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5 5 7 . Hygzophozus h y p o th e ju s . Fr. “ Pine-wood Hygrophorus.”
Pileus fleshy, clothed witli thin olive evanescent gluten somewhat
virgate ; stem stuffed, equal, somewhat spotted, viscid; gills
distant, yellowish.—Fr. E p ic r.p . 324. Krombh. t. 72, f. 24-25
Sow. t. 8. A. 4 S. 1. 10, / . 3. Buxb. iv. t. 2. Eng. Fl. \ . p . 14.
In pine woods, on sandy soil.
Pileus 1-4 in. broad, fleshy, at first oonio, obtuse, at length expanded and
depressedrouudtheurubo or even infundibulifori, oovL d with a tldok
dark gluten, yellow towards the margin and beneath the gluten th /e x
treme margin turned m. Flesh yellow, deeper towards the margim GU1¡
adnato-decurrent, yellow, sometimes varying to a flesli-colouref tint
tinct distant. Stem IJ-S in. high, 2-9 lils'^thiok, fleraous,
fibrillose below, slmiy submaculate, yellow. Odiur fungoid rather d l^
agreeable.—A /./.A . Spores'00049 X ’00017in. ’
6 5 8 . H y gzophozus o liv a c e o -a lb u s . Fr. “Olive Hygrophorus.”
Pileus fleshy, even, clothed with evanescent olivaceous gluten
umbo brown ; stem solid, equal, at first with a floccose rino-’
spotted with dark scales, viscid, even above ; oills white —E r ’
E pic r.p. 824. Schoeff. t. 312. Eng. F l. Y. p . 13.”
In woods and woodland pastures.
Pileua 2-3 in. broad, at first conio, then expanded, and broadly umbonate
toto o t o J ™th tints of yellow and umber, very vIcS fles¿
Sect. 2. Camarophyllus.
5 5 9 . Hygzophozus lep o z in u s . Fr. “ Hare-eoloured Hygrophorus.”
Pileus equally fleshy, convex, gibbous, equal, fibrilloso-floc-
cose opaque ; stem stuffed, sbort, firm, attenuated, flbrillose,
pallid; gills decurrent, reddisb-grey.—D r Enicr » 39R Kcff
B t. 9. Schoeff.t. 813. Ann. N .H . n i 7 o Z ' ^
On downs. Sept. Durdham Downs. Kent.
6 6 0 . Hygzophozus p z a te n s is . Fr. “ Pasture Hygrophorus.”
Pileus convexo-plane, tben turbinate, smootb, moist, disc compact,
gibbous, margin tbin ; stem stuffed, even, attenuated downwards
; gills deeply decurrent, arcuate, distant, thick.—Dr. Epicr.
p. 327. Fl. Dan. t. 1 7 3 5 ,/ 1. Grev. t. 91. Krombh. t. 43, f . 7-10.
B ull.t. 587, f . l . S o w .t.141. B o lt.t.5 6 . Huss.ii. t. 40. Enq.
F I.y .p. 39. Gard. Ghron. (1861),p. 289. Berk. exs. no. 123.
On downs and short pastures. Aug.—Nov. Esculent.
Pileus 1-2 in. broad, at length spreading towards the margin, but leaving
Iyxy xyxn-yy)-v./-> wv/-xvYr> /-»■»» 1Qo<3 /»/vvnrQv oa 1 f‘ ninHrvnn.I.A. o'ln.hrmi.'?. TTia.rcrill. oft611
Wüitisü, t-nicK in Biie CBUtro, oaia ao out! gu.ic.il, uioi.ci,u^,
rent, connected by veins, separable from the flesh of the pileus. Stem 1-2
in. high, 3-8 lines thick, whitish, attenuated towards the base.—(rrey. Spores
*00023 X *00015 in.
561. H ygzophozus v iz g in e u s . Fr. “ Satin-white Hygrophorus.”
Pileus flesby, convexo-plane, obtuse, moist, a t length areolato-
rimose ; stem stuffod, firm, short, attenuated at the base ; gills
decurrent, distant, rather thickened.—F r .E p ic r .p . 327. Grev,
Í. 166. Ja cg.Jffec.ii. Í. 1 5 , / . l . Sow.t. 32. B u ll.t. 188. B a tt.t.
19,If. P ric e ./.41. Batsch.f. 200.var. E ng.F I . y .p . 30. Krombh.
i. 25,f . 1-3. Smith, E .M .f. 23.
On downs and sbort pastures. Common. Esculent.
Pileus 1 in. or more broad, slightly viscid when moist, and shining as if
oiled, with a satiny lustre when dry, white, sometimes with a tinge of yellow
or pink, various in shape, sometimes umbonate, often quite plane °r depressed,
frequently oboonic, margin more or less thin and transparent. Gills
broad, distant, with very prominent connecting veins, adnato-decurrent,
sometimes forked above. Stem 2 in, long, 1-2 lines thick, under a lens
fibrillose, sometimes pulvernlento-squamulose at the apex, stuffed, the centre
fibrous, at length more or less hollow, white, with sometimes a tinge of p in t
at the base. Taste like Marasmius oreades.—M. J . A.
5 6 2 . H y gzophozus n iv e u s . Fr. “ Snow-white Hygrophorus.”
Tough. Pileus submembranaceous, campanulato-convex, then
umbilicate, smootb, moist, striate, viscid ; stem fistulose, tbin,
equal ; gills decurrent, tbin, arcuate, distant.—Fr. Epicr.p. 327.
Schoeff. t. 232. Krombh. t. 25, f . 1-3.
In mossy pastures. Common.
Stem equal, 2 in. long, 1-2 lines thick, even, smooth, straight. Pileus
scarcely an inch broad, striate and viscid when moist, not rimose when dry.
Flesh ofthe pileus thin, everywhere equal, white, hygrophanous. Gillsdistant,
thin, scarcely connected by veins, aronate, quite enttoe.