flaccid, smooth ;
stem stuffed, slender, equal, naked, rather flexuous \ gills deeply
decurrent, crowded, lanceolate, dark grey.—Fr. E pic r.p. 149. B.
4 B r.A n n . N .H . (1866) «o. 1114.
On downs. Oct. Worthing. Near Bath.
A curious species, with a rank and strong odour; the pileus and flesh are
of a greyisli tint, the gills are strongly deourrent, and the spores p in k ; probably
esculent. Spores irregular spheres, so pale as to be hardly distinguished
from wh ite ; might easily be referred to Clitocybe, diameter
•00018 in.
2 6 9 . A g a z icu s (C lito p ilu s) u n d a tu s . Fr. “ Waved
Pileus somewhat fleshy, deeply umbilicate, opaque when d ry ;
stem hollow, short, unequa l; gills very decurrent, thin, scarcely
crowded, dark, cinereous.—Epicr. p. 149. B. 4 Br. Ann. N.H.
1865, «0.1000.
In open downs. Oct. Batheaston, &c.
Inodorous; stem soft, attenuated at the base; pileus IJ in. wide, sooty
grey, often infundibuliform and zoned.-Dries. Spores brilliant salmon-
pink, very irregular, average diameter '00025 in.— W. G. S.
2 7 0 . A g a z icu s (C lito p ilu s) c a n c z in u s .
Fr. “ Flesh-coloured
Pileus between fleshy and membranaceous, umbilicate, then
convex and expanded, unequal ; without striæ, growing pale ;
stem stuffed, then fistulose, tough, short, smooth, white ; gills
decurrent, distant, arcuate, white, then pale flesh-colour.—F r.
Epicr.p. 150. B. 4 B r. Ann. N .H . (1866), no. 1115.
In a grass field. Aug. Apethorpe.
Pileus of a very pale flesh-colour, or whitish, at first umbilicate, gills distant,
at first white.