i y '
6 0 2 . la c t a r iu s q u ie tu s . Fr. “ Mild reddish Laotarius.”
Pileus fleshy, depressed, obtuse, viscid at first, soon dry, growing
pale, somewbat zoned, opaque, rufescent; stem stuffed,
smootb, of tbe same colour; gills wbite, tben reddisb; milk
mild, white.—Dr. Epicr.p. 343. Kromb. t. 40, / . 1-9. Eng. El.
V . p . 27.
In woods. Sept.—Nov.
Pileus 2 in. or more broad, opaque, rufescent, often slightly zoned, at first
deep hver-coloured, obtuse, at length depressed, smooth; the margin iu-
curved, and delicately downy; flesh firm, thick • milk wliite, but sometimea
/ a decided pale yellow; gills pale rufescent, gradually becoming darker,
decurrent, forked at the base, rather numerous, and narrow ; stem 2 in. long,
4-$ in. thick, thickest upwards, of the same texture and colour as the pileus ;
firm, bearing a strong pressure without breaking, when old loss firm,
but not hollow. Mild; odour oily and somewhat like that of bugs.—M. J .B
Spores papillose, ‘00034 X 00024 in.
6 0 3 , lia c ta x iu s th e io g a lu s . Ft. “ Sulphur-juiced Lactarius.”
Pileus fleshy, convex, then depressed, viscid, smooth, reddish-
tawny; stem stuifed, even, of the same colour; gills thin,
crowded, reddish-yellow; milk white, then sulphur-coloured, at
length acrid.—Dr. Dj)zcr. p . 342. B u ll.t. 567, f . 2 . Kromhh. t.2 ,
f . 23, 24. Bolt. t. 9. Paul. t. 71. Ann. N .H . no. 704. Barla. t.
2 0 ,f . 14-16. Smith. P .M .f . 20.
In woods. [Umted States.]
Stem 1-2 in. long, 2-4 lin. thick, even, o fth e same colour as the pileus.
Pileus l 2-2i in. broad. Margin more or less thin, viscid, shining when dry,
reddish-tawny. Gills adnato-decurrent, about 1 lin. broad, thin, crowded,
ih e milk does not assume so bright a yellow tin t as in L. chryson-hmus.
6 0 4 . L a c ta r iu s c y a th u la . Fr. “ Cup-like Lactarius.”
Pileus fieshy, convexo-plane, nmbonate, at length depressed,
zoned, viscid, flesh-coloured, when dry rivulose, pallid, opaque;
stem stnffed, equal, p allid ; gills linear, narrow, crowded, wbite,
tben yellowish-flesh colour ; milk acrid, wbite, unchangeable.—
Syst. Myc.p. 66. B . 4 Br. Ann. N . Hist. 1865, no. 1016. Krapf.
i . 8 , / . 8 , 9 .
In woods. Aug. Aboyne.
Pileus plane, at length depressed or infundibuliform, l-)-2 in. across,
opaque, slightly viscid, obtuse or obscurely nmbonate, somewhat zoned, of
a pallid flesh colour ; stem spongy, stuffed, l i -2 in. high, J in. tbick, nearly
equal, at length compressed, shining, with a silky aspect; gills nariow,
crowded, of a yellowish-flesh colour, sub-decurrent; milk w hite, not changeable,
at lengrh acrid; smell somewhat like th at of bugs.—A. & Br.
Sect. 2. Pileus dry.
L a c ta iiu s zu fu s . 6 0 5 . Fr. “ Bed Laotarius.”
Pileus fleshy, umbonate, at length infundibuliform, dry, flocculose,
then becoming smootb, sbining, zoneless, dark-rufous;
stem stuffed, rufescent; gills crowded, ochraceous then rufous,
milk white, very acrid.—Fr. Epicr.p. 347. Lenz.f. W . KrorrM.
i. 39,/. 12-15. Paul.t. 69, bis. H u s s .i.t .15. Eng. F I . y .p .28.
Smith. P .M . f. 12.
In fir woods. Sept.
Pileus 3 in. broad, plano-convex, slightly or strongly umbonate, with a
depression round the nmbo as the plant advances, deep rufescent, adpresso-
tomentose, the margin slightly turned in and sub-striate, fleshy, firm, not
very brittle nor zoned; milk white, insupportably acrid, not changeable;
gills at first pale, then slightly rufescent, deourrent, here and there forked.
Stem 24 in. high, J in . thick, nearly equal, obtuse, firm, bearing a strong
pressure, rufescent, but hoary or mealy, turning brown when bruised, somewhat
stuflfed, at length partly hollow, base downy.—M. J . A. Spores scarcely
eohinulate, almost round, diameter -00024 in.
6 0 6 . L a c ta iiu s g ly c io sn x u s. Fr. “ Scented Lactarius.”
Pilens flesby, tbin, convexo-plane, somewbat umbonate, dry,
squamulose, lurid, opaque ; stem stuffed, tbin, pubescent, pallid;
gills crowded, yellowish-oobre ; milk acrid, white.—F r.E p ic r.p .
348. Eng. F l. y. p. 29. Krombh. t. 39, f . 16-18.
In fir woods. Sept. Oct.
Pileus 1-3 in. broad, more or less plane, often umbonate, various in colour,
li Y..YTTYYY Iy « - -yIy- A — — I * O__ _ 1 Iy 1 A I* - . . . . I
6 0 7 . L a c ta iiu s s e iif lu u s . Fr. “ Thin-juioed Laotariua,”
Pileus fleshy, plane, tben depressed, sub-flexuose, dry, smooth,
zoneless, brownish-tawny ; margin inflexed; stem solid, equal,
ratber incurved, paler, turning yellowish, as well as tbe crowded
gills; milk sparing, colour of serum.—F r.Epicr.p. 345. Krombh.
t. 4 0 ,/ 15,16. Berh. Outl. 1.1 3 , / 4.
In woods. Common.
Milk of a watery white-
Sect. 3. Pileus at first velvety.
6 0 8 . L a c ta iiu s fu lig in o su s . Fr. “ Dingy Laotarius.”
Pileus fleshy, soft, depressed, obtuse, very dry, zoneless, a t first
clouded with a dingy bloom, tben naked, cinereous tan-coloured;