r ' /.I!
82. A g a r icu s (Clito cyb e) in o in a tu s . Sow. “ Grey Clitocybe.”
Pileus fleshy, plane or depressed, obtuse, even, smooth; cuticle
separable ; stem solid, nearly equal, smooth, firm, grey, as well
as the adnate, plane, at length decurrent, crowded gills.—Sow. t.
342. Fr. E p ic r.p .5 1 . Eng. FI. y . p. 31.
Amongst grass.
Pileus 3 in. broad, fleshy, plane, or subdepressed, margin turned in. Gills
p ilenU-^® Z°z “ ‘' 8*®“ 3 in. long, J in . thick, paler than the
Sect. 2. Pileus brightly coloured.
8 3 . A g a r icu s (Clito cyb e) v e rn ic o su s . Fr. “Varnished Clitocybe.”
Pileus fieshy, depressed, obtuse, even, smooth, shining; stem
stuffed, equal, short, yellow, as well as the adnate, slightly decurrent,
rather distant gills.—Dr. Epic r.p. 60. Berh. Out. p. 108.
Sow. t. 366.
In fir woods.
StemtoUrty eSoX® ®
8 4 . A g a r icu s (C lito cyb e) odorus. Bu ll. “ Sweet Clitocybe.”
Dirty green, tough. Pileus fleshy, at length plane, even, sub-
repand, smooth ; stem stuffed, elastic, unequal, smooth, base incrassated
; gills adnate, scarcely crowded, broad, p a llid Sow t
42 DYc6,/.70. D «Z Z .i.l7 6 ,5 5 6 ,/ 3. Grev.t.28. F l .D a n .i
1611. Fr. S.M. I.p. 90. E n g .F l.y .p . 36. Krombh. t.6 1 ,f. 20-22.
Berk, exs. no. 6.
In woods. Aug.—Nov. Strong smell of aniseed.
[Carolina, U.S.]
Pileua 3in. broad, plano-convex, with or without an umbo, smooth, lurid
pale green, sometimes here and there whitish, so as to appea! zoned, fleshy,
but rather watery, flesh du 1 dirty white, margin not striate, but sometimes
transparent, in the young plant inflected, tomentose, gills pale, rather waved,
deourrently adnate, the interstices wrinkled. Stem 2 in. high, 4 lines thick
flexuous, subfibrillose, with a little scattered down, stuffed^
attenuated,towarfs the base, which is downy, and furnished with strong!
• 0 0 0 2 ^ : ^ ^ ! f t S ’ ” ' ro o ts .-M .ftZ . Spores nearly sphericfl
Sect. 3. Pileus white.
8 5 . A g a r icu s (Clito cyb e) c e ru s sa tu s . Fr. “ White-lead Clitooybe.”
White. Pileus fleshy, convex, then expanded, obtuse, even,
moist, soon smooth ; stem spongy, solid, tough, elastic, naked ;
gills adnate, very crowded, thin, then decurrent, unchanged in
colour.—Dr. Epicr. p. 61. FI. Dan. 1.1796. Ann. N.H . no. 670.
In fir woods. April.—Sept. Probably esculent.
Not umbonate as A . opacm. Often gregarious. Pileus 2-3 in. broad, a little
convex, soon plane, and obtuse, rather shining. Gills not deourrent. Stem
2-3 in. high, somewhat thickened at the base, furnished frequently with fibrillose
radicles. —Pries. Forming very large rings. Sometimes producing a
merulioid hymenium on the top of the pileus.-M . J. B. Spores nearly spheric
al-00013 in.—TV. f t S ^ YF c i
8 6 . A g a r icu s (C lito cyb e) p b y llo p b ilu s . Fr. “ Leaf-loving
White. Pileus fieshy, convex, then plane, soon depressed and
umbilicate, even, dry ; marked with a white lustre round the margin
; stem stuffed, then hollow, spongiose and fibrillose ; gills adnate,
deourrent, moderately distant, white, then yellowish.—
Epicr.p. 62. Eng. FI. y .p . 34. FI. Dan. t. 1847.
Amongst leaves in woods. Sept. [Carolina, U.S.]
Generally sweet-scented, suh-OEespitose. Pileus 2-3 in. broad, slightly fleshy
when young nearly plane, sometimes repand. Stem 2-3 in. long, obliquely
rooted at the base.—Dries. Spores -00024 X -00013 in.—IF. G. &
8 7 . A g a r icu s (Clito cyb e) p ith y o p h ilu s . Dr. “ Fir-wood
White; pileus fleshy, thin, becoming plane, umbilicate, smooth,
growing pale; stem nearly hollow, round, then compressed, smooth
(whitish tomentose at the base); gills adnato-decurrent, crowded,
plane, always white.—Fr. E p .p . 62. B . 4 B r. Ann. N .H . (1866)
no. 1107.
In fir woods. Oct. Coed Coch.
Gregarious, sub-cffispitose; pileus 2-3 in. broad, even, smooth, flaccid, dirty
white when moist, white when dry.
88 . Ag a r icu s (C lito cyb e) c a n d ic a n s. Fr. “ Whitish Clitocybe.”
W h ite ; pileus somewhat fleshy, convex, then plane, or depressed,
even, shining, with a thin dead white film; stem sub-
fistulose, even, waxy, shining; gills adnate, crowded, thin, at
length decurrent.—Fr. E picr.p. 63. B u ll.t.5 7 5 ,f. E . F l.D a n
t. 2021,/. 1 . B o lt.f. 17. Eng. FI. y .p . 36.
Amongst leaves in woods. [Carolina, U. S.]
Pilens 1 in. across; when moist white, when dry dead white, sub-carnose,
tougJa, regularly deflexed at the margin, rarely sub-deformed; gills rather
close J stem 1-2 in high, 1-2 lines thick, nearly equal, incurved at the base,
rooted and villous, the rest smooth j aberrant forms numerous.—-AWes.